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Roiffalo 12-28-2016 12:31 AM

Movie night, anyone?
I always loved the event of getting together to watch a movie with friends and talk about it afterwords. Or during. It depends on the film but I digress.

We've tried a few movie nights in the past, and I'd like to try and bring that back. Once a week, maybe twice depending on schedules, we pick a movie at random and play it on a special player where everyone can watch it at the same time with a chat open to talk to each other during the film or after.

It'll be like the movie topic that Sculpt created except instead of watching a movie at our own leisure and commenting about it after, we'll be doing it in real time. Opinions on what movies and day/time we should do it are welcome. As default the movies will probably be vintage or classic types unless there are demand for others. Day and time likely a weekend since that's when most availability is.

Examples of what to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...Xlbfg5ByJV48xI

The theater: https://www.watch2gether.com/

If you don't think I'm seriously serious about this, I already have a room made and our first movie picked out.

Just FYI.

DeadbeatAtDawn 12-28-2016 02:32 AM

I'm in!

Sounds wonderful..

hammerfan 12-28-2016 02:36 AM

I like this idea. When Chrono did this a couple years ago. We watched while Skyping. That was fun, too.

Roiffalo 12-28-2016 05:00 PM

Great! I hope a few of you join, even if it's a movie you've seen or don't particularly care for, just come for the conversation. I think it'd be a good opportunity to get to get to know HDC better. 8)

For our first movie I was thinking Rosemary's Baby (1968). Because I have not seen it yet and I know at least one of you finds it blasphemous. ::big grin::
But I'm open for suggestions and/or comments on what to watch.

For when to watch I'm considering Friday at 10 (EST), again let me know your opinions. If there is a better time for everyone I'll be glad to accommodate the best I can. I'm aware there are different timezones to consider so I'll just leave this link here in case anyone needs it. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1022872)
I like this idea. When Chrono did this a couple years ago. We watched while Skyping. That was fun, too.

I considered Skype, but the site I have set up for the movie has a chat box where you can set a name without an account. It'll be less of a hassle I think.

(I do have a skype though if anyone wants it. It's my facebook name with a "." instead of a space.)

DeadbeatAtDawn 12-28-2016 05:25 PM

Okay, thats 9 pm for me here in Chicago.

Roiffalo 12-29-2016 07:16 PM

Reminder about movie night!

I'd like to start tomorrow. I'll post a reminder and link before air time, I hope some of you will be there, if not, well at least I'll have one more classic off my list of must sees. ::big grin::

hammerfan 12-30-2016 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Roiffalo (Post 1022913)
Reminder about movie night!

I'd like to start tomorrow. I'll post a reminder and link before air time, I hope some of you will be there, if not, well at least I'll have one more classic off my list of must sees. ::big grin::

What time?

BTW, LOVE your avatar!!! ::love::

Roiffalo 12-30-2016 05:49 PM

Movie in 10-ish minutes!! Sorry I'm posting so late, but I just got home. Hope to see one or two of you there. ::smile::


Tonight's feature: Rosemary's Baby


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1022915)
What time?

BTW, LOVE your avatar!!! ::love::

In about ten minutes actually. I'll try to hit you up on Facebook.

Thanks! I have such a soft spot for Roddy. ::embarrassment::

Repo'd 12-31-2016 08:19 AM

This is a wickedly grand idea!

Roiffalo 12-31-2016 09:13 PM

For next week I'm considering Ginger Snaps, unless enough of you come up with another option and agree to it. That'll be Friday at 10pm (EST), 1/6/17.


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1022977)
This is a wickedly grand idea!

I knew you would approve. ::wink::

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 05:19 PM.