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nicklord1 12-14-2008 12:20 AM

Nicklord's thread for everything related to movies
any plans for this movie to come on to dvd

nicklord1 12-14-2008 04:06 AM

opinions on these movies
The blind dead series
Zombie 4
zombie 5


Rodus 12-14-2008 09:03 AM

I've heard 2 conflicting reports on why it hasn't yet. 1st is that even D'amato didn't know who owned the rights to it when he died and as yet this is still the case. The 2nd is that an Italian company has picked up the rights to it but is asking for so much cash from overseas distributors that so far everyone has balked at paying a fortune for a film with such a limited audience. I gave up waiting and bought a VHS to DVD transfer on ebay a few months back for £5, not wonderful quality but totally watchable.
There was a German DVD uncut release a few years back as Antropophagus 2 but I suspect this was a bootleg job.

freddy69 12-14-2008 11:41 AM

havent seen them:eek:

nicklord1 12-14-2008 01:04 PM

Hi well lets hope it gets a release so a new generation will know of its existence.

The other 2 movies i am waiitnf for a dvd release are

Butcher baker nightmare maker and nightmare in a damaged brain

I am slowly getting round to updating my horror collection to dvd but its an ardious task.

Elvis_Christ 12-14-2008 04:01 PM

There's a R2 release of Nightmare in a Damaged Brain its probably OOP now tho I'm guessing.

Elvis_Christ 12-14-2008 04:07 PM

I've had a copy of Pieces sitting here for ahile but haven't got around to watching it. Any good?

Haven't checked out the other Zombie flicks unless I've watched them under a different name. Heard they were pretty average.

Rodus 12-15-2008 05:50 AM

^^The R2 UK version (Anchor Bay) is still cut. Nightmare Maker was taken of the DPP list yonks ago but AFAIK there's never been a DVD release on any region as it's a bloody awful film.

nicklord1 12-15-2008 07:43 AM

i thought the movie was one of the better ones of that era

Rodus 12-15-2008 07:45 AM

^^I'm possibly biased against it as I've only seen it on 5th gen pirate.

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