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Leslie Daher 03-11-2005 10:15 AM

What's with all the remakes?
I've been to the movies recently and saw "Constantine" and "Be Cool"
I saw the trailers for the new HOUSE OF WAX and AMITYVILLE and was feeling a bit flustered. I guess the thought of a remake is cool b/c you can update the special effects and what not, but are remakes really any better than the original? I saw the new TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and I've heard that a remake of HALLOWEEN is in the works (which in my opinion is career suicide for anyone who attempts to remake that classic) and it leaves me feeling flat. Am I wrong?

Vodstok 03-11-2005 10:18 AM


bloodrayne 03-11-2005 10:19 AM

No new ideas...

Apparently, it's much easier to (attempt to) improve on an already existing idea...Rather than actually come up with something new, all on your own...:rolleyes:

Leslie Daher 03-11-2005 10:30 AM

i'm not really asking what movies SHOULD be remade...i'm saying should they be remade at all. HALLOWEEN is a classic, TCM classic....is hollywood so idea bankrupt that they've got to keep making the same old crap over and over. i mean, by the time some of us are 40 how many versions of TCM are there going to be? do we really need to keep finding movies for PARIS star in? i've said it before and i'll say it again-why can't they just come up w/ new ideas? how many of us here have great movie ideas? HELLO!

ENTITY2000 03-11-2005 10:38 AM

what's with this pointless thread why didn't
you just write thisunder remakes? come up
w/ something more original.:p

Gren the cake 03-11-2005 10:40 AM

it could be bad fuckin ass if theyd do it right

example. theres bunches of people that wouldnt even bother touchin the shit cuz its so old. myself included. yeh they were kinda neat but a bit slow running at times and corny. slow running as in just boring, not fitting

kinda like music sampling. some people think its 'stealing' but fact is it opens up music to people who wouldnt listen to it otherwise. alien ant farms rendition of 'annie' by michael jackson. sure theres gonan be some fools that are angered by it but fact is 1) they r getting royalties 2) a lot of these people are nothing right now, and its this sampling thats getting people to loook at them again

but ya. for the most part, the horror remakes are bloody fuckin horrid. SUCKS!!! in the end its money. all this money and fuckin resources they could use to make it kick fuckin ass and all they can think of is gettin shitty actors with a shitty story yad yada..

BlackWolf 03-11-2005 11:26 AM


kinda like music sampling. some people think its 'stealing' but fact is it opens up music to people who wouldnt listen to it otherwise. alien ant farms rendition of 'annie' by michael jackson. sure theres gonan be some fools that are angered by it but fact is 1) they r getting royalties 2) a lot of these people are nothing right now, and its this sampling thats getting people to loook at them again
Hate to be a pain in the ass(o.k. I really do love bieng one), but the song is accutually called "Smooth Criminal", not "Annie".

IDrinkYourBlood 03-11-2005 11:53 AM

This thread is created at least once every two months.

Vodstok 03-11-2005 12:06 PM

"Remade" as it were.

ItsAlive75 03-11-2005 12:38 PM


Originally posted by Vodstok
"Remade" as it were.
You clever duck.:D

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