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Sarah-Jane 11-01-2006 10:55 AM

Can anyone help?

I recently watched a J-horror movie, which was great, but I cannot remember the title. It had a young girl working in a supermarket, where the owners were dead. There was a crow involved, and some stereo-typical kilt-wearing schoolgirls. One of the schoolgirls got run over, I think.

Does this ring a bell to anyone, and if so, can you remind me of the title? I think I must have been drunk while I watched it.

Thanks folks.


zwoti 11-01-2006 10:59 AM



Sarah-Jane 11-01-2006 11:09 AM

Oh, thanks so much for that. I lent out about 5 of my Asian horror movies out, and that was one of them. The guy I lent them to has since left town, so I am having to replace them, and could not remember the title, for the life of me.

Off to shop now, as I want to replace that one.

Thanks again


slayer666 11-10-2006 12:20 PM

That sounds much better than the American crapfest of the same name with Christina Ricci in it.

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