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MrShape 06-17-2004 10:28 AM

Just found out, it comes out on DVD in a few months. Hopefully it'll be a better release then Dreamwork's Ringu. Like I said somewhere else, they brightened up the print of this movie too much and it lost some of its power as a result. I'm hoping they don't do the same to Uzumaki.

zwoti 06-20-2004 09:14 AM

another classy asian horror film

Old Banyan Tree 09-06-2004 04:36 AM

any body whos checked out this flick. I really want this damn badly!

Sam The Egg 09-06-2004 04:45 AM

Okay, I got the part about you wanting Uzumaki, but that's all I could understand

cheebacheeba 09-06-2004 05:01 AM

Well Sam, it seems the whole point of this thread was to tell us, the people that HAD seen uzumaki, that he himself wanted to see it also.
As for a point beyond that, I'm also somewhat confused.

Sam The Egg 09-06-2004 11:05 AM

Or the first sentence may also be a butchered version of "Is there anybody else here who's seen this?"

Proteus 09-06-2004 12:54 PM

I really enjoyed it not as violent as most new wave asian horror flicks but still really interesting can't go wrong with snail people thats for sure.

Has anyone read Ito's Manga titles like GYO? are they any good?


Old Banyan Tree 09-10-2004 12:47 AM

sorry for the incomplete sentences!
well what i meant to say is that is there any one who could give a small review

Sam The Egg 09-10-2004 12:24 PM

Ok, very very small review:

Good story, decent acting, fantastic look, shit ending

Proteus 09-10-2004 06:23 PM

LOL nice Sam lol.....Ok here goes the storys pretty much about a town thats suffering from a strange virus/plague/thingy that ends up making everyone addicted/turn into sprial related stuff which pretty much remainds a mystery till the end! Very HP lovecraft influenced being that its a small lakeside town and that the towns inhabitants are under some sort of curse of sorts. It has some really neat imagry and some pretty cool death scenes but Isn't a gore hounds dream come true and is a little slower paced than most newer asian flicks hope that helps a little


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