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doctor satan 07-05-2007 05:32 AM

The Darkness
Just started playing this on PS3. Looks & plays a bit like Max Payne but with horror elements in the game. Only been playing for an hour or so but really impressed so far.

Phalanx 07-06-2007 05:06 AM

If you like it, you should check out the comic (no, not the promotional one they've been releasing around the game) that came out about 10 years ago, upon which it's largely based.
I remember it being pretty good - should be able to find lots of back issues in dc++ and/or soulseek.
The game looks ok...very fluid, just not really my type of game personally, I prefer that kinda stuff on pc, and by the look of it, it'll be a while before I can run something like that.

Good call on the ps3 though, damn finest system out right now.

doctor satan 07-06-2007 05:33 AM

Yeah i was thinking of checking out the comic. You can unlock the comics in the game by various acheivements which i've done but when you view them theres no zoom facility so you can't read the dialogue , pretty pointless really......

newb 07-06-2007 10:08 AM

Just started to play this one myself. Have it for the 360. So far its pretty good.

doctor satan 07-06-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 614297)
Just started to play this one myself. Have it for the 360. So far its pretty good.

Apart from its on the 360! Muaah! let the flame wars commence!

newb 07-06-2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by doctor satan (Post 614304)
Apart from its on the 360! Muaah! let the flame wars commence!

No flaming from me....i'm not a fanboy of any system. I have pretty much all of them except for the PS3.

Despare 07-07-2007 10:01 AM

I can't wait to pick this one up, for the 360 of course. ;)
Not because I'm a fanboy... I just read reviews.

"The PlayStation 3 version is virtually identical to the 360, other than the occasional aliasing issues and sporadic slowdown."

doctor satan 08-05-2007 11:03 AM

really enjoyed this game but don t know if any one else agrees but this game was a bit of a disapointment, woefully short, crap end game sequence, crap online gaming as well..... might just be the fact theres not a lot out on the PS3 at the moment.

Despare 08-05-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by doctor satan (Post 618927)
really enjoyed this game but don t know if any one else agrees but this game was a bit of a disapointment, woefully short, crap end game sequence, crap online gaming as well..... might just be the fact theres not a lot out on the PS3 at the moment.

For me it just fell short of my expectations, I was expecting something on par with Butcher Bay and was let down.

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