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nine9 04-21-2004 05:46 PM

OK, WORST Horror movie EVER, 1970 on......
What do you people think is the WORST horror you've ever seen, possibly even walking out of the theatre on?

There are so many precious little jewels......... it could make a great thread!

Sorry if you have all done this before, but I haven't seen it . If so just humor me!

I walked out on GHOST SHIP in the theatre, and felt the same a couple of mths ago when it was on TV. SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO BBBBBAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

And by the way, I WILL WATCH ALMOST ANYTHING, so this MUST have been BAD!

hellfire1 04-21-2004 07:22 PM

i actually walked out on blade. thought it was complete rubbish. was pleasantly surprised with blade 2 though. waiting to see what blade : trinity will be like... but it has jessica biel in it... already a couple of points lost there :p

nine9 04-21-2004 07:32 PM

Hi there!
Just curious why did you walk out?

Wasn't a fan of this myself.
Interested in your viewpoint!

hellfire1 04-21-2004 07:39 PM

i thought the cgis or special effects or whatever were just horrible... almost laughable. and the whole movie just looked like one big video game, or a video you would see on mtv. such a shame since i'm a big fan of the comic.

i never got to see nor have i heard of ghost ship. that bad ??

nine9 04-21-2004 07:54 PM

Oh you have no idea how bad!

One day if it comes on TV at 4AM, you should watch it just to feel grateful that better movies have been made and it did not turn away horror fans from ever going to see another again... that bad.

I agree with you on Blade. Although I am a horror fan, I am not a big vampire fan anyway. Tey just don't scare me. Sorry I can't help it. I do like some campy ones though. I also really liked the book Salem's Lot and thought it was pretty creepy!
Don't want to offend you vampire people, but Dark Shadows just gave me a whole other perspective, and it was funny.

Let's Scare Jessica To Death is a creepy one though. Earlier than my generation .

For the record...... I like a story that is so original that I couldn't have thought of it myself. To me, that is a good movie!

hellfire1 04-21-2004 08:04 PM

yeah. i get your point. vampire movies don't scare me either just because they are always romanticized, imo. vampires are almost always depicted as sensual beings ( thank u anne rice :p ), so it's pretty hard to be scared of that !

nine9 04-21-2004 08:17 PM

Boy, you are so right......

I am so not a sentimental type so this does not really appeal to me. My hubby is more that way than me even.

But...... I do respect the vampire fans, they are such a big part of our wonderful little horror community!

I like Ghosty things!

hellfire1 04-21-2004 08:26 PM

i had my period of being a big vampire fan, but got to the point when, like bloodrayne says, wanted my horror to be horrific. nowadays, that's pretty hard to find.

ghost stories are always spooky... but even they blow now ! i almost wanted to leave the theatre while watching gothika... hated it with a passion !

hellfire1 04-21-2004 08:32 PM

almost 7 am here. i'm off to bed ! nice talking to you nine 9 !;)

nine9 04-22-2004 11:04 AM

Gothika was too dark. It was almost impossible to see anything even in supposed daylight. That hospital was really unbelievable too. Too many holes in this movie.

But then..... I never liked Hally Barry.

I agree that they are just not making enough really good horrors lately.

Have you seen the Eye though? That is a good one!

Have to go back to work soon. Now THAT can be scary!

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