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#1ZOMBIE 11-26-2004 07:19 PM

dawn of the dead
dawn of the dead is a awsome zombie movie most zombie the zombies r slow and crap but in this movie they r super fast made it 100% scarier to me

dawn-of-the-dum 11-26-2004 07:21 PM

Re: dawn of the dead

Originally posted by #1ZOMBIE
dawn of the dead is a awsome zombie movie most zombie the zombies r slow and crap but in this movie they r super fast made it 100% scarier to me

MichaelMyers 11-26-2004 08:45 PM

While we're on this forray into nudity, Beyonce needs a personal trimmer. And a thigh master.


dawn-of-the-dum 11-26-2004 08:47 PM


Originally posted by MichaelMyers
While we're on this forray into nudity, Beyonce needs a personal trimmer. And a thigh master.


The_Return 11-27-2004 08:57 AM

Re: dawn of the dead

Originally posted by #1ZOMBIE
dawn of the dead is a awsome zombie movie most zombie the zombies r slow and crap but in this movie they r super fast made it 100% scarier to me
You are not welcome here. Go crawl back under the rock you came from

wufong 11-27-2004 04:06 PM

Re: dawn of the dead

Originally posted by #1ZOMBIE
dawn of the dead is a awsome zombie movie most zombie the zombies r slow and crap but in this movie they r super fast made it 100% scarier to me
yeah i suppose you have a point.. i think faster moving zombies does add for more action/drama/frights? but i don't know which one is better i like em both. slow then fast!!. er i mean slow and fast. i hear in the next one, they are going to be able to talk and actually be smart enough to open a door. which should make for a more thrilling movie.

Jmarie 10-18-2017 09:25 AM

I like both the original and the remake of dawn of the dead. I think I like the original a little more, but that's just because that's what I grew up watching. As for slow vs fast zombies, both are entertaining and scary. The fast ones because you can't outrun them. The slow ones though, I think, get underestimated. You think you're safe because they're slow, but then they're numbers get you or they trick you (which brings up another point...the slow ones seem to be able to learn things) or you do something stupid.

Val Valiant-thor 10-21-2017 01:00 PM

Romero's 78 masterpiece is a monument.

Snyder's 04' version was pretty cool.

I love 'em both.


FryeDwight 10-27-2017 05:57 AM

Like the Snyder version very much...had trepidations when I saw it, but was much better than I thought it would be.
However the Romero version is an absolute classic, definitely one of my all time favorites.
Prefer slower zombies myself.

fudgetusk 10-27-2017 07:03 AM

I hate fast zombies myself.

STTC2K18 03-28-2018 06:38 PM

I think it depends on the story being told. Sometimes fast zombies are alright, sometimes them being slow is preferable. Personally, I like slower zombies, because I feel like that'd be most "scientifically" accurate haha

But I love the 2004 Dawn of the Dead. Absolutely great remake. This, 300 and Watchmen are what made Zack Snyder the star he is today - and rightfully so. It's just unfortunate that just about everything he released after those 3 movies ended up absolute trash.

But for sure, Dawn of the Dead rules.

LuvablePsycho 04-18-2018 06:00 AM

I have nothing against fast zombies I mean Dawn of the Dead remake wasn't even the first movie to have them look at The Return of the Living Dead. However I still hated it, I think that the original was better and even the original wasn't one of my top 5 favorite zombie movies.

STTC2K18 04-22-2018 08:48 AM

They were slow zombies in the original Dawn right? It was only the Snyder remake that made them fast?

I vastly prefer slow zombies, and the usual "reanimated dead" versions of zombies, but I love the Dawn of the Dead remake - despite them being fast zombies. That, 300 & Watchmen were the peak of Snyder's career - it's been all downhill since then.

STTC2K18 04-22-2018 08:49 AM

Also just realized I already posted in this thread lol

idoneus1957 06-04-2018 07:02 AM

Living Dead titles
I've heard Dan O'Bannon, director of Return of the Living Dead, made a deal with Romero that O'Bannon could use Living Dead in his titles, and Romero would just use Dead.

How could Return of the living dead have a sequel, considering how the first movie ends? (I almost did a spoiler.)

I love that line from the ads for return of the living dead: "They're not angry...they're just hungry!"

Smeg Head1 06-04-2018 12:19 PM

For me, fast vs slow zombies depends on the type of movie. In a genuine horror movie I need fast zombies. The threat isn't real enough with slow zombies. But if the tone is lighter, than slow zombies work better.

A movie like Versus, the zombies are slow enough that everyone is trying to look cool as they kill them.

But a movie like 28 Days Later works as a great horror because the zombies are such a terrifying threat, endlessly chasing you down at speed.

The Walking Dead doesn't work for me because I don't see the zombies as a genuine threat. You can power-walk away from them. Slow zombies only really work in a confined space such as a shopping mall.

LuvablePsycho 06-05-2018 04:13 AM

What makes slow zombies a dangerous threat is that they grow into such large numbers and you can't possibly kill all of them when they surround you. I agree that fast zombies would technically be more dangerous but most movies with fast zombies border on being action movies and not true horror movies.

idoneus1957 06-06-2018 06:26 AM

zombies have changed
Before 1968, there was nothing scary about the West Indian concept of the zombie. In movies like "I walked with a zombie," the zombie itself is not threatening, just the idea that somebody wants to turn you into one. that, of course, can be pretty scary, as in "The serpent and the rainbow":

"Don't let them bury me. I'm not dead!"

But the zombie itself was just a guy who had been raised from the dead so he could work in the canefields, from the employer's point of view the perfect employee: You don't pay him, he doesn't eat much, he doesn't go on strike. Let's see...I think the idea was that if the zombie gets any meat to eat, he remembers that he's dead, and goes back and lies back down in his grave.

fudgetusk 06-06-2018 07:44 AM

The zombie is a symbol of our own mortality. Hence slow. Death for most of us will come slowly. Romero said we are the walking dead because we know we are going to die. We see the zombies coming and we know, after a while, we will die.

Like life.

LuvablePsycho 06-06-2018 12:45 PM

Anything (un)dead like a zombie, ghost, or vampire has been scaring humans for centuries because they remind us of the fact that we will all be dead one day too. Humans are terrified of death but at the same time they have a fascination with it which is probably why ghoulish monsters have always been so popular in works of horror.

Lord Voldemort 08-07-2018 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by fudgetusk (Post 1031477)
The zombie is a symbol of our own mortality. Hence slow. Death for most of us will come slowly. Romero said we are the walking dead because we know we are going to die. We see the zombies coming and we know, after a while, we will die.

Like life.

That was the same reasoning for the creature in It Follows. It's the reason why the curse was passed through sexual intercourse; it's one of the earliest acts of adulthood when death is more prevalent than childhood.

Sculpt 08-08-2018 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Voldemort (Post 1032620)
That was the same reasoning for the creature in It Follows. It's the reason why the curse was passed through sexual intercourse; it's one of the earliest acts of adulthood when death is more prevalent than childhood.

Interesting! When you say death is more prevalent than in childhood, you mean adults are more likely to die than children? Or just that adults are closer to dying of old age than children?

I'm not sure I'm following you as to how sex makes death more prevalent. You know, anymore than puberty does. Thanks!

LuvablePsycho 08-09-2018 07:04 AM

Speaking of which, why do horror movies always show people getting killed during or after having sex? Is it because people let their guard down and become more vulnerable in that situation? I personally don't think the movie makers are trying to imply that sex is evil it's more like they are trying to scare the audience. Like the scene in Psycho when the woman was being stabbed to death while taking a shower. It's a scary idea to be attacked when you are naked and vulnerable.

Lord Voldemort 08-18-2018 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1032635)
Interesting! When you say death is more prevalent than in childhood, you mean adults are more likely to die than children? Or just that adults are closer to dying of old age than children?

I'm not sure I'm following you as to how sex makes death more prevalent. You know, anymore than puberty does. Thanks!

Sorry should have worded it more clearly. ::big grin::

I meant because adults are more likely to do from old age. Each year that passes always brings you closer to death because sooner or later we will all die from some cause.

LuvablePsycho 09-25-2018 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Voldemort (Post 1032902)
Sorry should have worded it more clearly. ::big grin::

I meant because adults are more likely to do from old age. Each year that passes always brings you closer to death because sooner or later we will all die from some cause.

Most people say they want to die of old age. I'm not sure I actually want that for myself because I've seen the way all my grandparents have been suffering in their old age. It's a very slow, painful, and degrading process. I think I would prefer somebody killing me quick and painless over rotting away in a nursing home.

NightOfTheLiving_Sam 09-29-2018 09:08 AM

Is Dawn Of The Dead on blu ray by any any chance.

Anytime I look on Amazon, I can't seem to find it.


Sculpt 09-29-2018 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by NightOfTheLiving_Sam (Post 1033709)
Is Dawn Of The Dead on blu ray by any any chance.

Anytime I look on Amazon, I can't seem to find it.


That would be weird if it wasnt. Here's one, its used for $80. new $160, and from 80-124 for various qualities of used. Don't look at the $21 one, it will not play in North American blue ray players.


Used list: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-list...=used&qid=&sr=

Guess there hasnt been a US/Western blue ray release in a long time

LuvablePsycho 09-30-2018 02:07 PM

I bet you can find plenty of copies of the 2004 remake though. ::big grin::

God I hate remakes of great movies...

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