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Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 05:15 AM

3 movies I need your opinion on.
Can anyone quickly review/rate these? I'm thinking of buying some or all of them but I never watched them. They're cheap.

- Bug
- The Relic
- Prophecy


I_Still_Know! 10-14-2004 05:23 AM

The only one that I have seen is The Relic, and I thought it was a pretty damn good creature movie, with a fair bit of blood spilled throughout the movie.

Even the trailer for it kicks ass!! I love it!

It is definately one that I have been meaning to buy for quite a while now.

I seriously doubt that you would be dissapointed if you purchased it.

Hope this helps!

Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 05:28 AM

Thanks I_Still_Know. I'll wait for a couple more comments before buying it. I think I might have actually rent the movie but just don't remember. There is this cardboard display for the Friday the 13th box set and you get like 16 horror movies for $12 CAN. (Pet Sematary 2, Rosemary's Baby, Body Parts, Pet Sematary, I married a 'something' from 'can't recall', etc.)

Stingy Jack 10-14-2004 05:31 AM

I have seen The Relic and Bug. The first was pretty good, although it was basically a formula film. It had a bad-ass creature, though, that got pretty nasty with it's victims. Good special effects and an intelligent basis for the story (not to say the actual story was intelligent.) The second ... I'm not sure if the film you're talking about is the one I have seen. The film Bug that I saw was about, well, the butterfly effect. A kid steps on a bug, at the beginning of the film, which sets in motion a series of events with cataclysmic results. It was a solid plot, very entertaining, and worthy of many viewings. But then again, it may not be the same film you're talking about.

Hellbound 10-14-2004 05:32 AM

I've only seen The Prophecy.
It's Christopher Walken playing a fallen angel hunting another angel for reasons I can't remember and takes itself rather seriously.
Moves along at a fairly sedate pace if I remember correctly but the tone of the movie suits that speed.
There isn't an awful lot of gore if I recall but what moments there are are pretty decent.

You can buy the box set of all three films in the trilogy but I've only seen the first one.

Did I mention though that it's Christopher Walken?

We like him.

Kemal 10-14-2004 05:33 AM

Wow, I actually saw a couple of these.

Prophecy is mildy entertaining, mostly because of Christopher Walken. The Relic just stank. If you just want special effects eye candy then go ahead and see it. But I'd recommend you read the book by Douglas Preston instead.

edited for spelling

Stingy Jack 10-14-2004 05:39 AM


Originally posted by Kemal
Wow, I actually saw a couple of these.

Prophesy is mildy entertaining, mostly because of Christopher Walken. The Relic just stank. If you just want special effects eye candy then go ahead and see it. But I'd recommend you read the book by Douglas Preston instead.

Good call! I read the book before I saw the film (Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child), and the film is a pretty good adaptation. But you're right, the book was better (as it always is). Glad to see another reading member here!


Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 05:40 AM

Actually it's not The Prophecy, it's Prophecy. It has to do with a large mutant bear.

And this is Bug. Don't know if we're talking about the same one

Stingy Jack 10-14-2004 05:45 AM


Originally posted by Steve_Hutchison
Actually it's not The Prophecy, it's Prophecy. It has to do with a large mutant bear.

And this is Bug. Don't know if we're talking about the same one

Well, that's hard to say. You're link doesn't work. But, I went to IMDb and searched for Bug ... and I think you're talking about the 1975 horror film. The one I was talking about is a 2002 independent film ... not horror. So, we're probably not talking about the same thing.

I_Still_Know! 10-14-2004 05:46 AM


Originally posted by Steve_Hutchison
There is this cardboard display for the Friday the 13th box set and you get like 16 horror movies for $12 CAN. (Pet Sematary 2, Rosemary's Baby, Body Parts, Pet Sematary, I married a 'something' from 'can't recall', etc.)
You lucky bastard!! I thought I got a bargain when I went into K-Mart tonight and bought one movie (Stephen King's IT) for $15 AUD.

There were noooooo such horror sets available to us aussies.


Oh well, I'll get over it!

OK, I'm over it!

Stingy Jack 10-14-2004 05:47 AM

My bad. The link actually does work, and you are talking about the 1975 horror. Sorry. Haven't seen it. Although, I do recommend the film Bug that I talked about! :p

zwoti 10-14-2004 05:58 AM

the relic is a silly monster movie, but as long as the film makers realise this and don't take it so seriously they are enjoyable.

bug was the last movie from william castle, an earthquake opens up a whole in the ground and these bugs emerge which can start fires. ok film but dated now.

been awhile since i've seen prophecy but i always enjoy christopher walken.

Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 05:59 AM


Originally posted by I_Still_Know!
You lucky bastard!! I thought I got a bargain when I went into K-Mart tonight and bought one movie (Stephen King's IT) for $15 AUD.

There were noooooo such horror sets available to us aussies.


Oh well, I'll get over it!

OK, I'm over it!

No, no, no, my mistake. I meant $12 Can each! That's about $19 US I think. Still a bargain if the movie is decent.

Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 06:00 AM


Originally posted by Stingy Jack
My bad. The link actually does work, and you are talking about the 1975 horror. Sorry. Haven't seen it. Although, I do recommend the film Bug that I talked about! :p
I'll try and get it. Is it a short?

Stingy Jack 10-14-2004 06:05 AM

No, it's a full-length film. But it's not horror ... it's a philosophical comedy. I don't know if that's your cup of tea?

newb 10-14-2004 06:15 AM

Prophecy was pretty good. And as someone has mentioned, it has Christopher Walken in it. He just seems to elevate any movie he is in. The Relic is good for what it is, a monster movie with some pretty good kills. I haven't seen Bug.

I_Still_Know! 10-14-2004 06:19 AM


Originally posted by Steve_Hutchison
No, no, no, my mistake. I meant $12 Can each! That's about $19 US I think. Still a bargain if the movie is decent.
Ahhhhh, ok! I thought you meant one huge box set of horror movies for $12.

Yeah, that is a good price for Pet Sematary and Pet Sematary 2. You might waste your money if you purchase that movie you mentioned earlier - I married a 'something' from 'can't recall' - doesnt sound like that movie lept out at you :)

Steve_Hutchison 10-14-2004 06:46 AM


Just remembered the title : I Married a Monster from Outer Space
It's black and white. I don't like black in white too much.

mothermold 10-14-2004 10:54 PM

Re: 3 movies I need your opinion on.

Originally posted by Steve_Hutchison

- Bug
- The Relic
- Prophecy


1.never seen it.
2.only if it's very cheap.

jay o2 waster 10-15-2004 05:37 AM

Re: 3 movies I need your opinion on.

Originally posted by Steve_Hutchison
Can anyone quickly review/rate these? I'm thinking of buying some or all of them but I never watched them. They're cheap.

- Bug
- The Relic
- Prophecy


never seen them

sjshark 10-16-2004 06:39 PM

Has anyone seen RtB
Has anyone here seen Riding the Bullet?I've been hearing some really,really bad things and I was wondering if its even worth seeing.Assuming it ever gets released near where I live

coffinbaby 10-17-2004 11:51 AM

Eye Scream Man
i just want to know you guyz general felling on this horror movie and other movies starring wrestlers, as u already know this ones about a group of kids hangign around together and soon encounter a serial killer nicknamed Eye Scream Man, their are also other Horror/Sci-Fi/Comedy movies starring wrestlers such as Doom with The Rock and Santas Slay with Goldeberg.

Haphazard 10-17-2004 01:44 PM

Is "Attic Expeditions" Worth Checking Out?
Just want anyone's opinion on this flick...


thecritic 10-17-2004 03:19 PM

Does anybody know???
Does anybody know for sure when that movie "The Nightmare Ends on Halloween" is supposed to be downloadable? I have to say that I am rather intrigued at the concept of all of them put together and am curious to see what is done with it.
Kawasaki F2

Proteus 10-17-2004 03:34 PM

Don't know about anyone else but I kinda enjoyed it! Its a mind fuck to say the least and has some good suporting cast members If you can get it cheap on Dvd Id pick it up!


JKR76 10-17-2004 07:58 PM

Best supernatural movies???
Hey everybody, Im new to the board. Have to say you guys have some great picks! I've been looking for ideas of movies to rent but everything I get lately sucks. Any ideas for some good supernatural type movies out there??

dantehorrorfan 10-17-2004 08:04 PM

NOES,the excorsist

Arioch 10-17-2004 08:51 PM

Seen a couple of threads asking for suggestions on movies so i thought i'd merge them....

Steve_Hutchison 10-18-2004 03:45 AM

It's one of my favorites.

movieman64 10-18-2004 07:13 AM

Like I have said before, (and will say again) it's the meat and potatoes type horror film that's makes this the best Genre there is. It's not stellar, but it has a lot of good moments, l agree with Proteus about the mind thing, it's worth a watch. I have it in my collection but you might want to rent it first before you buy.

So where you from HapHaz?

Indiana, the land of Corn and rednecks here!

Haphazard 10-18-2004 10:30 AM

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not gonna buy it until I rent it...but I will check it out!

Hahahahahaha! movieman...I'm from Pennsylvania. The land of uh, umm...well we have, uh...

Ok, there is NOTHING! ALRIGHT!

No seriously, I don't really dig it here.

Ninja Moo 10-18-2004 11:46 AM

I've never even heard of this

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