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idoneus1957 05-08-2018 06:51 AM

horror movies on cable
I am glad that Comcast Cable in New Haven shows a lot of vintage horror movies in prime time. Last night the listings showed Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein. They even gave Frankenstein four stars. Recognition at last.

This is a true story. I was talking to a co-worker, a 25 year old woman. When I mentioned Boris Karloff, she asked me who that was. I said, meaning to be sarcastic, "I suppose you never heard of Bela Lugosi either!"
She hadn't.
Sheesh! People who don't recognize the name Bela Lugosi are still making fun of his Hungarian accent. "I vant to drink your blood!"

When my high school teacher saw that I was reading Dracula, by Bram Stoker, she told me I was reading cheap popular trash. (This was back in the 1970s). There is a new edition out of the novel, a Signet Classic, and it has "Signet Classic" right on the front cover. I wish I could get in a time machine and go back and show it to that teacher. "See? I told you it was a classic."

LuvablePsycho 07-13-2018 06:23 AM

Funny how when I was reading Dracula back in High School my teacher admired me for reading a classic piece of writing. Of course this was back in the early 2000's.

I never actually watched the movie starring Boris Karloff, but I have seen Nosferatu many times which is one of my top favorite black and white horror movies. In some ways I feel like Nosferatu was better than the book because it left out the unnecessary stuff like vampire hunting. It was actually Harker's wife Nina who put an end to Dracula's horror by offering herself to save her husband and destroy the vampire with sunlight.

Sculpt 07-16-2018 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1030872)
I am glad that Comcast Cable in New Haven shows a lot of vintage horror movies in prime time. Last night the listings showed Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein. They even gave Frankenstein four stars. Recognition at last.

This is a true story. I was talking to a co-worker, a 25 year old woman. When I mentioned Boris Karloff, she asked me who that was. I said, meaning to be sarcastic, "I suppose you never heard of Bela Lugosi either!"
She hadn't.
Sheesh! People who don't recognize the name Bela Lugosi are still making fun of his Hungarian accent. "I vant to drink your blood!"

When my high school teacher saw that I was reading Dracula, by Bram Stoker, she told me I was reading cheap popular trash. (This was back in the 1970s). There is a new edition out of the novel, a Signet Classic, and it has "Signet Classic" right on the front cover. I wish I could get in a time machine and go back and show it to that teacher. "See? I told you it was a classic."

That is scary... a 25-year-old not knowing Boris Karloff or Bela Lugosi. They aren't from our era either, it's not like we grew up in the 30s and the 25-year-old didn't. But it gets worse.

A buddy of mine and I were checking out at a regular store, and our cashier was a cool looking 20-something heavy set chic. We were joking around with her and talking about films, and it got a around to my buddy saying, "it's like someone not knowing who Alfred Hitchcock is..." and cashier had never heard of him... ::EEK!:: Again, it's not like Hitchcock was releasing films when I was alive, but I still knew who he was when I was her age.

Unfortunately, there are more important things than Hitchcock, Karloff and Lugosi that Americans don't know... I watched this vid on youtube where 90% of the Virginia Tech college students, that a fellow student interviewed, didn't know who won the American Civil War. ::roll eyes::

LuvablePsycho 07-17-2018 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1032203)
Unfortunately, there are more important things than Hitchcock, Karloff and Lugosi that Americans don't know... I watched this vid on youtube where 90% of the Virginia Tech college students, that a fellow student interviewed, didn't know who won the American Civil War.::roll eyes::

I know plenty of Americans who don't realize that the Nazis were not actually communists. ::big grin::

Also I once had a teacher who refused to believe that dinosaurs ever existed because they weren't mentioned in the Bible.

Like I have said before American education sucks.

Sculpt 07-17-2018 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho (Post 1032205)
I know plenty of Americans who don't realize that the Nazis were not actually communists. ::big grin::

Also I once had a teacher who refused to believe that dinosaurs ever existed because they weren't mentioned in the Bible.

Like I have said before American education sucks.

She so silly! Actually, there is a dinosaur mentioned in the bible at Job 40:15, but most consider the book allegorical.

Germany's National Socialist party (Nazi) and the concurrent Soviet Union's party were actually very similar. But that's probably not were their confusion comes in. ::big grin::

LuvablePsycho 07-17-2018 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1032220)
She so silly! Actually, there is a dinosaur mentioned in the bible at Job 40:15, but most consider the book allegorical.

Germany's National Socialist party (Nazi) and the concurrent Soviet Union's party were actually very similar. But that's probably not were their confusion comes in. ::big grin::

I think that the (mostly older) Americans thought that anybody who was their enemy or dared to disagree with how they were doing things was a communist. ::stick out tongue::

idoneus1957 07-18-2018 07:03 AM

this has a little horror movie stuff
Not recognizing the names Lugosi, Karloff, or Hitchcock...
Try the name William Shakespeare on the next kid you meet. I am afraid of what the response might be.

One time in a bar my sister told a boy she didn't like sports. He said she was a Communist.

LuvablePsycho 07-18-2018 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1032239)
Not recognizing the names Lugosi, Karloff, or Hitchcock...
Try the name William Shakespeare on the next kid you meet. I am afraid of what the response might be.

One time in a bar my sister told a boy she didn't like sports. He said she was a Communist.

I think nowadays Americans use the term "terrorist" to describe anybody that they feel threaten by. ::stick out tongue::

idoneus1957 08-23-2018 06:59 AM

What's more important?
What? Somebody thinks that the Civil War is more important than Karloff and Lugosi? They should be kicked off this forum.

LuvablePsycho 08-23-2018 08:27 AM

I know this is getting off topic but I don't understand why Americans take such pride in fighting that war. They were killing their own people over a disagreement in one of the bloodiest wars in American history so I'd think that they should be more ashamed of that. Also I just don't get why people from the South go around waving a Confederate flag in one hand and an American flag in the other. What an oxymoron...

Ok I'm done with being off topic now I promise. ::stick out tongue::

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