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LizfromJustSeenIt 04-13-2012 09:37 AM

Cabin In the Woods!
I wrote up a review of Cabin in the Woods! We also do webreviews so if you want to see more... We debate this film to the DEATH!


I try to avoid knowing anything about a movie before I see it. This was an extremely beneficial strategy considering The Cabin In The Woods. I’m wary about saying too much. I think the most I can say is that this film is a horror comedy that basically serves to criticize the state of horror film today. Our filmmakers, Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon, estrange the concept of idiotic sex starved teenage characters isolated in the woods to make a point that this is not how horror films should be made. The script has fantastic set-up full of extended suspense and absurdity, and we find our cabin residents (our 5 young-un’s) very likeable by the time the horror begins. They are smart and witty and they also just happen to be very good looking. Without giving away too much, when it comes down to it, this film is absolutely Fun and should be a guaranteed good time for fans of the Whedonverse. SEE IT

What did you THINK?!

emoviecostumes 04-15-2012 12:40 PM

Just saw the movie The Cabin in the Woods this weekend and I personally really liked it! It seemed liked a combination of a variety of different films including horror, action, sci-fi and comedy. I really liked the character development and how it is always keeping you on the edge of your seat! I definately agree with alot of the critics that this film will surprise you... I highly recommend seeing it!

MichaelMyers 04-15-2012 03:03 PM

Two thumbs down.

TheWickerFan 04-16-2012 02:07 AM

I really loved it. I'm glad I knew virtually nothing about it, so it was fun being surprised.

Nini_luv5 04-16-2012 06:49 PM

I just came back from seeing this movie and I thought it was superb!
Other than being over-casted. I just think that everyone should have been B-actors that people rarely see or have never seen before, For instance Chris Hemsworth and Sigourney Weaver.

Other than that I thought it had an originally refreshing premise and overall plot :)

Ferox13 04-19-2012 07:36 AM

Excellent film - great play on traditional horror stereotypes.

DickLaurentIsDead 04-27-2012 11:34 PM

I was expecting something a little more original for an ending, but all in all a better than average movie.

sideonetrackone 05-02-2012 06:24 AM

I absolutely loved it, but considering I'm a fan of Joss Whedon (Firefly and Dollhouse in particular) it's no surprise.

I even convinced my horror-neutral fiance to see it and she loved it. It's not something you can go into with any expectations. I saw it opening day in the afternoon so I was able to check it out before anyone ruined it for me (I know dumb people who inadvertently ruin stuff all the time)

Angra 05-02-2012 06:50 AM

Agreed. It's a big plus not knowing a thing about this movie before seeing it, coz.... you don't see that ending coming. :D

Well, except for Dicklaurentisdead. He's obviously seen that ending many times before.. :rolleyes:

Funny. To me the ending was the strongest and most original part of the movie. The middle part, on the other hand, i had a problem with, coz I didn't findt THAT to be very original although it certainly wasn't boring at any time.

Zero 05-06-2012 03:06 PM

i loved it but had 2 thoughts: (spoilers ahead)

1) what if it had been more serious & less done for laughs (i really thought it was funny - laughed hysterically at speaker phone scene) what if the premise were more serious & dark?

2) i really want a sequel! impossible you say - no way. thousand years of serving up victims to these things surely some military type started figuring out how to kill them! it would be ALIENS meets Chthulu!!

fortunato 05-06-2012 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 924431)
2) i really want a sequel! impossible you say - no way. thousand years of serving up victims to these things surely some military type started figuring out how to kill them! it would be ALIENS meets Chthulu!!

But at the very end, the whole world ended. That was the price to pay for not completing the sacrifice.

Angra 05-07-2012 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 924447)
But at the very end, the whole world ended. That was the price to pay for not completing the sacrifice.

Yea, i'm thinking prequels.

hammerfan 05-07-2012 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 924447)
But at the very end, the whole world ended. That was the price to pay for not completing the sacrifice.

Really, dude? Some of us haven't seen it!

CannibalHolocaust 05-07-2012 04:53 AM

what the fuck was this, it was fucking terrible i nodded off quite a bit but every time i jolted it up i was confused as hell. fuck this film!

sideonetrackone 05-07-2012 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by CannibalHolocaust (Post 924460)
what the fuck was this, it was fucking terrible i nodded off quite a bit but every time i jolted it up i was confused as hell. fuck this film!

I generally like to make sure I watch a film before I declare it as terrible. That's like "reading a book" but skipping five chapters for every one chapter you read. :rolleyes: Of course you won't understand what's going on.

Your opinion is null and void.

Zero 05-07-2012 04:31 PM

we didn't actually see the world end - just a monstrous hand. I for one would love to see a Cloverfield-esque military fighting old gods (might just be me)

Angra 05-07-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 924525)
I for one would love to see a Cloverfield-esque military fighting old gods (might just be me)


Makes me think of the utterly boring shooter "Battle Los Angeles".

Zero 05-08-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 924528)

Makes me think of the utterly boring shooter "Battle Los Angeles".

ye of little faith - i'm going to pitch this to Joss Whedon himself .... once he returns my calls .... once he gives me his number so i can call in the first place

Eman Resu 06-10-2012 04:17 AM

I thought it was wonderful.

Its so rare that we find originality in modern horror. Say what you will about the execution, this was original. Also, it had a very "Whedon" sense of self.

Very clever, IMHO.

Might be my favorite movie of this year.

I also wrote it up a bit here.

Orian 09-23-2012 05:06 PM

DVD review of Cabin in the Woods
The denouement of Cabin in the Woods is like some sort of four dimensional post-modern Hieronymus Bosch painting. It is Hell but it is infinitely more fun than Heaven. It includes murder by unicorn. What more can you ask for?


ChronoGrl 09-23-2012 05:37 PM

Reposting here because I'd love to hear what y'all think. I know that J LOVED this, so bring it on, J! Tell me about it!


The Cabin in the Woods (2011)


Uhm. Ok. Wow.

I was really trying NOT to keep my hopes up for this one because I was worried that I'd be disappointed... But to be honest, this is truly one of those rare movies that remind me of what I absolutely love horror, gives me hope for modern horror movies, and just satisfies me as a fan. Simply stated, it's a horror movie lover's horror movie.

I love the nod to pretty much every movie trope ever (though my boyfriend kept pointing out the very obvious and prolific Raimi nods which drove me nuts but that's OK)...

I have a slight qualm over the ending, probably just because the scenes leading up to the end were so ridiculously AWESOME, GORY, SCARY, and esoteric, I didn't want it to end... And also I think this is one of those movies that's almost too clever for it's own good, meaning the story is so odd, unique, and dark that no ending would be satisfying.



I was just pontificating over how incredibly neat it would be if they released an extended Blu-Ray edition that had 4 alternative versions, based on what they were about the "choose" in the basement (the conch, the Pandora's ball, the necklace, the movie reel, the musicbox) - Would there be any difference in the ending based on there choice? I think it would be a neat way to extend this concept of modern sacrifice having to be based on the victim's will - If their will is different, does the world end? o.O The geek in me wants to find out.

Oh. OH. And I cheered out loud when Sigourney Weaver stepped in the final scenes... GEEKGASM!!!!!!!

I ALSO totally and absolutely geeked out to the nod to Portal - I mean... As a horror-loving console player, I've pretty much just wet myself with excitement over that.


Ridiculously good. Also one of those RARE self-conscious movies that isn't annoying and pretentious. It was very fun, very well-directed, and acted, and thoroughly enjoyable.

HIGHLY recommended.


endo 09-23-2012 05:56 PM

That's awesome to hear!! Looking forward to seeing this.

endo 09-23-2012 07:30 PM

I won't knock it til I've seen it, though I've heard a lot of good about it including the review above.
Moved it to the top of my NetFlix queue so when they have I'll get it next.

I've seen some seriously bad movies in my day, and some that were so bad, they were good.
So, I've learned to give everything a shot personally before passing judgement. I hate a lot of stuff others have loved, so we'll see.

Posher778 09-24-2012 11:42 AM

One of the greatest comedy horrors of all time, without exaggerating. This is one of those that for me, if you didn't like it, you didn't watch it. All bases covered, and it rocked. I spit soda everywhere and woke up everyone in my house laughing at the *Spoiler*

"Purge" button scene.

9/10 will buy and watch very often.

ChronoGrl 09-24-2012 11:54 AM

Oh, God, that scene was brilliant. Didn't want it to end. I can barely express the joy it brought me.

Posher778 09-24-2012 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 935527)
Oh, God, that scene was brilliant. Didn't want it to end. I can barely express the joy it brought me.

My mom almost fell off the bed when it happened. She laughed so hard. That just shows the general audience should love it too.

braindamagefilms 09-24-2012 02:38 PM

Didn't even know Joss Whedon did this movie lol, for that alone I want to see it. However all this positive talk surrounding it also makes me want to see it even more. Perfect time too since October is almost here!

braindamagefilms 09-24-2012 02:39 PM

Didn't even know Joss Whedon did this movie lol, for that alone I want to see it. However all this positive talk surrounding it also makes me want to see it even more. Perfect time too since October is almost here!

ManicOne 09-24-2012 03:56 PM

'Tis a fantastic film! Worth going in completely blind, and if you can find it at some obscure cinema, even better! As close to a 10/10 modern film has given us in the intelligent "horror" space.

fyfjoe 09-24-2012 07:50 PM

I thought it was good, not great, but probably one of the best in "modern horror" . I was a bit disappointed in the ending, felt like they had it pretty much wrapped up and it could have done without the last minute or so.

I do agree with what someone said above about the alternate endings in reference to the basement, that'd be an awesome idea too bad they didn't do that.

Fearonsarms 09-24-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by fyfjoe (Post 935633)
I do agree with what someone said above about the alternate endings in reference to the basement, that'd be an awesome idea too bad they didn't do that.

Yeah I also agree with you and Chronogrl I'd like to see that-I may even actually buy a blu-ray player especially for it.

Sentinel65 09-27-2012 01:04 PM

Really great movie, very surprised. One of the more original movies that has come out in recent years. Perfect blend of horror and comedy.

chaibill 10-13-2012 12:43 PM

Just saw it loved it. Any one buy the dvd? I'm wondering what kind of extra features are there. Netflix dvd didn't have any.

Any one find holes in the story?

thecarpenter666 10-13-2012 05:40 PM

probably the most pathetic movie ever made, correction the most pathetic movie ever made!!!

ManicOne 10-14-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by thecarpenter666 (Post 937701)
probably the most pathetic movie ever made, correction the most pathetic movie ever made!!!

Really??? As in; your true, honest opinion?

Of course each to their own and all, but if this holds true for you then either you have not seen many films, or your taste in cinema is oblique at best...

Posher778 10-14-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by thecarpenter666 (Post 937701)
probably the most pathetic movie ever made, correction the most pathetic movie ever made!!!

Dumbass comment with no logical backing or any kind of truth to it. You no longer have credibility *~*~*Congratulations*~*~*

Angra 10-14-2012 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Posher778 (Post 937778)
Dumbass comment with no logical backing or any kind of truth to it. You no longer have credibility *~*~*Congratulations*~*~*

No longer? You mean he had before?

Dude's got a post count of 2, for crying out loud.

endo 10-15-2012 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by thecarpenter666 (Post 937701)
probably the most pathetic movie ever made, correction the most pathetic movie ever made!!!

Carpenter from FearNet? What's up brother?? It's Kaveman.

You have no idea what you're talking about on this movie, BTW, lol.

Nat94 10-15-2012 06:39 AM

I liked it, I went ahead and bought it without knowing much about it and I don't regret my decision but I wished for a better ending..

Posher778 10-15-2012 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 937785)
No longer? You mean he had before?

Dude's got a post count of 2, for crying out loud.

I was trying to be glass half full for once! I figured you'd be proud.

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