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Dr. Jose 07-14-2015 10:59 AM

"Creep" (2015) MOVIE REVIEW

jessica900 07-15-2015 03:15 AM

Review of creep
In Creep, a found footage two-hander starring mumblecore innovator Mark Duplass (Baghead, Cyrus, FX's The League) and Patrick Brice (director of this year's much-ballyhooed The Overnight), the trope of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" is made almost hilariously literal. The titular creep is not a mustachioed guy in a windowless van, but rather the guy who will not stop talking to you on the subway. We're talking the kind of guy who conveys sensitivity and cuddliness in ways that can not help but feel calculated, a mask for something malevolent or, even worse, sociopathic. Oh, and sometimes he wears a terrifying wolf mask.

orsongalore 07-28-2015 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by jessica900 (Post 997458)
In Creep, a found footage two-hander starring mumblecore innovator Mark Duplass (Baghead, Cyrus, FX's The League) and Patrick Brice (director of this year's much-ballyhooed The Overnight), the trope of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" is made almost hilariously literal. The titular creep is not a mustachioed guy in a windowless van, but rather the guy who will not stop talking to you on the subway. We're talking the kind of guy who conveys sensitivity and cuddliness in ways that can not help but feel calculated, a mask for something malevolent or, even worse, sociopathic. Oh, and sometimes he wears a terrifying wolf mask.

LOL. Nicely done, Jessica900. Creep would make a good double header with Freeway.

occulum 11-12-2015 02:44 PM

nice review which is spot on how it hit me.
I stopped watching 10min in first time, but came back and finished it. Ive watched it probably 4-5 times now.
Instant classic for me.

Morningriser 11-12-2015 03:22 PM

It was a good film but the ending was just stupid and the idiot got what he deserved for being so stupid.

occulum 11-12-2015 03:41 PM

i thought the ending made the movie.
Just like the review above states the guy's good intentions cost him.

Ive gotten several non-horror fans to watch it by telling them there isn't a drop of blood in the entire movie. They've all had that "WTF moment" when then end hits. I think it does exactly what they wanted it to.

Morningriser 11-12-2015 03:44 PM

yeah but after what that guy had went through the entire time he seems so naïve to the point where it was oversold the way he reacted. That's really the only complaint I have, otherwise it is a great film.

Jake.Ashworth 11-13-2015 03:31 AM

I agree with Morning, I watched it all the way through expecting more, the ending actually killed it for me. Only in Cali... Here in Texas he would have gone to the meeting armed and he sure as hell wouldn't have sat where he could be blind sided. My problem was this... And I might be thinking to hard about it, but how would he know he was going to sit at that bench? Who sits in what seems to be a very quiet park and doesn't here this guy come up behind him not very sneaky like. HOW THE HELL DID NO ONE SEE ALL OF THIS!?!?!?!? It just doesn't seem very plausible and in not being plausible it lost me.

occulum 11-13-2015 08:00 AM

Definitely agree that him even showing up at all to the park was a stupid move. Along with never realizing someone comes up behind him.

I kind of gloss over it since gullible people doing stupid things is pretty much a requirement for 98% of horror movies.
Actually that same thing kills a lot of people in daily life. ::big grin::

Morningriser 11-13-2015 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jake.Ashworth (Post 1005629)
I agree with Morning, I watched it all the way through expecting more, the ending actually killed it for me. Only in Cali... Here in Texas he would have gone to the meeting armed and he sure as hell wouldn't have sat where he could be blind sided. My problem was this... And I might be thinking to hard about it, but how would he know he was going to sit at that bench? Who sits in what seems to be a very quiet park and doesn't here this guy come up behind him not very sneaky like. HOW THE HELL DID NO ONE SEE ALL OF THIS!?!?!?!? It just doesn't seem very plausible and in not being plausible it lost me.

And not only did the guy walk up on him, through grass, but he stood there for a minute, put the mask on and reached in his coat for the axe and crept up to him. deaf person would have noticed that. Also considering the guy was terrorizing him all that time and scaring the guy mad and yet he is brought to tears by that video? The way he reacted in previous scenes when he was at the man's house tell me he would not buy into that video let alone cry. At the end of the movie with his camera sitting in his car we could hear the guy moving so why couldn't he? I get people in horror movies are dumb but this goes beyond the laws of what can be ridiculous and what can just be insanely bad writing.

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