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illdojo 08-26-2008 07:12 PM

I don't have Showtime...So, I just rented Season 1 ..and I must say it's a fantastic show. It's dark and very entertaining. The writing is brilliant and the acting is superb. Michael C. Hall owns the role of Dexter. I'm gonna rent Season 2 this week.

newb 08-26-2008 07:16 PM

season 2 is even better;)

illdojo 08-26-2008 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 724779)
season 2 is even better;)

Yeah?....Sweeeet. :cool:

The_Return 08-26-2008 07:23 PM

I've only seen the first episode, but I loved it.

Really don't know why I havent watched the rest, should really get around to that.

illdojo 08-26-2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by The_Return (Post 724782)
I've only seen the first episode, but I loved it.

Really don't know why I havent watched the rest, should really get around to that.

Sheeet...you dig it tha most. Great show for us Horror buffs.

urgeok2 08-27-2008 06:31 AM

best TV show - ever

La Chat Noire 08-27-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 724918)
best TV show - ever

Completely agree. I was hooked from the first episode, and I can't wait for the third season to start.

illdojo 08-29-2008 12:13 PM

Just finished off Season 2......WOW!!!!!

Can't wait for Season 3. :cool:

newb 08-29-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by illdojo (Post 725809)
Just finished off Season 2......WOW!!!!!

Can't wait for Season 3. :cool:

You watched ALL of season 2 already.....you're a fucking animal:eek:

tell me

********major spoilers here...do not read...I repeat...do not read************

did ya feel bad when Doakes died?....what a great character

illdojo 08-30-2008 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 725965)
You watched ALL of season 2 already.....you're a fucking animal.

Sent you a PM.

urgeok2 08-30-2008 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 725965)
what a great character

i liked him too ... a lot of perople didnt though

La Chat Noire 08-30-2008 07:08 AM

He was a good rival for Dexter. I feel like they'll need to create another character to set against him for the third season. I'll definitely miss Doakes. I thought his character really added something to the show.

newb 08-30-2008 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by rick roll (Post 726161)
Iliek dexta 2. i dont liek the openin. cuz watchin peepull eet close up is sic.
i ave a frend nicnaemd dexta. but not cuz he is a serreal killa. but cuz his frends used him to tset new batchs of drugs on him

ok....really....dude...dis shit is getting whack.

not funny or fun.....learn to be more creative

Vodstok 08-31-2008 07:25 PM

i haven't really watched an episode save the final episode with the ice truck killer, although i have been listening in. very interesting show, especially when the person watching it went to school for the express reason of being a profiler (criminal justice and psychology).

Bree has a knack for the kind of thing the show is about, and it seems like it was written just for her.

The_Return 09-16-2008 01:41 PM

Finished Season 1 last week and LOVED it...easily one of the coolest shows I've ever watched.

I'm waiting a little bit before diving in to Season 2, but I think I'll probably start it in a day or two - cant wait!

illdojo 09-16-2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by The_Return (Post 730502)
Finished Season 1 last week and LOVED it...easily one of the coolest shows I've ever watched.

I'm waiting a little bit before diving in to Season 2, but I think I'll probably start it in a day or two - cant wait!

Like Newb said....The 2nd Season is even better.
Can't wait for Season 3 to start in a few weeks.

Zero 09-24-2008 04:50 PM

just watched 2nd season - i enjoyed it though i thought at times it seemed to go way beyond the realm of reality.

curious to know how 3rd season goes

Vodstok 09-25-2008 04:11 AM

I loved the season 2 finale. I wont miss Doakes, he annoyed the hell out of me, and I am very pleased Lila wont be back.

urgeok2 09-25-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Vodstok (Post 733255)
I loved the season 2 finale. I wont miss Doakes, he annoyed the hell out of me, .

i always get a kick out of this response ..

the guy was an excellent, intuitive, caring cop and that pisses off people because they are on Dexters side :)

the challenge of the show is to appreciate and root for both - because in their own way they are both very essential and effective and the tension between them was great TV

Vodstok 09-25-2008 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 733273)
the guy was an excellent, intuitive, caring cop and that pisses off people because they are on Dexters side :)

granted, but he was also an overbearing, pushy loudmouth asshole who initially didnt like Dexter because he thought he was odd. Or at least that is what I gathered, I didnt exactly watch the show very deeply.

urgeok2 09-25-2008 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Vodstok (Post 733275)
granted, but he was also an overbearing, pushy loudmouth asshole who initially didnt like Dexter because he thought he was odd. Or at least that is what I gathered, I didnt exactly watch the show very deeply.

not odd ... he knew he was 'wrong' a good cop's intuition.

he was dead on the mark too ..

lets face it - batman also got bad guys - but he didnt chop them up :)

illdojo 09-25-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 733291)
lets face it - batman also got bad guys - but he didnt chop them up :)

Maybe he should have. :D

Zero 09-26-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Vodstok (Post 733255)
I loved the season 2 finale. I wont miss Doakes, he annoyed the hell out of me, and I am very pleased Lila wont be back.

i was totally convinced that lila was going to disappear and show back up in season 3 or 4 - so when she has a meeting in paris i was like - damn didn't expect that

probably one of my favorite moments in season 3

i hated doakes but once he was gone i kind of missed him

still curious how 3 will go - where can they go next?

Vodstok 09-26-2008 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 733604)
i was totally convinced that lila was going to disappear and show back up in season 3 or 4 - so when she has a meeting in paris i was like - damn didn't expect that

probably one of my favorite moments in season 3

i hated doakes but once he was gone i kind of missed him

still curious how 3 will go - where can they go next?

Don tget me wrong, Doakes was a good person, just a mouthy jackass. And intuition or not, he was an asshole, and stepped over quite a few personal boundaries with dexter. He completely deserved the head-butt. :D

But he didnt really deserve to be blown up.

Lila, on the other hand, deserved a worse end than she got, but I'm glad he just got it over with.

newb 09-26-2008 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 733604)

still curious how 3 will go - where can they go next?

He's going to need an adversary.

urgeok2 09-26-2008 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 733675)
He's going to need an adversary.

i keep wondering when it will be his sister

Zero 09-28-2008 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 733682)
i keep wondering when it will be his sister

she definitely needs to die

Disease 09-28-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 725965)
You watched ALL of season 2 already.....you're a fucking animal:eek:

tell me

********major spoilers here...do not read...I repeat...do not read************

did ya feel bad when Doakes died?....what a great character

I didn't I felt he had it coming, he was an asshole...

Sure you can defend him in saying he was right to be following Dexter, but he was doing it on his own time with no legal reason which is also stalking... so he was a pest to me...

The chick in series 2 annoyed me more though, I also thought she was a weak villain in the end.

La Chat Noire 09-29-2008 06:49 AM

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Lila. I'm glad she won't be back. Anyone catch the season 3 premiere by chance?

newb 09-30-2008 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by La Chat Noire (Post 734900)
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Lila. I'm glad she won't be back. Anyone catch the season 3 premiere by chance?

Last night..........already looks like a good season:D

Vodstok 09-30-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 735396)
Last night..........already looks like a good season:D

Say NOTHING without huge spoiler warnings, I dont want to know.

urgeok2 09-30-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 734351)
she definitely needs to die

are you kidding me ? his sister is HOT .. i love that character ...

La Chat Noire 09-30-2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 735436)
are you kidding me ? his sister is HOT .. i love that character ...

She looks even better this season.

Kel-J-Firefly 10-07-2008 06:42 PM

Dexter is incredible, I haven't even seen season 2 yet, but it's already become my favourite show of all time.
Michael C. Hall's character is so engaging, and I can't wait to see the next season.

The_Return 10-07-2008 06:45 PM

Maybe its just me, but I thought Season 2 was a marked step down from the first one...still DAMN good, loved every second of it, but it seemed to be missing something.

I guess I preferred Dexter happy and at the top of his game - plus the whole dynamic between him and the Ice Truck Killer (especially before the reveal) was badass.

Season 2 just didn't have the same spark. Lundy was a great addition (was anyone else reminded of a hornier Dale Cooper?) and I loved all the Doakes stuff, but Lila was just annoying as sin. Hated her from start to finish and wish she would have met a far more violent fate.

Anyway, I'm pumped for Season 3 - I have to wait for DVD though, so I'm glad Season 2 didn't really end on a cliff-hanger.

Vodstok 10-08-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by The_Return (Post 737915)
Anyway, I'm pumped for Season 3 - I have to wait for DVD though, so I'm glad Season 2 didn't really end on a cliff-hanger.

I think that is part of the brilliance of the show, the seasons end in a tight little package. That shows a great deal of confidence in their product; if you think you need to bait people into the next season, you end it on a cliffhanger. if you make something so good that people will be chomping at the bit for the next season during the finale without something hanging over their head, then you have something great, you know it, and that will be reflected in the continuing quality fo the show.

kpropain 10-14-2008 08:18 AM

Best fucking show ever, kinda hated to see Doakes go but damn what a way to go, but I was glad he killed that bitch Lila, what a fucking twat she was...I do have to agree with Vamp, I thought the first season was better, not to say that the second season wasn't any good cause I thought it was great but I just liked the story of the first season better...What tripped me out was the first time you see Rudy/The Ice Truck Killer when he was in the hospital room with Tucci the night watchmen and Debra, I said damn that guy looks like Richard Ramirez The Night Stalker, I bet he will end up being the Ice Truck Killer, and sure enough lol.

I'm glad season three has started and I'm anxious to see how it will stand up to the first two seasons.

Has anyone read any of the books? I've been wanting to pick them up and read them, I just haven't had the time to yet.

illdojo 11-03-2008 12:11 PM

I just caught up with season 3 and it is fantastic. Jimmy Smits character Miguel Prado is a great addition to the show. I can't wait to see how this season unfolds.

saffronsinclaire 11-05-2008 12:06 AM

Dexter is my favorite show on tv right now.

illdojo 11-14-2008 06:25 PM

So, who's "The Skinner"?

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