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cheebacheeba 10-17-2013 12:42 AM

Where we're at...
Hey folks.

I know it's been a while, I'm hardly what you'd call a regular poster anymore.
Don't really know what happened there - I mean I'm a *bit* busier, but not all that much.

Who knows, right? Stuff changes.

Maybe I'll pop back in here and there, maybe not.
Though I will say, even when I'm not posting I always check in on the place, even if only to see that people have been watching/eating/playing.

So I'm still working not quite full time.
Still a green enthusiast - though I've gone vape only.
Still enjoy cooking and creating recipes.
Got into dehydration, that's pretty fun.

Started hitting the gym about a year ago...no massive changes, but I'm a shitload healthier - that works.

Not much has been up in all honesty.

A while ago, seems like ages now...I made a post indicating I might hop back in this year with some interesting news.
Well, I expected things to move along a bit faster than they did.

Anyways, long story short - Those that know me will likely know my partner Spal...who I married after 13 years on our anniversary...that was like what, a year and a half ago?

We're gonna have a baby.
Got the news today at work, she's 3 weeks in - left work after an hour haha...they were cool with it, my head kinda wasn't in the game.

She got her birth control implant out about 13 months ago, and yeah we'd tried and things didn't seem to be going anyplace.
We did a bit of research.
I quit cycling at the gym and went over to cross-training.
We worked on the diet a little, in addition to having cut way back on the green.
I ate asparagus, and I've been eating sunflower seeds...both known to be good for jizz productivity/mobility/numbers.
It seems like it worked - not only did they boost libido, but yeah I guess my boys did their thing.

So if anyone's looking at trying for a kid - Look into what foods you both ought to have, because it seems like shortly after we actually started focussing on this, it happened.

Anyways, probably a bit TMI.

I just thought I'd at least pop in and share the news with those of you that remain of the oldskool.


_____V_____ 10-17-2013 01:35 AM

Wonderful news!

Hearty congratulations to you and to your better half, Cheebs. Keep us updated on the progress of the little one!

hammerfan 10-17-2013 03:40 AM

Congratulations!! I'm very happy for you both!

The Villain 10-17-2013 04:17 AM

Congratulations Cheeba!

neverending 10-17-2013 04:43 AM

A baby cheeba coming... I'm truly frightened now....

J/K... Congrats!

Straker 10-17-2013 10:11 AM

Congrats, real happy for you guys. :cool:

cheebacheeba 10-18-2013 03:59 AM

Hey guys, it's cool to see a few familiar faces of old...I know I'm more or less a ghost here, but I still have a connection to this place, and fond memories of my less busy days spent here.
Not forgotten.

So we're naming him or her River - the ONE name we immediately agreed on.
Nope, not after the actor or the chick from Serenity...just, well for me anyways it was something that was kind of peaceful and life giving.
Hoping for a boy.
...and only one, God willing...

So right now, River would apparently be about the size of a mustard seed...so crazy, I could just hold thousands of those in my hand.
Still in the sinking in phase here.

hammerfan 10-18-2013 04:01 AM

How is Spal feeling? Keep us updated please!

cheebacheeba 10-18-2013 04:07 AM

Yeah everything's pretty normal right now...bit of pressure, a bit fatigued and a little nausea but not to the point of hurling all the time.
I guess "ok"?

Will do.

hammerfan 10-18-2013 04:24 AM

Then she's doing better than I did in my first trimester. I was hurling almost daily. Glad she's feeling ok. Give her my best, please!

newb 10-18-2013 08:22 AM

Congrats to You and Spal, Cheebs.

River is a pretty cool name.

Keep us posted

Disease 10-19-2013 03:29 AM

Hey Cheebs, great news, congratulations.

I myself became a father just 2 months ago. When people say it will change your life, no matter how prepared you think you are, nothing is going to prepare you. So just go with the flow and enjoy it.

All the best mate.

hammerfan 10-21-2013 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Disease (Post 958646)
Hey Cheebs, great news, congratulations.

I myself became a father just 2 months ago. When people say it will change your life, no matter how prepared you think you are, nothing is going to prepare you. So just go with the flow and enjoy it.

All the best mate.


cheebacheeba 10-21-2013 03:59 AM

Hey, thanks for the kind words/advice guys.

It's funny, I've written two letters to this kid...over the last few years when it was first an idea. Think I'll have to write another one now that I know they'll be a reality.

Nothing too much has changed.
Her tits are getting a bit bigger. Bit of fatigue. Throwing up in the mornings.
Other than, to be honest it still feels a bit unreal.
Even though we we're trying, I guess after it not happening so many times it's like I'm on the mode of it being "not".
I guess when she starts to show it'll get a bit more real.
She's going for an ultrasound thingy next week though, that should hit home a little bit I'd say.

I've thought about things yeah...big changes...not gonna be really alone for another 16-17 years at least.
I just hope to raise a cool, level headed realistic individual with some likable attributes?

Good thing is, near all the baby stuff got purchased over a year ago with a big tax return, so right now it's just a waiting game.

I'm looking forward to it though, I've wanted to meet this person for a long time...and no matter what difficulties we've encountered, it was all to get this one and only person. Kinda cool to think about.

ChronoGrl 10-21-2013 05:45 AM

Wow - Congrats to you guys - Both Cheebs and Disease! :D Here's to the new generation of HDC'ers!!

roshiq 10-21-2013 11:38 PM

Many many congratulations to both Cheebs and Dis! Hope to join the club within a year!;)

ChronoGrl 10-22-2013 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by roshiq (Post 958782)
many many congratulations to both cheebs and dis! Hope to join the club within a year!;)

Eeeeee!!! :D:D:D

Ferox13 10-22-2013 11:34 AM

Good luck man and great news..

What age are you?

cheebacheeba 10-22-2013 12:45 PM


What age are you?
She's 31.

ferretchucker 10-22-2013 04:42 PM

Oooh, Cheebalala would have been my name of choice, but River works too ;) It's fantastic that you've picked a name this soon, and a unisex name is such a great idea for it. I feel like a name must make the growing embryo/foetus seem more like a person, so to have a set name now no matter what the gender. Well, yeah, I think it's good :P

Also, brilliant age for kids. Though my Dad had 2 from a previous marriage, he and my Mum had my sister at 29 and 31 respectively, then me 2 years later. In any case Mum at least had her 20s to herself, and now we've flown the nest they're loving life - 50s is certainly no end to fun (eh, Newb).

cheebacheeba 10-25-2013 05:23 PM

Yeah I think early 30's isn't a bad time at all...actually at a time I was growing up I'd have considered it pretty normal.
Trend is younger these days I guess, but I'm good with it.
Just means I won't have a hell of a lot of peers among friends of the kids parents.
Works for me, I don't like people.

I figure, we won't be too old to run around with 'em.

Updates...not much...

Nausea. Throwing up. The thing is a bit bigger'n a sesame seed right now, and I think the heart is forming. Ultrasound next week. Doctor chosen.
Her sense of smell has increased, sense of taste decreased.
Tits continue to grow.
...and, probably TMI but, touch sensetivity has gone right off the scale...did the (not that she's really "showing" yet) pregnant sex thing a couple nights back, and well, she didn't even last 10 seconds....aaaand there it is.

But yeah I guess things are going well.
At least we don't have the stress of having to buy baby stuff as we did over a year ago when we THOUGHT this was going to happen.
Love delays.

hammerfan 10-26-2013 03:06 AM

A little tip from when I was pregnant and had morning sickness in my first trimester: tell Spal to keep a box of saltine crackers next to the bed, and to eat one or two crackers before she gets out of bed.

If the "morning" sickness is hitting at random times of the day, she should keep a few crackers in her bag or purse, or whatever she carries. Small bites, one cracker to start with, if she can keep that down, one more cracker.

And, if she doesn't already do it, drink lots of water. Yes, it will make her pee more, but it'll keep her from becoming dehydrated with all the puking. Even if she's not bringing anything up.

Sicknero 10-26-2013 04:19 AM

Mint or ice cubes (sucking on) are also good for nausea sometimes.

And congratulations by the way :-)

Elvis_Christ 11-04-2013 02:29 AM

Right on man that's great news!

cheebacheeba 11-07-2013 03:29 AM

Heyyy again guys.
Sup Elvis?

So yeah, thanks for the tips on the morning sickness.
Ginger seems to help in various forms.
Also switching over from elevit to just folic acid for now.

Though it's still lots, and throughout the day.

We went in to the chick that's gonna be our baby doctor, got Spals bloodwork back, all is well.

Though the levels of HCG are like REALLY exponentially high.
So between that, and the fact she's over 30, the morning sickness severity and the fact that it's all day...
Well yeah it turns out that twins are a likelihood.

Not really thrilled at the possibility to be honest, so many adjustments, and here I was thinking we'd bought everything.

We're not sure though, it's just that factors thus far *could* indicate it as a potential.
I called my mother. No twins that she knows of.
I called my father who's family I/we don't really know at all...turns out his sister had twins, and one of those twins had twins....soooo.....yeah.

Tomorrow, we're going in for the first ultrasound, just one to initially check that everything's in the right place, and well, yeah a headcount.

So that's some news.

hammerfan 11-07-2013 04:03 AM

Don't sweat it until you know for sure that she's carrying twins. Good luck!

Disease 11-07-2013 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 958727)

Thanks Hammer,

The little lady is awesome, I can't believe I ever existed with out her.

Twins would be cool Cheebs, you get the evil one and the good one. :D

Sculpt 11-07-2013 02:25 PM

Yes, Hammerfan is right. Don't even think one second about twins until you know for sure.

cheebacheeba 11-07-2013 10:40 PM

Hey folks...

I must've missed a couple of posts there, congrats. Hope it's all going well and you're getting into some kind of routine.

We went today.

Thank fucking God no twins.
Just one.
We're 7 weeks in now.
I saw...black and grey random things...and a little black bean looking thing, in which there was this flickering little doohicky...I saw my babys heart today.
Really hits home.

Giganticface 11-08-2013 12:38 AM

Pretty awesome stuff - congratulations. I'm a fairly new dad myself (16 months), so all this craziness is fresh in my mind too. And whadyaknow, turns out we've got another one on the way.

Weird how that blurry grey doohickey really does make it hit home.

hammerfan 11-08-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Giganticface (Post 959864)
Pretty awesome stuff - congratulations. I'm a fairly new dad myself (16 months), so all this craziness is fresh in my mind too. And whadyaknow, turns out we've got another one on the way.

Weird how that blurry grey doohickey really does make it hit home.


hammerfan 11-08-2013 03:41 AM

cheebs - I'm glad it's not twins! I hope Spal's "morning" sickness ends soon. Mine ended once I hit my second trimester. But, I've known some women that had horrible pregnancies and were sick the entire time. Keeping my fingers crossed that she's not one of them.

cheebacheeba 11-08-2013 05:17 AM

Actually, we've kind've cracked the morning sickness thing a bit...
It was the Elevit, which is like a multivitamin type thing for pregnant chicks.
So she's been taking it, and yeah...it contains rather high iron, and we're good for iron...so we're thinking an overabundance of iron was it.

So for now it's folic acid only. Ditched the Elevit.
Things were remarkably better, well, after early morning anyway.

hammerfan 11-08-2013 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 959887)
Actually, we've kind've cracked the morning sickness thing a bit...
It was the Elevit, which is like a multivitamin type thing for pregnant chicks.
So she's been taking it, and yeah...it contains rather high iron, and we're good for iron...so we're thinking an overabundance of iron was it.

So for now it's folic acid only. Ditched the Elevit.
Things were remarkably better, well, after early morning anyway.

Good to hear!

Giganticface 11-08-2013 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 959876)

Thanks, hammerfan!

cheebacheeba 11-12-2013 02:23 AM

Today was kind've pretty scary...

We woke up, did a few things in the morning...she went to the bathroom, the next thing I hear is "Get ready, we have to go to the hospital".
So of course I did.

She told me that she'd started bleeding basically, and she'd had some abdominal pain. Full on panic mode. Called a cab and headed up.
Had to wait for ages...you'd think even in a public hospital that there might be a bit more of a push for something like this...though it illustrates that even though we have a good free medical system here, it's really undermanned and underfunded.

The whole time I was holding her hand...she was crying on and off, and it was hard to think of anything but the worst at all..I didn't know what to say, just that I was there, and in the end we'd make things right.
I'm sure the whole time both of us were preparing ourselves, thinking about how things would be...it was fucked.
In my mind, and I don't usually go in for stuff like this, I was just trying to will my kid to hang on, to stay. Probably just some kind of madness on my part, but it was my process.

Blood tests. Piss tests. More waiting.
We were there for about 3 hours when we went for an ultrasound.
I recognised something - the embryo etc was still there.
Heart still beating, everything was ok.
Can't say how much of a relief it was.
They called it a "threatened miscarriage", which from what I can gather is a pretty wide term for anything that can indicate something is wrong...the bleeding, from what they can gather, may have been due to some pressure put on the area around the egg where the placenta was forming.

Bloodwork was fine.
...and we got to go home 6 and a half hours later.

I'm so fucking relieved right now, I'd hate us, hate her, to have to go through something like that...my heart really goes out to anyone that has ever been in this situation to any extent.
It was so hard not to give up any kind of hope...the whole time I was pretty much defeated, thinking it was over.
But, it wasn't all bad - and all going well we'll get to meet River as expected in June 2014.

Fuckin' hell...seriously on edge right now...

Elvis_Christ 11-12-2013 03:20 AM

Damn that would've been awful for you both. Glad everything was fine in the end.

cheebacheeba 11-12-2013 04:21 AM

Yeah man, it was fucked, fucked, FUCKED.
Though yeah, gonna sleep pretty well tonight.

hammerfan 11-12-2013 04:25 AM

I'm glad everything's OK!

This is why doctors usually tell their patients not to tell anyone until the woman is through her first trimester.

I'll start praying that Spal has no more incidents like this, and has a smooth pregnancy from here on out.

Elvis_Christ 11-12-2013 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 960099)
Yeah man, it was fucked, fucked, FUCKED.
Though yeah, gonna sleep pretty well tonight.

I can only imagine. Rest up and take care man

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