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cheebacheeba 11-08-2016 11:01 PM

Should the Trump thing go in here?

hammerfan 11-09-2016 01:38 AM

The results of this election prove what I've always said: at the heart of it, most Americans are racist.

cheebacheeba 11-09-2016 03:44 AM

My take from over the lake...I don't know too much about your political system...

I find it unusual that there's laws in place to prevent a person from another country becoming president, but not against someone running who, from what I understand doesn't actually have a political background at all?

I'm actually still pondering how this cartoon character of a person got in...racism etc aside, it still baffles that the numbers were in his favour at all.
Yeah, he's got money?
Is that it?

But hey, it is what it is...apparently a number of people think that he'll represent them well. He might. Who knows.

Though I'm wondering,
Considering he certainly seems to be a bit of a racist, arrogant, mouthy and outspoken, and certainly seems to equate money with the ability to conduct yourself any way you want to...how long until any of these factors is the cause of some kind of international incident?

I just hope he doesn't end up taking you guys into some kind of war.

hammerfan 11-09-2016 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 1021669)
I just hope he doesn't end up taking you guys into some kind of war.

And that, my friend, is my biggest fear. And one I can see happening.

TheBossInTheWall 11-09-2016 05:13 AM

Goodbye gay marriage
Even worse access to health care for women and abortion in conservative states
Goodbye my health insurance, hello crazy prescription costs
Tentative fear of 'renegotiating' trade with China leading to war.
Watch as Syrian refugees are dumped somewhere and starve
Look, here comes lots and lots emboldened racist violence
So long minimum wage, welcome increasing poverty
Supreme court nomination to keep the rich flooding elections with hidden money
Emboldened rapists in the military

Care to add the the horror of American and international future?

ImmortalSlasher 11-09-2016 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1021664)
The results of this election prove what I've always said: at the heart of it, most Americans are racist.

Pretty much. If you ever leave the major cities you come across them. Just take a look at the red areas on the current and previous election years. They will say they are decent, religious, and whatever else. But when you hear what they really believe, which they won't tell you unless behind closed doors or it slips, is when the truth comes out.


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 1021669)
My take from over the lake...I don't know too much about your political system...

I find it unusual that there's laws in place to prevent a person from another country becoming president, but not against someone running who, from what I understand doesn't actually have a political background at all?

I'm actually still pondering how this cartoon character of a person got in...racism etc aside, it still baffles that the numbers were in his favour at all.
Yeah, he's got money?
Is that it?

But hey, it is what it is...apparently a number of people think that he'll represent them well. He might. Who knows.

Though I'm wondering,
Considering he certainly seems to be a bit of a racist, arrogant, mouthy and outspoken, and certainly seems to equate money with the ability to conduct yourself any way you want to...how long until any of these factors is the cause of some kind of international incident?

I just hope he doesn't end up taking you guys into some kind of war.

It is funny that Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't qualified for President because he wasn't born here. But could be governor of California. Although he wasn't technically qualified for that position either.

He won for numerous reasons that are probably too much to get into. But basically he excited the people that Republicans previously pandered too. And spoke to their beliefs. That slogan of Make America Great keyword Again. Meaning make America great again for white people. By taking the country back from the few minorities or women who were trying to do things for all Americans.


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1021672)
And that, my friend, is my biggest fear. And one I can see happening.

We are already close if not already in wars that will take generations to clear up. It will only be worse as his policies will be worse than George Bush since the Republicans have control of both houses. Unless they understand that their duty is to the country and not a President. So many Republicans were against him but I have a feeling that they will fall in line just for their political futures.


Originally Posted by TheBossInTheWall (Post 1021678)
Goodbye gay marriage
Even worse access to health care for women and abortion in conservative states
Goodbye my health insurance, hello crazy prescription costs
Tentative fear of 'renegotiating' trade with China leading to war.
Watch as Syrian refugees are dumped somewhere and starve
Look, here comes lots and lots emboldened racist violence
So long minimum wage, welcome increasing poverty
Supreme court nomination to keep the rich flooding elections with hidden money
Emboldened rapists in the military

Care to add the the horror of American and international future?

Pretty much.

Some of them talked about revolutions and civil wars if Hillary won. But the sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others might lead to one here if the economy gets bad and there is another big attack. Because people will start to blame others.

RollinFan 11-10-2016 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by ImmortalSlasher (Post 1021690)
But the sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others might lead to one here if the economy gets bad and there is another big attack. Because people will start to blame others.

Are you not seeing the protests now? We already have the "sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others". They have been stealing Trump signs, burning buildings, blocking highways and vandalizing the walk of fame for months. Trump's win is a pushback against all of that crap. Hillary's entire campaign was "the world will end if Trump wins". Stop pushing her agenda, it's over. Bernie would have kicked his ass, but they just couldn't do it. It was Hillary or bust, so bust it is. My money says someone "with ties to Black Lives Matter" will assassinate Trump come spring. Then it will truly hit the fan.

hammerfan 11-10-2016 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by RollinFan (Post 1021702)
Are you not seeing the protests now? We already have the "sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others". They have been stealing Trump signs, burning buildings, blocking highways and vandalizing the walk of fame for months. Trump's win is a pushback against all of that crap. Hillary's entire campaign was "the world will end if Trump wins". Stop pushing her agenda, it's over. Bernie would have kicked his ass, but they just couldn't do it. It was Hillary or bust, so bust it is. My money says someone "with ties to Black Lives Matter" will assassinate Trump come spring. Then it will truly hit the fan.

I really hope that doesn't happen. Because Pence is a million times worse than Trump.

TheBossInTheWall 11-10-2016 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by RollinFan (Post 1021702)
Are you not seeing the protests now? We already have the "sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others". They have been stealing Trump signs, burning buildings, blocking highways and vandalizing the walk of fame for months. Trump's win is a pushback against all of that crap. Hillary's entire campaign was "the world will end if Trump wins". Stop pushing her agenda, it's over. Bernie would have kicked his ass, but they just couldn't do it. It was Hillary or bust, so bust it is. My money says someone "with ties to Black Lives Matter" will assassinate Trump come spring. Then it will truly hit the fan.

Pushing Hilary's agenda? Their rage most likely has to do with Trump, not Hilary not winning the election.

sfear 11-10-2016 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1021703)
I really hope that doesn't happen. Because Pence is a million times worse than Trump.

What's scary about Pence is that he bears an uncanny resemblance to Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love.

RollinFan 11-11-2016 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1021664)
The results of this election prove what I've always said: at the heart of it, most Americans are racist.

Yep, that's how Obama stayed in office for eight years, all that racism.

The Villain 11-11-2016 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by RollinFan (Post 1021738)
Yep, that's how Obama stayed in office for eight years, all that racism.

Yes because there was never a racist thing said about him right?

RollinFan 11-11-2016 09:15 PM

You just went from "most Americans are racist" to "some Americans said some racist things".
I think most people worldwide have distrust and stereotypes of people from different social groups. At the moment, everyone is tired of Americans. Doesn't make them anti-American, even if some of their comments are.

The Villain 11-12-2016 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by RollinFan (Post 1021766)
You just went from "most Americans are racist" to "some Americans said some racist things".
I think most people worldwide have distrust and stereotypes of people from different social groups. At the moment, everyone is tired of Americans. Doesn't make them anti-American, even if some of their comments are.

I didn't make the comment that most Americans are racist, I just commented on your snarky reply. Hammerfan is allowed to think what she thinks and if you disagree be respectful, not a sarcastic prick.

If someone thinks a certain way about a race of people based on the color of their skin and those thoughts or things they say are negative hurtful stereotypes then that is racism, it's not just about hate.

If you think all Muslims are terrorists, that's racism.

If you think mexicans are all rapists that's racism.

If you think black people are all criminals, that's racism.

Those are all ideals that Trump has encouraged not to mention his feelings towards the people in the LGBTQ community.

Repo'd 11-12-2016 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 1021769)
I didn't make the comment that most Americans are racist, I just commented on your snarky reply. Hammerfan is allowed to think what she thinks and if you disagree be respectful, not a sarcastic prick.

Asking someone to disagree respectfully and calling them a sarcastic prick in the same sentence? Impressive display of hypocrisy Villain!

The Villain 11-12-2016 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1021771)
Asking someone to disagree respectfully and calling them a sarcastic prick in the same sentence? Impressive display of hypocrisy Villain!

I wasn't calling them that, I was saying how they were being with their sarcastic reply

Repo'd 11-12-2016 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 1021772)
I wasn't calling them that, I was saying how they were being with their sarcastic reply

Sure buddy. Have a nice day.

The Villain 11-12-2016 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1021773)
Sure buddy. Have a nice day.

Alright I think I'm done here for awhile

MichaelMyers 11-12-2016 04:11 AM

Starting to think HF's ban on political discussion was a good idea! Now Villain has self-exiled like V and neverending. ::sad::

Repo'd 11-12-2016 04:25 AM

Well, I hope he'll stay. Hammer made him a Mod, and if she likes and respects a person that carries a lot of weight for me.

I called him out for insulting a member and then I simply made it clear I didn't buy his backpedaling excuse. If someone disagreeing with him is enough to send him running, that's his call.

Repo'd 11-12-2016 04:26 AM

Well, I hope he'll stay. Hammer made him a Mod, and if she likes and respects a person that carries a lot of weight for me.

I called him out for insulting a member and then I simply made it clear I didn't buy his backpedaling excuse. If someone disagreeing with him is enough to send him running, that's his call. My remarks weren't if a political nature at all. Just calling out hypocrisy.

cheebacheeba 11-12-2016 05:26 AM

'Sup Repo'd, Villain if you're about.
I don't wanna weigh in on what just happened.
I will say this though, I was entertained while reading through it.
Can't help it.
That said, I also think it's really funny when people *almost* trip over and just kind've stumble. I find people throwing up like...insane levels of funny...the faces, the hurling sounds, it is my comedy gold.
Lifting heavy items with other people, that just makes me laugh. I don't find it funny at all, it puzzles me.
Where was I going with this? really, just not with it tonight. This morning.
Right. Yep. I'll weigh in on moving forward though, in that lets all just keep posting shit and proceed as normal.
This thread, it's not important enough for anyone to leave or whatever.

Repo'd 11-12-2016 05:55 AM

Glad you got a laugh out of it Cheeb's. There's not enough laughter these days. And thank you for your post, which I find hysterically funny for reasons that I will keep to myself.

As far as leaving this place, I've been seriously considering taking a nice long break, but it has nothing to do with any disagreements. I'm an adult and can handle an opinion that strays from my own. If and when I go, it will be because there isn't enough Horror discussion in here. Non-horror posts and stuff are fine, but when they consistently get much greater, and more spirited response than Horror related posts, I have to question my continued presence here. After all, I come here to feed my Horror habit and that's not happening. Anyway, like you said, we should move on.
If this is my last post or one of many more to come, I've enjoyed much of my time here and I wish everyone the very best in life.

The Villain 11-12-2016 06:28 AM

Let me just say this before I go and then I will go for awhile because I have a lot to deal with in my life and I don't need this shit.

There is a difference between telling someone not to be a sarcastic prick and actually calling them one, it was not a backpedaling excuse it was the truth of what I said.

Besides that there was no need for him to be sarcastic when Hammer hadn't been that way to him but once you stop being respectful, I stop. I show no respect to anyone being disrespectful.

Call me a hypocrite if you want but that's the way I handle things. Besides I was telling him to be respectful and stuff like this wouldn't happen. That doesn't seem hypocritical to me.

Now I'm out.

MichaelMyers 11-12-2016 06:34 AM

Repo'd and Villain: thank you for your service at HDC.

Repo'd 11-12-2016 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 1021783)
Let me just say this before I go and then I will go for awhile because I have a lot to deal with in my life and I don't need this shit.

There is a difference between telling someone not to be a sarcastic prick and actually calling them one, it was not a backpedaling excuse it was the truth of what I said.

Besides that there was no need for him to be sarcastic when Hammer hadn't been that way to him but once you stop being respectful, I stop. I show no respect to anyone being disrespectful.

Call me a hypocrite if you want but that's the way I handle things. Besides I was telling him to be respectful and stuff like this wouldn't happen. That doesn't seem hypocritical to me.

Now I'm out.

Aww, come on man. Don't be so dramatic. Stick around. You are well liked by a lot of people here, myself included.
I just think you could have made your point more effectively had you simply told him he didn't need to be sarcastic. Adding prick to that sentence seems like you let your personal feelings get in the way of giving him a fair criticism. It's just my opinion and I think it's valid. Asking someone to be respectful and then calling them a sarcastic prick , or saying they are being a sarcastic prick is counterproductive, and yes, in my opinion hypocritical.
We all have shit to deal with in life and this place is supposed to be a diversion from all that. Hang out, Villain. This is just a bump in the road.

The Villain 11-12-2016 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1021787)
Aww, come on man. Don't be so dramatic. Stick around. You are well liked by a lot of people here, myself included.
I just think you could have made your point more effectively had you simply told him he didn't need to be sarcastic. Adding prick to that sentence seems like you let your personal feelings get in the way of giving him a fair criticism. It's just my opinion and I think it's valid. Asking someone to be respectful and then calling them a sarcastic prick , or saying they are being a sarcastic prick is counterproductive, and yes, in my opinion hypocritical.
We all have shit to deal with in life and this place is supposed to be a diversion from all that. Hang out, Villain. This is just a bump in the road.

Fair enough. I could've stated that better. Been dealing with a lot of stress and my wife's health issues so I've been on edge. Let's just put this behind us.

Repo'd 11-12-2016 07:53 AM

Cool! I can certainly relate to what you're going through. No offense meant, and I imagine I could have handled it a little better myself. I wasnt very impressed with my snarky " sure buddy. Have a nice day" post anyway! ::big grin:: My apologies for that.

Glad you'll be sticking around, and I hope the best for your wife, man.

DeadbeatAtDawn 11-12-2016 02:53 PM

Horror > Politics

Thumb resize.

cheebacheeba 11-12-2016 03:30 PM

Cheeba is pleased by this outcome.
We should keep this open as "Trump watch" and post all Trumpisms we see over time.

Roiffalo 11-12-2016 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 1021788)
Fair enough. I could've stated that better. Been dealing with a lot of stress and my wife's health issues so I've been on edge. Let's just put this behind us.


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1021789)
Cool! I can certainly relate to what you're going through. No offense meant, and I imagine I could have handled it a little better myself. I wasnt very impressed with my snarky " sure buddy. Have a nice day" post anyway! ::big grin:: My apologies for that.

Glad you'll be sticking around, and I hope the best for your wife, man.

These posts made my night. Why is it the horror fans are the least insane during this political nightmare? Taking that into consideration I hope you all stay and we keep the same (if not better) level of communication. We could all use the friendship and support during this time.

As DeadBeat so perfectly stated:


Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn (Post 1021794)
Horror > Politics

Thumb resize.

RollinFan 11-13-2016 08:19 AM

I certainly didn't mean to run anybody off. Sarcastic and snarky is my default setting. I can understand how other issues can color how such things appear. Maybe we could post sarcasm in a different font, or a nice shade of green.

::big grin::

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