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avenger00soul 11-02-2003 06:49 PM

Movies you grew up with.
I recently watched Little Monsters and I hadn't seen it since I was real young. I love that movie. I used to watch the hell out of it. Other films that got tons of play at my house were Howard the Duck, Monster Squad, Silver Bullet, Cellar Dweller, and Big Trouble in Little China to name a few. I was just wondering what were some movies you guys cherished as kids?

Killer Clown#1 11-02-2003 06:52 PM

When I was younger Little Monsters use to scare the crap out of me:( have not seen it since. I also watched ghostbusters 1&2 a lot(those movies are the best:) )

SoUl SuRvIvOrS 11-02-2003 06:53 PM

The Goonies.. and alot of those you mentioned...

dabruce16 11-02-2003 06:57 PM

my mom raised me on the howling. my dad raised me on the old classics like dracula and the wolfman and frankenstein. howard the duck was boss back then, now kinda corny. little monsters also scared the shit outta me.

MichaelMyers 11-02-2003 07:07 PM

The Lost Boys, Ghostbusters, Gremlins.....just to name a few.

josh 11-02-2003 07:43 PM

i grew up watching halloween movies

avenger00soul 11-03-2003 05:50 AM


Originally posted by SoUl SuRvIvOrS
The Goonies.. and alot of those you mentioned...
Shit, I forgot to put the Goonies on there.

Also, Stand By Me was a classic in my house. Nothing to this day has given me the same type of fear as when they find the kid's body and show his face.

D'Lo 11-03-2003 06:08 AM

Movies like Back to the future, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Ferris Bueller's Day off, Planes Trains & Automobiles & Bill & Ted.

I also remember the first time I saw Friday the 13th, the ending where Jason jumps up from the water scared the hell outta me... I also remember when I watched Evil Dead 1 & 2 back to back with my brother (he's 6 years older than I am). I even remember a movie me and my sister (who's 5 years older) rented called Dr. Giggles about a crazy dentist! I must have been about 12 then.

spyk_ 11-03-2003 07:14 AM

Jurassic Park, i saw it on video when i was about 5. it scared me to death (when i first saw the scene with the raptors in the kitchen i nearly cried). I loved it though, and watched it all the time, since i've always been fasinated by dinosaurs. Now when i watch it, it reminds me of the 'good-old-days' when i'd come home from pre-school and sit on my little red table and have my lunch in front of JP.

(sorry, i know i'm boring you)

ChaoticMinister 11-03-2003 07:31 AM

Big trouble in little china, goonies, gremlins, terminator, jurassic park... Stuff like that... I never got many horror movies playing in my house when i was really little... Then my brother Marc started getting into them a lot more...

I still remember the first time I saw Army of Darkness... I kept forgetting the name on the side of the (blockbuster) box, yet I would keep trying to think of the name that went with that great movie up until I finally saw it again a few years later...

Ah, nostalgia... :rolleyes:

Thinking about the past can really pick up a lousy day...


_Leatha_Face_ 11-03-2003 08:18 AM

Goonies. Predator. Halloween, critters, gremlins, chucky, and tales from the crypt it was a show on hbo way back Freddy, but never started watching jason till later hmmm dont knonw y though

ChaoticMinister 11-04-2003 05:13 AM

I'm trying to think of this movie that freaked the hell out of me when I was little... I don't know how old it is though...

What I remember is that there is this little boy in some sort of facility, and he witnesses this dog (perhaps his) going through a machine (perhaps a teleporter) and later finds the dog mangled and disgusting at the bottom of some cell in the building...

It sounds so weird now that I talk about it... but it freaked the hell out of me...




downside 11-04-2003 05:26 AM

Big Trouble in Little China. I loved that.

As far as horror flicks go, the only one I remember watching when I was really young was one called C.H.U.D. Please tell me someone has seen that, or even it's humorous sequel.

Ritualistic 11-04-2003 05:20 PM

Gremlins, The Goonies, Labrinyth, Mother`s Day, Sleepaway camp, Scream for Help, Killer Party, My bloody valentine, April Fool`s Day, Friday the 13th part III, etc... These are movies I worn the hell out of. I would get my mother to make copies of them because I would wear them out.

Zamual 11-06-2003 01:11 PM

Eh mostly stuff like House, Fright Night, Critters, Ghoulies, Etc, Etc...

When I was little in school I always said I wanted to grow up to be Freddy. I was a sick child.

moonsorrow 11-06-2003 01:19 PM

evil dead, nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th, and of course all the arnold movies! i keep wondering how it is to live in california these days with the governator governating it...

Killer Clown#1 11-06-2003 01:53 PM

I can't belive I forgot Killer Klowns from Outer space.:eek:

dethbyfire 11-06-2003 02:07 PM

Every time my sister and i would go to my aunts house we would always rent any Jaws movie. Those were always the best when i was younger

Samantha8 11-08-2003 09:55 AM

Gremlins and Child's Play movies. My father raised me w/ the child's play movies.

MorbidNightmare 11-09-2003 03:00 PM

The movies I watched when I was younger (horror related) was People Under the Stairs, Nightmare on Elm St. , Poltergeist, Friday the 13th, Candyman and those types. I was born in 1980 and the first horror film I watched was in 1987 and it was a Friday the 13th movie..

Lady V 11-10-2003 05:52 AM

I grew up with Movies like: The Lost Boys, Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Childs Play; Halloween and many more.

The only Movies I hate, cause they scared me to death as a Kids were Poltergeist, I hate the old Guy Kane.

avenger00soul 11-10-2003 06:19 AM


Originally posted by Lady V
I grew up with Movies like: The Lost Boys, Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Childs Play; Halloween and many more.

The only Movies I hate, cause they scared me to death as a Kids were Poltergeist, I hate the old Guy Kane.

Kane still scares the crap out of me. What a creepy looking dude.

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