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Morningriser 04-19-2019 09:47 PM

Child's Play (2019)
Despite the drastic downfall with each movie from the previous Series, this actually looks like it could be a lot of fun! And unlike most horror movie remakes, it brings something new to the story to fit in with present.

cheebacheeba 04-19-2019 11:10 PM


Despite the drastic downfall with each movie from the previous Series
To be honest I think the last couple curse/cult? were quite alright...and hope to see some kind of follow up or resolution to that...and I'm hoping this movie doesn't mean that we won't get one.

It was Childs Play 3, (but mainly) Bride and Seed that took the series into a dumbshit direction in the first place, pandering to the scream/parody fans of the late 90s/early 00's, in my mind.


And unlike most horror movie remakes, it brings something new to the story to fit in with present.
Although, a lot of times a movie does this, with the technology of the time it can either be considered gimmicky, and when you watch it 5 years later, or even 10 years later...well...I mean look at "hackers" right?
Though, if a balance is reached where it's used, but not OVER used, yes that could work for it.
I do like the idea of the entity being able to body-hop, for one (in fact, that's one thing I didn't like about the last film...duplication...body hopping fine, but nobody should be able to be multiple things at once) and that there's a chance at some kinds of interesting technology based kills and/or surveillance...but if it's the whole thing...yeah, "too much" will spoil it.

Wondering if they'll stick with the name/history of the original killer Charles Lee Ray, or are we going to have an actual NEW new Chucky?
I'm sure Hamill won't let us down. I don't need it to sound just like Brad Dourif, but I'm hoping he does a better job than the new Freddy.

Gotta say...I do not really buy Aubrey Plaza as someone that could create and sustain the life of a child, but hey...

I'd like to see the new Chucky actually succeed. Maybe not with Andy, but with someone. Although then, what would be the point eh? Unless they intend to make this a one off.

So it seems like we have elements of Childs Play and Chopping Mall. Ok.

I mean, I'll be seeing it either way - but waiting for BluRay...sadly, I am no longer prepared to try to watch horror at the cinema, honestly I'll just end up killing someone...that Joker guy probably just wanted to watch a movie in peace.

Morningriser 04-20-2019 08:17 AM

Aubrey Plaza is in this and she plays a child? I must have missed that. she seems like a really cool chick and I like her personality and I think she's hot but she's got the acting range of Kristen Stewart so I couldn't really see that working out right, but who knows?

And yeah, I will admit the modern technology twist is getting a bit used up but the point is at least it's bringing something new to the franchise rather than some animated 2ft doll running around killing people however he can. I mean the last two movies I thought were terrible! The Jennifer Tilly scene in curse made absolutely no sense, and her presents in cult seemed just as cheesy. I thought the air Candice scene was pretty cool and creative but otherwise I didn't like it. Bride of Chucky is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me but Seed of Chucky was also pretty bad I thought. As for the original Three, I love the first one and the second one made me feel a little uneasy, but the third was also pretty cheesy.

Like all the others, I'll probably give this one a try when it hits Netflix or something, but I'd like to think it's going to be a little better than what we normally get.

cheebacheeba 04-20-2019 03:11 PM


Aubrey Plaza is in this and she plays a child?
Nono, I was saying she's the mother.


Gotta say...I do not really buy Aubrey Plaza as someone that could create and sustain the life of a child, but hey...
as in "as a mother". I just do not think so.

Morningriser 04-20-2019 03:53 PM

I must have read that wrong. I thought you were saying she was playing a child.

I feel like either she's trying to force herself to be a comedian of sorts or the film studios are, but I could see her Shine the most playing dramatic roles in horror or suspense films. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I mean she couldn't be any worse than the mother in the original who did all right for the role, but it was still a generic role none the less.

cheebacheeba 04-20-2019 04:54 PM

You know...there's this video on line with her pleasuring herself?
Not the one that it's a scene in a movie, like a legit masturbation type video.

I have had the dvd of a movie she was in called "life after Beth" for some time now, I'd like to see that one.

I don't hate her at all...I think she just plays weird/quirky a bit too much...which is probably why, sadly, I can't see her in any other kind of role.
We'll see though. I mean it's horror. Today. Not really sure how high I should set my expectations.

Morningriser 04-20-2019 08:47 PM

I honestly could see her playing a damn good Psychopathic crazy chick. No I didn't know about the masturbation video. I'm going to go look that shit up now.

HorrorFan4Ever 02-08-2020 02:39 PM

It's another remake of the original i wouldn't want see it cause thr original is way better

NightOfTheLiving_Sam 03-11-2020 12:08 PM

I will always love the original, the remake though wasn't that bad at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

classic_horror_fan 04-11-2020 04:01 AM

This is one of the few remakes of classic horror films from recent years that I actually like. ::cool::

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