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p1zl3 10-09-2009 02:16 PM

I wanna be scared sh*tless!!! (help!)
Hello fellow horror buffs...
--I have been on the eternal quest to get really really freaked out via film and as of yet, nothing has really worked as well as I'd have liked. I have seen tons of horror films in my 26years on this planet, but nothing I've viewed has haunted me as I wished it would have...
--When I was a kid the likes of Stephen King's "It" or "Tales from the Darkside" was enough to have me checking the closet twice, and saying my prayers extra loudly so God could hear them, but now as an adult I rarely get creeped out. I miss the fear sensation and need your help to restore it...

A few films have come close, but close is all they've come. Here's a list of films that almost left me haunted:

--Shutter (2004 thai version)
--Exorcist (1972)
--The Ring (2002)
--Event Horizon (1997)
--Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

What are some of your spooky, creepy, eerie, favorites that give you the chills? (No slasher flicks please, I just find them funny for some reason)

Thanks in advance...

neverending 10-09-2009 04:14 PM

Do you live in a decent sized urban area? If so, just go downtown around 1:30-2 am and hang out by yourself.

That should do the job better than some stupid horror movie.

newb 10-09-2009 05:12 PM

Why would you wanna be scared shirtless ?

_____V_____ 10-09-2009 07:57 PM

Sounds like a constipation problem.

p1zl3 10-11-2009 12:36 PM

Wow, you guys really jumped on that one. :rolleyes:
No recommendations? Really...:confused:

That's pretty sad/pathetic/disheartening.


Do you live in a decent sized urban area? If so, just go downtown around 1:30-2 am and hang out by yourself.
--Seeing as I'm usually the threat that's lurking in the dark alley, that won't do much for me. Also, working gang-prevention programs in SoCal kinda took the edge off the whole "thug, turf" paranoia most inner-city residents suffer from...


Sounds like a constipation problem.
Humor.... great. Your literal translation and response to the word "sh*tless" was definitely on par with the comedic writing of Mad magazine. You should be proud (mostly that you can actually spell the word "constipation").

Anyone have genuine recommendations, or am I just gonna get deluged with sophomoric satire???

Clean, Shaven 10-11-2009 04:24 PM

Exorcism of Emily Rose? Really?

I was going to recommend Visions of Suffering just for a laugh. But I just don't have the heart.

novakru 10-11-2009 04:41 PM



Elvis_Christ 10-11-2009 04:48 PM

The Grudge and [REC] might be what you're after judging by your list

novakru 10-11-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Elvis_Christ (Post 832485)
The Grudge and [REC] might be what you're after judging by your list

You mean the original Grudge?
Cuz the American version was somewhat scary but not shitless scary.

p1zl3 10-11-2009 09:34 PM


Exorcism of Emily Rose? Really?
I know, right? But for some odd reason, it manages to get the skin crawling...


The Grudge and (REC) might be what you're after judging by your list.
I've seen both of those and they are pretty decent (not much staying power). I need to check out the Japanese version of The Grudge (Ju-On). Heard its pretty good...



Is it worth the watch? All I seem to hear about it is negative... Is it just gore-shock or does it have something genuinely haunting about it?

Thanks for the recommendations, keep em' coming!!!! :D

_____V_____ 10-11-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832443)
Humor.... great. Your literal translation and response to the word "sh*tless" was definitely on par with the comedic writing of Mad magazine. You should be proud (mostly that you can actually spell the word "constipation").

Thanks. I try. :)

And for a reference, check this thread - http://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30312

Dont say I didnt give you nothing.

And yes, I am proud that I can spell constipation easily. :D

novakru 10-12-2009 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832512)

I need to check out the Japanese version of The Grudge (Ju-On). YES!

Is it worth the watch? All I seem to hear about it is negative... Is it just gore-shock or does it have something genuinely haunting about it?
It's definitely got the spooky atmosphere...and it IS gory, but it has to be- you'll understand after you see it.
It's definitely one that any horror fan should not miss


Clean, Shaven 10-12-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832512)
I know, right? But for some odd reason, it manages to get the skin crawling...

Jennifer Carpenter has a weird face.


Is it worth the watch? All I seem to hear about it is negative... Is it just gore-shock or does it have something genuinely haunting about it?
Kiri! Kiri! Kiri! Scariest sound on earth. Kinda sexy, too, though.

p1zl3 10-12-2009 02:13 PM

Audition it is then... I'll grab it tonight! Thanks...


And for a reference, check this thread - http://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30312

Dont say I didnt give you nothing.
Thanks for the tip! Most of these seem to be gory shocker flicks, but I did enjoy a few of them:

Evil Dead Series
Cannibal Holocaust
Ichi the Killer
Requiem for a Dream

...got anything less splatterific and more spooky/creepy?

fortunato 10-12-2009 06:41 PM

Alright, honestly?

Inland Empire
Picnic at Hanging Rock
The Vanishing (Spoorloos)

MyraHindley 10-12-2009 09:34 PM

I thought the Descent was pretty scary.

ChronoGrl 10-13-2009 03:54 AM

Sigh - This thread always comes up, I take my time to post, and then the N00b disappears. :rolleyes: No reporting back - No thanks...

I should save this list on my desktop...

Movies that have seriously scared the crap out of me (I point out the times in my life as I'm sure that's part of it):

High School
  • Alien
  • Aliens
  • Event Horizon
  • Blair Witch Project

  • Halloween

After College
  • The Grudge (the American remake seriously scared the SHIT out of me - I was living alone and it kept me up all night :o; the original I thought was OK)
  • Crazy Eights
  • Session 9
  • The Descent
  • Rinne (Reincarnation in English; by the director of The Grudge)
  • "The Box" (short film by Takashi Miike as part of Three... Extremes)
  • Ils (Them)
  • Inside (more "tense" then scary, but ridiculously good)
  • Quarantine (I am in the minority who thinks the remake is better than the original [REC])

That's all I can think of now - I should use the "Search" functionality (HINT) and find out what I posted to all those who have come before...

p1zl3 10-13-2009 12:26 PM


Sigh - This thread always comes up, I take my time to post, and then the N00b disappears. No reporting back - No thanks...
We have some serious abandonment issues, don't we sweetheart... ;)
Lemme be the first to break the "n00b" cycle:
--THANKS!-- (There, feel warm and fuzzy now?)

Now, to get to your lists...


High School

* Alien --Seen it, loved it. Not very scary...
* Aliens--Same as above...
* Event Horizon--In my Top-10 favorites
* Blair Witch Project--Saw it after all the spoofs came out...ruined it.

After College

* The Grudge--Good film, very creepy (The Sam re-make is great)
* Crazy Eights--Haven't seen, IMdB shredded it to pieces
* Session 9--Pretty good movie, not all that scary.
* The Descent--Funny (Don't ask me why)
* Rinne--Haven't seen, will watch tonight...
* "The Box" --Miike kinda leaves me cold. I did like Western Django...
* Ils (Them) --Having trouble finding a copy, looks good though.
* Quarantine (I am in the minority who thinks the remake is better than the original [REC]) --Yes you are... the end creature was better though.

ChronoGrl 10-13-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832740)
We have some serious abandonment issues, don't we sweetheart... ;)

Actually stick around and you'll know what I'm talking about... :rolleyes::cool:

You didn't comment on Inside - If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a watch. Horrifying and gruesome. One of my favorite films of recent years.

Re: Miike - "The Box" is a divergence from his usual blood, guts, and generally disturbing fair. It's him doing a ghost movie short. Definitely creepy.

Anyway. I'm obsessive compulsive and really wanted to know what I've replied to similar threads in this vein. Did some searching (Ok, ok, I KNOW I don't have a life!) and found these - Might have some good suggestions for you:


Apparently my suggestions there are pretty much EXACTLY as what I posted above.

What I've ommitted were the "Classics" that I watched when I was younger and scared the HELL out of me (pre-high school). Might not have the same punch now, but definitely worth a watch:
  • Psycho (1960)
  • The Uninvited (1944)
  • The Haunting (1963)
  • The Innocents (1961)
  • Carnival of Souls (1962)
  • House on Haunted Hill (1959)

p1zl3 10-14-2009 12:25 PM

--I watched Rinne (Reincarnation) last night and I thought it was pretty good. A little confusing at parts (alot of story jumps), but the overall film was spooky enough. It relied heavily on "boo" scares, but the buildup to those moments was well done... laughed pretty hard at the "living doll" part and the main character's orange "Vanilla Fudge" shirt was pretty hilarious also.All things considered: 6/10

--Also watched Dead Birds(2004) last night and enjoyed the mild twist on classic haunted house stories. The story could have gone more into the voodoo aspect of the film, but time was eaten up by people slowly chasing noises in the house... a little predictable, but still enjoyable. The ending was a little odd.


You didn't comment on Inside - If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a watch. Horrifying and gruesome. One of my favorite films of recent years.
...I'll watch it tonight and let you know what I think. :D


* Psycho (1960)
* The Uninvited (1944)
* The Haunting (1963)
* The Innocents (1961)
* Carnival of Souls (1962)
* House on Haunted Hill (1959)
I've seen all these and thought they were pretty decent. I am however part of the 1% of the population who didn't enjoy Psycho (split personality disorder isn't as scary when you work with it on a day-to-day basis), so some might say my opinion of the "classics" is skewed.

...MORE MOVIES!!!! (please)

fortunato 10-14-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832906)
...MORE MOVIES!!!! (please)

Did you see any of the ones I listed on the last page?

p1zl3 10-14-2009 02:17 PM

...sorry I didn't respond. I'll do so now:


Inland Empire
Picnic at Hanging Rock
The Vanishing (Spoorloos) (1988)
I've seen these with exception of Picnic at Hanging Rock. A friend of mine says he owns it, so I'll bum his copy and let you know what I think! Thanks for the help... MORE MOVIES!!!!

p1zl3 10-15-2009 10:01 AM


--I watched Picnic at Hanging Rock and was filled with an unrelenting desire to... fall asleep. This film wasn't creepy, or intriguing, or very much of anything. If you ever want to find what happened up on the rock, just look for the missing Chapter 18 on the web... Here's a link:

--I also caught the movie Inside (� l'int�rieur) and it was brutal. Not scary mind you, just gory and brutal. The beginning was great and I was sure that this movie would be a winner, then the violence and ass-kickings just grew exponentially until you get to a point where you question how a person could survive with that much trauma and blood loss... Good slasher, shitty scary movie.
If you've seen it, please explain something to me; Why did the cop return to life, transform into a creepy demon-like person and repeatedly nightstick the "heroine" in the belly??? Did that have any relevance to the story or was it purely for shock???


jenn 10-15-2009 11:31 AM

you could try the grudge 3 it was better then the 1st two everyone said that trick or treat scared them but you may think that it was funny but it had some great parts maybe boogeyman 3 it was pretty good the ring 1 and 2 are good you could also try the collector or unborn hope that helps

p1zl3 10-16-2009 05:46 PM


You could try the grudge 3... trick or treat... boogeyman 3... the ring 1 and 2... the collector or unborn.
Thanks for the list Jenn, but I have seen all of these apart from Boogeyman 3 (which I couldn't bring myself to watch after the first two installments) and The Grudge 3 (because the sequel sucked harder than a Tennessee tornado) . I dug The Ring because it reminded me alot of home (Seattle) and that enhanced the overall creepieness of the film. The sequel however, was a crying travesty and I constantly found myself saying "Why the hell does that have to do with anything!?!".

...What else you got? (Keep em' coming! ;) )

Clean, Shaven 10-17-2009 09:09 AM

How about old movies? Ever see Don't Look Now or Tourist Trap? They won't scare you sh*tless but they're worth it.

I saw Tourist Trap as a kid and my psychotic dad kept doing his Chuck Connors impression until I developed a phobia of suffocation.

p1zl3 10-17-2009 12:34 PM


How about old movies? Ever see Don't Look Now or Tourist Trap? They won't scare you sh*tless but they're worth it.

I saw Tourist Trap as a kid and my psychotic dad kept doing his Chuck Connors impression until I developed a phobia of suffocation.
Don't Look Now had great story, great build, great atmosphere... and the worst ending I've ever seen in film (apart from Boiler Room ). So much could have been done... and we ended up with geriatric midgets... *sigh*

I'm pretty sure I have Tourist Trap somewhere around here (probably hiding in my mountain of VHS tapes) I just haven't watched it yet... but I will now that you've recommended it! :D

...Sounds like you have a pretty cool father!! Mine indoctrinated me at an early age with Monty Python movies, Black Adder and more innuendos for private parts than you can shake a stick at. He never really mastered phobias... I had to develop those on my own. ;)

Clean, Shaven 10-18-2009 07:36 AM

I'm midget-obsessed so I love the ending of Don't Look Now. Anything with little people. They can be creepy or sexy or... they're very versatile.

I guess my dad made up for my emotional scars by introducing me to Monty Python. Of course that's qualified by his affinity for Benny Hill.

GreenMachine 10-18-2009 08:52 PM

Well, p1zl3... like you and many others, I rarely encounter any horror films that are even remotely disturbing. However, these are the few exceptions:

Jacob's Ladder (1990)
The Wicker Man (1973), Original
Prince of Darkness (1987)
The Cell (2000)
The Thing (1982)
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978), Best Version

novakru 10-19-2009 09:14 AM

Funny that so many people put The Descent.

That has to be the only movie I have ever seen that would have been terrifying even if there were no monsters.

p1zl3 10-19-2009 12:20 PM


Well, p1zl3... like you and many others, I rarely encounter any horror films that are even remotely disturbing. However, these are the few exceptions:

Jacob's Ladder (1990)
The Wicker Man (1973), Original
Prince of Darkness (1987)
The Cell (2000)
The Thing (1982)
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978), Best Version
--Jacob's Ladder was pretty good, but the final premise left me cold. I would have preferred purgatory over drug induced hysteria... The opening subway scene was brilliant though.
--The Wicker Man I saw when I was a kid and haven't watched it lately. Maybe it's due for a more recent screening.
--Prince of Darkness I'm ashamed to say that this film slipped by me. I'll check it out ASAP!
--The Cell is one of my guilty pleasures. Most think J-Lo ruined this film, but I actually dug her character and Vincent D'Onofrio as Stargher was brilliant. "Where do you come from?!?"
--The Thing still holds up. Absolute horror perfection!
--Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a good film, but it's been a while since I've sat through the whole thing. Something always interrupts the film and I just can bring myself to start it again... I should just buckle-down and watch it. :rolleyes:

...MORE MOVIES for ME! (...are there any left?)

Clean, Shaven 10-19-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by novakru (Post 833644)
Funny that so many people put The Descent.

That has to be the only movie I have ever seen that would have been terrifying even if there were no monsters.

Because of all the vaginas and the symbolism of the cave?


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 833644)
--Prince of Darkness I'm ashamed to say that this film slipped by me. I'll check it out ASAP!

I thought Prince of Darkness was pretty lame. The final scene was pretty neat. I think Simon & Simon's mustache was a distraction. John Carpenter is the king of hit and miss.

p1zl3 10-21-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by novakru View Post
Funny that so many people put The Descent.
That has to be the only movie I have ever seen that would have been terrifying even if there were no monsters.

Because of all the vaginas and the symbolism of the cave?
I'm sure he means claustrophobia and darkness, but if you happen to suffer from Eurotophobia, I guess the vaginas could be considered a menacing element.
I didn't find The Descent all that scary...

novakru 10-22-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Clean, Shaven (Post 833712)
Because of all the vaginas and the symbolism of the cave?

Must be:cool:

p1zl3 10-22-2009 04:02 PM


I thought Prince of Darkness was pretty lame. The final scene was pretty neat. I think Simon & Simon's mustache was a distraction.
I'ma have to side with you on this one. For a horror film, it was pretty lame. The possessed coworker getting consumed by bugs in the street was pretty humorous though. I laughed for an easy 10min off that scene. The squirt contamination/infection aspect had me giggling as well... Plus Alice Cooper as king of the killer homeless people was really amusing and what better murder weapon for a homeless killer than a one wheeled bicycle!!!!


ofekbmi 02-17-2012 07:00 AM

maybe psyco ? : ]

Guilherme 02-19-2012 09:28 AM

Have you ever watched [REC] ?

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