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_____V_____ 09-04-2013 08:25 AM

Who would win?
Assuming a hypothetical situation which happens in a parallel, post-Apocalyptic world where only these 3 groups of creatures survive, and all of humanity is gone.

With no other options to feed, they will have to turn on each other eventually.

hammerfan 09-04-2013 08:40 AM

I voted for werewolves. Zombies are too slow. Vampires are limited to moving around at night. Werewolves can find the vampires' lairs during the day and kill them. Plus, I think they're stronger than vampires.

The Villain 09-04-2013 08:41 AM

Werewolves. The way i figure it. One group of creatures can't turn another so there wouldn't be any restocking the ranks.

Zombies strength come from their large numbers and like the others, the ability to infect others. But like I've already established, they wouldn't be able to turn a werewolf or a vampire. Their large numbers wouldnt be a problem either because of the strength that werewolves and vampires have would easily allow them to dispose of the zombies.

Vampires would eventually grow weak without any human blood to drink, as I suppose vampires wouldn't get much strength from the blood of the dead. This would make them vulnerable to the werewolves.

The one flaw the werewolves have is that they are only at full strength during the full moon and would be susceptible to being ripped apart by zombies during the day and vampires at night. But due to their animal instincts, even in human form, the would easily be able to detect the rotting corpses of the dead and avoid them.

Plus they can hunt vampires during the day when they are at their most vulnerable.

realdealblues 09-04-2013 09:19 AM

Another vote for Werewolves.

In general they stand a better chance.

Of course there's a lot of variables you could throw in depending on what mythology you are following:

How many of each race are there (ie. A few hundred Wolves & Vamps vs. 1.5 Billion Zombies, etc)?
Slow zombies or fast aggressive zombies?
Can the wolves change at will or only during the full moon?
What can & can't the vampires do (ie. Change form, go out during the day, etc)?

Depending on the ground rules for each governing class, my vote might change.

MichaelMyers 09-04-2013 10:04 AM

I voted werewolves, but wish to change my vote to vampires. Vampires, while they do not have the brute strength of your average werewolf, make up for it in cunning and telepathic powers.

Excellent question, V.

_____V_____ 09-04-2013 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by realdealblues (Post 956218)
How many of each race are there (ie. A few hundred Wolves & Vamps vs. 1.5 Billion Zombies, etc)?
Slow zombies or fast aggressive zombies?
Can the wolves change at will or only during the full moon?
What can & can't the vampires do (ie. Change form, go out during the day, etc)?

Zombies - Mindless, hungry abominations whose numbers can be pretty overwhelming. Individuals, well, you can kick their asses.
Strength in numbers.
Vulnerability = brain damage, otherwise ripped to pieces.

Werewolves - Kick a mean punch when transformed, with claws, teeth and muscle. When not transformed, a completely different creature. Full moon best suited, otherwise...?
Strength in strength, but (ONLY) when transformed. Out of transformation, maybe thinking, but not as cunning as the vampires.
Vulnerability = silver bullets, pretty easy fodder when out of transformation.

Vampires - Can use the night to their overwhelming advantage, intelligence, ability to think and chalk out strategies/plans, transform into bats, rats, fog, wind, can cause mass hypnosis, can cause damage during day time too IF they are not sleeping AND dodge the sunlight.
Strength in mind power, rational thinking, all of the above.
Vulnerability = sunlight, crosses/holy water, stakes driven through heart, might need to doze during day.

Even in a few numbers, I think the guys in cloaks with sharp canine teeth hold the aces here, even when facing werewolves in thousands, and zombies in millions.

I have to go against the flow. Vampires for me.

Sicknero 09-04-2013 11:18 AM

It's a great question :-D

Been thinking it over for a while, but I have to agree with Realdealblues; without more info regarding the ground rules it's an impossible descision. There's so much disparity in the strengths and weaknesses of these three groups in films, never mind in literature and folklore and mythology, that the question could be settled in favour of any group depending on what attributes you choose to give them.

Having said that, for me it's a toss-up between vampires and werewolves. My initial reaction is to vote for vampires, but I think that's just bias because I'd far rather be one than a werewolf. Vote pending, awaiting more data :-)

*Edit - Your post popped up while I was writing mine V. Processing...

Straker 09-04-2013 12:00 PM

Zombies always win in the end....



realdealblues 09-04-2013 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 956224)
Zombies - Mindless, hungry abominations whose numbers can be pretty overwhelming. Individuals, well, you can kick their asses.
Strength in numbers.
Vulnerability = brain damage, otherwise ripped to pieces.

Werewolves - Kick a mean punch when transformed, with claws, teeth and muscle. When not transformed, a completely different creature. Full moon best suited, otherwise...?
Strength in strength, but (ONLY) when transformed. Out of transformation, maybe thinking, but not as cunning as the vampires.
Vulnerability = silver bullets, pretty easy fodder when out of transformation.

Vampires - Can use the night to their overwhelming advantage, intelligence, ability to think and chalk out strategies/plans, transform into bats, rats, fog, wind, can cause mass hypnosis, can cause damage during day time too IF they are not sleeping AND dodge the sunlight.
Strength in mind power, rational thinking, all of the above.
Vulnerability = sunlight, crosses/holy water, stakes driven through heart, might need to doze during day.

Even in a few numbers, I think the guys in cloaks with sharp canine teeth hold the aces here, even when facing werewolves in thousands, and zombies in millions.

I have to go against the flow. Vampires for me.

I think you gave the vamps an unfair advantage there.

I guess Vamps to me are only as smart as their human counterpart was before being turned. Same goes for the Wolves. I don't think becoming a Vampire automatically makes you "cunning" or "rational". Your senses will be heightened and you have new abilities but (in my mind at least) you don't automatically know the "Art Of War" just because your "sire" read the book.

Same for Werewolves, Lucian from Underworld wasn't a dumb Werewolf, he was pretty much smarter than all the Vamps. Same in lots of other movies. They may dumb down or become more animal like in The Wolf Man, but Lawrence Talbot was still an intelligent human being when out of transformation.

Going by your criteria V, I would give the edge to Vampires.

But if there are 10 Vampires in the center of a battlefield surrounded by 1 million fast vicious zombies in the style of WWZ. I'd take the Zombies.

Sicknero 09-04-2013 12:52 PM

Given that a vampire can conceivably live for many centuries, I'd have to argue that some degree of intelligence, or at least some enhanced common sense, woud be a result of that. Whereas afaik werewolves have no such extra time.

Having said that though, there have been some famously stupid/slow vampires in modern culture. Or even the vampire-with-a-conscience would arguably be less of a threat in this final battle.

Numbers is another thing yes... 10 vs. 1 million indeed but that's somewhat arbitrary. I'm thinking for instance of the Matheson novel where vampires are definitely in the majority.

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