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Amelie 10-12-2003 04:14 PM

The Future of Horror - Asia?
There's an article on CNN (click here for link) that talks about the Western popularity of Asian horror movies. The article says:


"For the average American cinemagoer, the world of Asia is extremely exotic and it represents a chance to look into a world that they will probably never visit," McAlpine said.
I think that's true. Asian horror movies like "Dial D For Demon" and even "The Eye" are more interesting because even when they use horror-movie cliches (kids on vacation being killed off one by one, ghosts, etc.), those cliches are in the context of a non-Western culture. That makes them more interesting to me, fresher somehow.

I think (for me, anyhow) part of the appeal of Asian horror movies is that Asian directors - especially Japanese - aren't afraid to be gruesome. Japanese movies are more violent in general than Western movies, so Japanese directors aren't bound by the same pseudo-moralism that American filmmakers face. The first scene in "Suicide Circle", for example, where dozens of schoolgirls jump in front of a subway train and blood splashes everywhere... there's NO way that would be made in the US.

Does anyone else watch/like Asian horror movies? What are your favorite ones? Why do you like them?

avenger00soul 10-12-2003 04:22 PM

Ringu was very awesome. I'm dying to see Versus and Battle Royale. And, I know it's not quite horror, but The Heroic Trio is one of the best fantasy films I've ever seen. Loved it.

SCREAMERatorX 10-12-2003 04:58 PM


I think that's true. Asian horror movies like "Dial D For Demon" and even "The Eye" are more interesting because even when they use horror-movie cliches (kids on vacation being killed off one by one, ghosts, etc.), those cliches are in the context of a non-Western culture. That makes them more interesting to me, fresher somehow.
i totally agree, Amelie..
I havnt seen any japanese horror:(
... im always keen 2 watch something different, interesting and meaningful.
whats 'the Eye' all about??

SCREAMERatorX 10-12-2003 05:10 PM

I definatly would not say that Asia is The Future of Horror!!
No country or culture is the future of anything....
The future of horror is becoming what we became,??:D

The Past created it, the Present is shaping it and
the Future is Undetermined.......or is IT! hhhmmmhhhheehaaa.

keeping in mind why we even watch horror movies

Amelie 10-13-2003 07:13 PM


Originally posted by avenger00soul
Ringu was very awesome. I'm dying to see Versus and Battle Royale. And, I know it's not quite horror, but The Heroic Trio is one of the best fantasy films I've ever seen. Loved it.
I really like the Asian fantasy films, like "Bride with White Hair". They're like crazy offshoots of the supernatural martial arts movies, which I also like. "Royale" is great. Haven't seen "Versus" yet. If you see it before me, let us know how it is!


Originally posted by SCREAMERatorX
i totally agree, Amelie..
I havnt seen any japanese horror:(
... im always keen 2 watch something different, interesting and meaningful.
whats 'the Eye' all about??

"The Eye" is about a blind chick who is able to see after a cornea transplant. Unfortunately, the corneas she is given enable her to see spirits. It's a really good and really scary movie.

Another good one is "Dark Water". It's made by the same guy who did "Ringu", but I like "Water" better. It's got a ghost theme as well.

There's some stupid Asian horror too, just like anywhere. "Uzumaki" is a super-well-filmed movie with a lot of cool effects, but ultimately pointless. And don't even bother with "Evil Dead Trap 2".

One of my favorite directors is a Japanese dude named Takeshi Miike. Most of his stuff is not what you'd call horror, but I think horror fans would like him. Check out his movie "Audition" - it's definitely horror, really brutal and scary.

Tony 10-13-2003 07:20 PM

I say bring em. Horror is horror.

Sean1605 10-14-2003 02:48 AM

Eh...I hated Ringu...and I hated the Ring even more. The Eye doesn't appeal to me in the least.

Versus was fucking awesome. Lots of gore and martial arts...can't beat that. *runs to watch Kill Bill again*

Battle Royale was great too, but I see it as more a Lord of the Flies type thing...and I wouldn't call that horror really, more drama since it is more about the social comment than the point of the violence. But I suppose horror relates to that, as a lot of it is social commentary, and could all be considered drama since it plays on our emotions.

ChaoticMinister 10-14-2003 10:53 AM

Best Movie out of Asia Ever?
Best Movie out of Asia Ever?

Riki-Oh!: The Story of Ricky

Cover Picture @ Amazon:

I know it's not really horror, per say, but it is filled with lots of senseless/absurd gore

Editorial Review@ Amazon:

One of the most absurdly violent films ever made, this outrageous comic book of a movie is short on style but makes up for it in sheer audacity and excess. Brooding street kid Ricky Ho (Fan Siu Wang, playing the part of avenging angel with self-righteous earnestness) walks into the corrupt corporate prison system with superpowered martial arts skills and proceeds to punch his way through every bullying thug and sadistic guard who comes his way. Literally. His fist puts a gaping hole through the stomach of a giant sumo-wrestler-sized thug and the jaw of a pompadoured bully, and turns the skull of a pathetic guard into a bloody stump. As Ricky becomes a hero to the downtrodden prisoners, the assistant warden (who keeps breath mints in his removable glass eye) organizes the dreaded "gang of four," the cell block gang leaders, to take Ricky down. Fat chance!

So bad, it's funny... sadly this film was made in earnest.

Honorary AZN Pride!


Ritualistic 11-10-2003 12:17 PM

Re: Best Movie out of Asia Ever?

Originally posted by ChaoticMinister
Best Movie out of Asia Ever?

Riki-Oh!: The Story of Ricky

Cover Picture @ Amazon:

I know it's not really horror, per say, but it is filled with lots of senseless/absurd gore

Editorial Review@ Amazon:

One of the most absurdly violent films ever made, this outrageous comic book of a movie is short on style but makes up for it in sheer audacity and excess. Brooding street kid Ricky Ho (Fan Siu Wang, playing the part of avenging angel with self-righteous earnestness) walks into the corrupt corporate prison system with superpowered martial arts skills and proceeds to punch his way through every bullying thug and sadistic guard who comes his way. Literally. His fist puts a gaping hole through the stomach of a giant sumo-wrestler-sized thug and the jaw of a pompadoured bully, and turns the skull of a pathetic guard into a bloody stump. As Ricky becomes a hero to the downtrodden prisoners, the assistant warden (who keeps breath mints in his removable glass eye) organizes the dreaded "gang of four," the cell block gang leaders, to take Ricky down. Fat chance!

So bad, it's funny... sadly this film was made in earnest.

Honorary AZN Pride!


fucking awesome flick.. as for my opinion of asian horror. I love it!! but I dont believe they are going to be the future of horror..
I like: junk, stacy, versus, the eye, and many more

Killer Clown#1 11-10-2003 01:13 PM

I hope Asian horror is not the future for horror I hate it imo. Since the ring came out we have been getting these fucked up little movies. Damn the ring:mad:

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