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Bearded_Menace 08-08-2014 05:04 PM

Rob Zombie's 31 (2015?)
Just came across this interview where Rob talks about his upcoming movie, 31. Just a heads up, I found the format of the interview to be a bit unnecessary and irritating but nevertheless I'm still interested in this movie. Rob isn't perfect but aside from El Superbeasto I still find a lot to like in his movies as a horror fan. What are your thoughts? Looking forward to it? What do you expect the end product will look like?


knife_fight 08-09-2014 04:13 AM

This is the same video from his crowdfunding site.

I'll probably see it. The only movies he's done that I've completely avoided were the Halloween remakes. I'm not a huge fan, but I have found his past flicks to be entertaining.
It's funny, to me, how he keeps insisting that this is an "original" idea and an "original" movie, when the "Most Dangerous Game" idea has been done a bazillion times. This one, in particular, sounds the most like "Slashers", which actually wasn't too terrible.

Bearded_Menace 08-09-2014 02:02 PM

Ah, I didn't know about his crowd funding. This was the first I'd heard of it so I guess I'm a bit out of the loop haha. I actually liked his first Halloween remake but the second one isn't good. And ya it's far from an original idea.

Giganticface 08-14-2014 12:09 PM

You know I'll watch it!

Baron Von Marlon 08-14-2014 06:17 PM

I have some doubts after The Lords Of Salem but I like Devil's Rejects and the first Halloween remake so I'll probably give it a go.
His scripts might not always be that good but the man knows how to make a movie.

Damn Heathen 08-24-2014 04:14 AM

Stylistically, Lords was a step in the right direction for Rob. Now, combine that style with the mayhem of TDR, and you just might have something. Everything I've seen so far about 31 reminds me of The Insane Clown Posse for some reason (from a music video perhaps), so that doesn't bode well for me liking this movie. ::EEK!::

RAYKE 08-28-2014 03:43 PM

Rob Zombie's 31
Lords of Salem was definitely great in terms of style, BUT the story didn't follow through as well for me. I loved House of 1000 Corpses and the Devil's Rejects and the first Halloween movie. I'm excited about 31. If you get a chance check out the crowd funding prizes, they are amazing.

tfantasy 08-31-2014 12:54 PM

I will watch it even though I despise Lords of Salem. I hope it's along the lines of House of 1,000 Corpses.

utahman1971 10-17-2014 06:13 PM

After watching the remake of Halloween, and seeing that Halloween 2 sucked, and Lords of Salem sucked too. I can't watch any more Rob Zombie movies. He needs to stick to music. I love his music, but his movies are another story altogether.

Baron Von Marlon 10-20-2014 09:12 PM

Some new info on the movie from a new Rob Zombie interview.
I'm still not sure what to expect but I think it could be good.

Full interview at

Your past films have been pretty brutal and gritty. Is that the approach you’re going for with 31? How would you describe it?

I would say, out of all my films, this is going to be the most brutal. It’s pretty intense, it’s pretty humorless, and it’s pretty all-out.

Okay. Well is there anything you can tell us about 31 that you haven’t teased yet?

I don’t know if I’ve said this yet…but I love the look and feel of The Devil’s Rejects. For me, that’s the type of filmmaking that I really love. With Lords of Salem, I wanted to do something different, that was appropriate to the story. But this is more (in The Devil’s Rejects) vein and the movie is set in 1976, so it’s a full-on, nasty ‘70s movie.

Do you think you could see 31 becoming a franchise?

The set-up of the story definitely could be told over and over and over. I don’t want to give too much away but, I don’t know if I would even be interested in making it a franchise. I’m always moving on to the next idea, you know? But it definitely has the potential to be one. Who knows?

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