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Sick_As_Fuck 10-08-2003 06:27 PM

"Intelligent horror" films?
I was wondering everyone's feelings on these new intelligent horror films. Movies such as "Mothman Prophecies", "The Ring", and "FearDotCom". Although they're not too scary, they're still considered part of the horror genre. The difference is they replace the senseless killing and gore with mystery and hard-to-solve scenarios. And I guess this is how the new Texas Chainsaw movie will be as well, so I've heard. Anyways, I was just wondering everyone's opinions on these types.

scare_queen 10-08-2003 09:02 PM

M.P.... was an "eh" kinda movie it was good... better than alot but not one of the best.
I loved the ring. It scared the SHIT out of me... I wouldn't go near a TV for a week lol (but that was after I went and saw it 3 more times :p )
Fear.com I left within 20 mins of it starting. I almost puked, not because of the 'gore' but because of the camera motions.... it was the blair witch project all over again.

Killer Clown#1 10-09-2003 03:11 AM

Idenity was pretty inteligent and if it was'int then it would have not been any good because I like movies that make you think.

Tony 10-09-2003 04:09 AM

I'm ok with them as long as they are horror flicks. Personally I'm a big slasher fan but whatever comes out way we gotta take it or leave it. Being a horror fan since 4 I'll take what comes.

scare_queen 10-09-2003 09:56 AM


Originally posted by Killer Clown#1
Idenity was pretty inteligent and if it was'int then it would have not been any good because I like movies that make you think.
I LOVED identity! That was a good movie. I love movies with twists at the end like that.

Krzychu 10-09-2003 01:23 PM

Something new
Films were selected by Sick_As_Fuck are very intersting. In my opinion that movies are not horror. Maybe a horror-director near future take adventage of that films? Peraphs, modern horrors scene will get good and terrible as fuck film??
I think horror movies need something new. Otherwise this genre, sooner or late, will die.

nightbreed 10-09-2003 02:16 PM

soo at what point of the original texas chainsaw massacre was there a whole lot of gore? Maybe i missed somthing but in the version I own most of the gore is implied and not shown...

Sick_As_Fuck 10-09-2003 05:45 PM


Originally posted by nightbreed
soo at what point of the original texas chainsaw massacre was there a whole lot of gore? Maybe i missed somthing but in the version I own most of the gore is implied and not shown...
It wasn't intelligently done though. I've heard that the new one will have a more dark, intelligent, mysterious plot to it. Not just the teens enter the house, Leatherface and friends kill them, the end. We'll see in 8 more days though. I for one can't wait.

Tony 10-09-2003 05:48 PM

Personally I would rather see the kids in the new TCM walk their ignorant asses into that house. Get the shit killed right out of them...all of them. Not one survivor. No other plot than that. That would be the most intelligent way to do it in my opinion. I don't think I'll get that but I hope it's a good movie either way.

avenger00soul 10-11-2003 03:08 PM

Re: "Intelligent horror" films?

Originally posted by Sick_As_Fuck
I was wondering everyone's feelings on these new intelligent horror films. Movies such as "Mothman Prophecies", "The Ring", and "FearDotCom". Although they're not too scary, they're still considered part of the horror genre. The difference is they replace the senseless killing and gore with mystery and hard-to-solve scenarios. And I guess this is how the new Texas Chainsaw movie will be as well, so I've heard. Anyways, I was just wondering everyone's opinions on these types.
Feardotcom was not an intelligent horror movie. So The Ring wasn't scary huh? Could have fooled me.

SCREAMERatorX 10-12-2003 10:54 AM

i must have been fooled with that one 2... The Ring is a modern horror classic. would have 2 be in my HorrorTop10 (which includes 'intelligent' and 'uninteligent')

What do every1 think of horror movies with Artificial Intelligence??

Ritualistic 10-12-2003 11:01 AM


Originally posted by SCREAMERatorX
i must have been fooled with that one 2... The Ring is a modern horror classic. would have 2 be in my HorrorTop10 (which includes 'intelligent' and 'uninteligent')

What do every1 think of horror movies with Artificial Intelligence??

They`re okay... most dont have anything to do with horror.. so this would just be another type of movie I like.. sci-fi/action/adventure etc...

roguesblight 10-13-2003 12:10 AM

MY daughter and I LOVE the Ring. We love it so much that we are wanting to see the Japanese original Ringu, because we heard it was way scarier. I personally can't wait for Ring 2 which won't be based on Ringu 2, because it goes more scientific. Ring 2 is suppose to go more into the supernatural direction. That would make it even better. Identity was more drama/thriller than anything, but still an excellent movie. Feardot.com was a combo of cop/horror because it did have a supernatural theme. Mothman Prophecies on the otherhand, wasn't it based on a true story? That was sort of alright, I liked it, but it left me wanting to know more. TCM was also based on actual events, but that just plain falls in the slasher area of horror. No matter how much intellect they add to the remake it would still fall in the slasher area which would make Tony happy. Huh!?!

Sick_As_Fuck 10-16-2003 02:11 PM

Actually, IMO, The Ring wasn't very scary at all. I thought that Identity was much scarier. And FearDotCom has to be considered "intelligent", because the basic plot is cops trying to figure out what the website's all about. How is that not intelligent?

avenger00soul 10-16-2003 02:14 PM


Originally posted by Sick_As_Fuck
FearDotCom has to be considered "intelligent", because the basic plot is cops trying to figure out what the website's all about. How is that not intelligent?
Are you being sarcastic?

lilangel_66071 10-16-2003 02:22 PM

i hated fear.com it sucked ass ha, I loved identity it was awsome. I also loved the ring it wasnt like slasher type scary more of and Creepy scary gave me chills. Almost like what the hell just happened ha. Just couldnt get into fear . com. I think alot of horror is going to that type of movie less gore. I LIKE GORE MYSELF ha. I'm looking forward to tcm too.

Sick_As_Fuck 10-16-2003 02:38 PM

My bad. I'm not making myself clear. I didn't mean "intelligent" per se, but I mean it's more of a mystery/suspense/thriller then horror movie.

roguesblight 10-16-2003 08:15 PM


And FearDotCom has to be considered "intelligent", because the basic plot is cops trying to figure out what the website's all about.
I agree with that, but then that would make "The Ring" an intelligent flik also, cause they are also trying to figure out what's going on. I enjoyed both movies, but my daughter "Samara" and I both liked "the Ring" more because it was scarier than "Feardotcom", not saying that either was real scary, cause I've already said in other postings that no movie has scared us in quite a while.

Sick_As_Fuck 10-16-2003 09:02 PM


Originally posted by roguesblight
I agree with that, but then that would make "The Ring" an intelligent flik also, cause they are also trying to figure out what's going on. I enjoyed both movies, but my daughter "Samara" and I both liked "the Ring" more because it was scarier than "Feardotcom", not saying that either was real scary, cause I've already said in other postings that no movie has scared us in quite a while.
I agree with you 100%. I indeed stated that I thought The Ring was more of a mystery, because IMO it wasn't really scary at all besides the first 10 minutes of it. I still thought it was a good movie though.

roguesblight 10-17-2003 12:45 AM

OKAY! Totally off the subject here....what is IMO? I've never posted or used message boards before I came to this site, and I have been bypassing that everytime I read a post that has it, but now I just have to know! :confused: Curiosity finally got the best of me! haha! Somebody please fill me in! :( :D

Deadbodyman 10-17-2003 01:04 AM

I HATED fear dot com, it was so stupid, But i do think that they are leaning toward movies more in the lines of mystery and suspense, and turning away from Slashers, and gore filled movie. I myself am a fan of both. I like movies that make you think and blow your mind, but i like to see tons of blood and guts too!! I think as long as there are fans of both there will be movie with both!

roguesblight 10-17-2003 01:12 AM

I liked feardotcom, but I liked it because it was different. But I even like off-beat poorly filmed blood & guts movies like dead alive also! It just depends on my mood, and if I have enough money to rent both kinds. If I don't then I usually rent the mainstream movies.

roguesblight 10-17-2003 01:15 AM

Here's a thought! They need a channel that plays horror, all horror all the time! From off-beat blood & guts to mainstream hits! That would be cool! I'd find a way to get cable or satellite then!!:D

avenger00soul 10-17-2003 05:18 AM


Originally posted by roguesblight
Here's a thought! They need a channel that plays horror, all horror all the time! From off-beat blood & guts to mainstream hits! That would be cool! I'd find a way to get cable or satellite then!!:D
That may be happening. As far as IMO: in my opinion.

roguesblight 10-17-2003 10:25 PM

That would be great! It could be a pay channel like HBO. That way there wouldn't be any commercials! I hate those pesty things for the most part!

ChaoticMinister 10-18-2003 05:06 AM

I thought "feardotcom" had such an incredibly elongated and silly premise that I couldn't really get everything that was intended for it out fo it. A ghost on the internet that kills you ooOOOoooOooooOoooOooOOoOoOoooooo... she looks like she's from a porn site more than a "fear" site. I also think that the female main character (who starred in "Ronin," and was quite good in it, I think) wasn't right for the role.
Identity had a great plot but was easily predictable... and that whole sequence where he starts "counting down" going "tick-tock-tick-tock" made me feel embarrassed to be watching it (anyone ever get that feeling with a movie... it starts getting so cheesy and slightly painful to watch that you start groaning and either stop the tape or change the channel?).
The Ring was creepy at best... never scary... maybe it's because I watched it alone at ten in the morning... the only really creepy part wasn't even in the movie: I was in the living room and light was coming through the big window, bouncing off an overturned DVD-ROM on my PS2 and reflecting on the opposite wall...the image? A wobbley, scratchy, oval-like, white (purple) ring...
A film that I felt hasn't gotten enough recognition on these boards is Se7en... perhaps it's more of a "Thriller," I dunno... but I found it to be a most delightful film... one of my top ten favorites in any category of all time... I just wish they'd show the head on tv more often... they won't even do it on the movie channels... bastards...

Oh and the movie "A.I." scared the shit out of me... (I know it wasn't directly mentioned...) :-P


Ritualistic 10-18-2003 09:20 AM

"The Others" to me is a great suspenseful/mystery horror flick.. I wouldnt call it intelligent, but more of mystery. I get in my moods when I just want to set down and watch a movie like this..

roguesblight 10-18-2003 08:42 PM

Who is in Se7en? I heard a lot about it but haven't seen it yet. Is it a mainstream movie? And is it at the movies or on video?

Sick_As_Fuck 10-18-2003 09:03 PM


Originally posted by roguesblight
Who is in Se7en? I heard a lot about it but haven't seen it yet. Is it a mainstream movie? And is it at the movies or on video?
I've never seen it, but I believe Brad Pitt is in it. I also heard that it's crazy as fuck and will mess you up for awhile. I definitely wanna check it out.

roguesblight 10-18-2003 09:35 PM

OH! I know what movie that is now that ya told me Brad Pitt was in it. And yes it was cool! But I just didn't associate that with horror! But it was a F*cked up storyline. The killer was sick. Kevin Spacey at his best! Definately an intelligent flick!

Ritualistic 10-19-2003 07:01 AM

yeah se7en was a cool movie. I put it in the catagory with Fallen, Identity, The Ring, The others, The Sixth Sense, et cetera...

Sick_As_Fuck 10-19-2003 12:25 PM


Originally posted by Ritualistic
yeah se7en was a cool movie. I put it in the catagory with Fallen, Identity, The Ring, The others, The Sixth Sense, et cetera...
What's "Fallen" ?

avenger00soul 10-19-2003 12:47 PM


Originally posted by Sick_As_Fuck
What's "Fallen" ?
Denzel Washington movie where the killer jumps from body to body in "Shocker" fashion.

Ritualistic 10-19-2003 02:56 PM

very cool movie.. I recommend it to fans of se7en... Denzel washington is good in this movie... Training day sucked compared to this movie... Although that movie is non horror but his acting is better in Fallen... :)

Sick_As_Fuck 10-19-2003 04:37 PM


Originally posted by avenger00soul
Denzel Washington movie where the killer jumps from body to body in "Shocker" fashion.
Ohhhhh yeahhhh. I liked that movie. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

roguesblight 10-19-2003 06:41 PM

Oh hell yeah, Shocker. love that movie, and fallen was good also!Shocker was a great start to Mitch Pileggi's career. I loved him as a psycho and I loved him as A.D. Skinner in the X-Files!

slasher 10-20-2003 01:05 PM

Re: Re: "Intelligent horror" films?

Originally posted by avenger00soul
Feardotcom was not an intelligent horror movie. So The Ring wasn't scary huh? Could have fooled me.

:o :o :o The ring was alright in an eery sort of way but it was not scary!!!

avenger00soul 10-20-2003 01:15 PM

Re: Re: Re: "Intelligent horror" films?

Originally posted by slasher
:o :o :o The ring was alright in an eery sort of way but it was not scary!!!
The first few minutes of The Ring raised the hair on my arms. That closet shot was freaky as hell. If the Ring wasn't scary, pray tell, what movie is?

slasher 10-20-2003 01:18 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: "Intelligent horror" films?

Originally posted by avenger00soul
The first few minutes of The Ring raised the hair on my arms. That closet shot was freaky as hell. If the Ring wasn't scary, pray tell, what movie is?

Night of the Living Dead (Original version

avenger00soul 10-20-2003 01:23 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Intelligent horror" films?

Originally posted by slasher
Night of the Living Dead (Original version
I don't find that film "scary." It's a great horror film that offers some serious social commentary, but nothing in it actually frightens me. What in that movie "scares" you?

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