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-   -   would be awesome if anyone knows the name of this old 80's b-movie that I saw... (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35378)

mamboboy 09-04-2008 02:35 PM

would be awesome if anyone knows the name of this old 80's b-movie that I saw...
Hi guys! :)

Right, so a few years back the local video rental store was renting out old/rubbish movies for 50p each.
My friend and I browsed for the worst/cheesiest one we could find. It was the type of movie that's so bad its good (i.e. Troll 2).
So now we'll occasionally bring up the movie, but we can never remember the name - here's where i'm hoping some of you movie buffs might come in handy!

Some parts I remember:

-It was made in the 80's
-It was a horror set in South America/Mexico, possibly during some 'day of the dead' festival.
-A group of people (Americans maybe?) go to this village in a small tour bus
-There's one scene where somebody gets killed - their decapitated head then gets thrown through a basketball hoop
-There was one line in the film where the main bad guy says, "I don't like killing...that much!" (followed by an evil laugh)
-The end 'fight' involves the bad guy manifesting into a claymation dinosaur

Not a lot to go by, i'm sure my friend can remember some more scenes but I haven't got a clue where he is at the moment.
So am I pulling at straws? Anyone seen this?!

neverending 09-04-2008 05:52 PM

Please post about modern horror movies in the modern horror forum.

crabapple 09-06-2008 05:39 AM

Yeah...since it was made after 1969, it should go in Modern Horror.

Sounds quite a bit like it was "The Laughing Dead," though. Somtow's movie.

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