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MichaelMyers 12-30-2012 05:36 PM

Last Seen Contemporary Movie
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992). Great!


The Mothman 12-30-2012 11:12 PM

Just watched organ.
heres my review

_____V_____ 01-01-2013 06:47 AM


Very, very likeable. Sam Rockwell is a revelation. Recommended.

* * * ˝

Ferox13 01-01-2013 07:06 AM


Hedwig and the Angry Inch:

Watched this for the umpteen time - can't get those catchy songs outta my head. WOnderfull films - all movies about Eastern Bloc transsexual singers should be like this..

ChronoGrl 01-01-2013 07:33 AM

^^ LOVE "Wig in a Box!" What a great movie!


The Campaign (2012)


Meh. It definitely had its moments. I think the fiance enjoyed it more than I did.


Butter (2011)


This was really cute. Surprisingly had some pretty risque parts. Olivia Wilde was delightful as always (heh), Jennifer Garner was hilarious, and Rob Corddry was surprisingly charming. Love Ty Burrell too - Great cast, come to think of it. Good little movie.


The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


Overall, I thought that this was a good movie. I hate to compare it to The Dark Knight, but it's hard not to - The Joker was such a charismatic and interesting villain (thanks to Heath Leger) and I actually did like Two Face... But Bane had a hard time living up to that... The fact of the matter is, while I was somewhat interested in his Origin story, he just didn't grip me as much as, say, The Joker did.

My distilled thoughts (folks have brought up some good points that I'll echo here) -


The Good:
  • Catwoman. Sorry, I have to absolutely disagree with the person who found her a waste of screen time. I thought that Anne Hathaway was mesmerizing, Cat Woman was fascinating, and I really liked the contrast of her Robin Hood vs. Bane's destructive anarchy. Though I have to agree, I don't think that there were many sparks between her and Bruce Wane, but I think that part of that could be the writing - While, yes, Bruce Wayne was clearly more human in this movie, I thought that Bale struggled with being pathetic but also being sexual - I found the sex scene to be sort of random and forced, as well as the Cat Woman kisses... I found Hathaway's feelings for Wayne more believable than his for her.
  • Miranda (pre-"twist"). I thought that, of the three Batman movies, this one had the most believable, well-written, smart, and well-acted women. I thought that the previous femmes were weak and two-dimensional, and I'm tired of it. This movie had two incredibly strong female characters who were intelligent, believable, and likable. I really appreciated that.
  • The "Human" Bruce. It was good to see a very human side to Batman, the side that is weak and has to rebuild himself. I thought that Bale was great (as usual) as Wayne (though his Batman voice still drives me insane).
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I just love him. I liked the character of Blake as well, though his character will also appear on my "Bad" list too. While Batman made a comment about him wanting to be an "everyman" hero, that's sort of hard to believe when he's essentially one of the "evil" billionares in the film. Part of his heroism is his wealth, so that, to me, makes it hard to believe that "anyone can be a hero." However, Blake, to me, was the try everyman hero, more so than Batman. No gadgets. No crazy costume. Just a man.

The stuff that irked me:
  • The first 10 minutes of the film. I thought that opening with a massive airdrop that includes drawing blood from someone mid-air to be... A bit out of context. the film takes itself very very seriously and this scene was just really really out of place.
  • Blake's knowledge of Batman. Someone else brought this up too - Why does Blake know so much about Batman? How is it that he figured out the Batman/Bruce Wayne connection and Gordon never did? I actually didn't take objection to the end of the movie, but what brought Blake there? I just found it sort of odd.
  • The Miranda/Blake "Twist." I thought this was sort of silly and unnecessary. Not awful, but not really worth waiting three hours for. I get tired of the Good Guy Turned Bad trope, too, especially when it's tacked on like this.
  • Bane's Speeches. I thought that Bane's incredibly well-spoken speeches were interesting but out of context and a contrast against this muscle. Of course, taking into account the "Twist" I suppose it can be justified, but I found it odd. I'm really conflicted as to how I feel about Bane. Definitely a bad ass, sure, but I appreciate the intellectual and charismatic villain over the Muscle. My $0.02.
  • The Batman Voice. Ugh. Still irks me. Just. Awful.
  • Run time. Good GOD was this movie long - Three hours is just TOO LONG for a superhero movie.


All in all, I would say that it was a good movie. Doesn't make my Best Movie of the Year List, but it was enjoyable and I think a good end to the saga. Not amazing, but good. Also, I'm glad I didn't see it in the theater; would have been hard to sit through.


The Baytown Outlaws (2012)


I thought this was just OK. There have been so many over-the-top quirky action movies out there and this one didn't really stand out. I liked our three anti-heroes, sure, and I actually liked how they bonded with their "mark," but it wasn't enough to make this one stand out. Not bad, just not amazing.


Looper (2012)


Wow. One of the best modern scifi flicks that I've seen in a while and most certainly one of the best movies of the year. Really tight writing and acting, and a very solid, quality scifi story. Absolutely loved it. Highly recommended.

roshiq 01-01-2013 08:55 AM

Citadel (2012)


>>: C-

House at the End of the Street (2012)


>>: C+

The Possession (2012)


A pretty good, well executed demonic possession flick. Not so much scary I expected but they delivered a nice & simple story with a decent script, characterization & cast.

>>: A-

roshiq 01-01-2013 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 942926)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Overall, I thought that this was a good movie. I hate to compare it to The Dark Knight, but it's hard not to - The Joker was such a charismatic and interesting villain (thanks to Heath Leger) and I actually did like Two Face... But Bane had a hard time living up to that... The fact of the matter is, while I was somewhat interested in his Origin story, he just didn't grip me as much as, say, The Joker did.

All in all, I would say that it was a good movie. Doesn't make my Best Movie of the Year List, but it was enjoyable and I think a good end to the saga. Not amazing, but good.

Ditto on this. Perhaps getting old or whatever, I thought the pace of the film was kinda annoying. There was a clear rush to tell & show so many things as if they were running out of time! And perhaps I didn't get one thing clearly about Bane & Miranda's back story...it seems to me Bane didn't grew old that much considering the time he helped Talia to escape from prison she was quite young!? Anyway, the movie was enjoyable for being a Nolan's Batman movie but not comes close to TDK or even as good as Batman Begins, IMO.

Found it pretty funny:D

ChronoGrl 01-01-2013 11:15 AM

HA! That was great - it actually reminded me of the BIGGEST THING THAT IRKED ME (I can't believe I forgot to mention it before):


I can't believe that they f'ing deployed the entire f'ing police department into the sewers. I mean - SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY?! That was just ridiculous.


fortunato 01-01-2013 01:42 PM

Killer Joe (2011)

Wow. And I thought Bug was crazy. Killer Joe is totally batshit, super funny, super gross, and really good.

_____V_____ 01-02-2013 10:29 AM


Pretty interesting with a few genuinely creepy moments, but I thought it lacked something. Just can't place my hand on it.

It's a decent watch though. Thanks to HDC-ian roshiq for the rec.

* * * ˝

The Horror fan 01-02-2013 11:29 AM

Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994)

I didn't think was as good as Sequel, I did find some part of this movie just bit better then first.

I really enjoyed how the movie started off, was really good, there a few good decent scare scenes at the start.

I thought it was great to start this movie however the movies soon dies down and takes it's while for it's to get going again.

There few scenes that enjoyed but it shame the scene before and after a little bit dull, I didn't really like that more people got involved

even for few seconds I thought I was watch Home Alone Horror style, when added the new kid to the movie , I wasn't sure were the plot was going in this one, it all come together in the end.

Near the end of the movie, I was only really half watching, So overall

it's not were near as good as the second movie, i found some part of the movie better then first.

The acting in this movie from some of the cast is really wooden at times,

6 out of 10

ImmortalSlasher 01-03-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 942926)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


Blake's knowledge of Batman. Someone else brought this up too - Why does Blake know so much about Batman? How is it that he figured out the Batman/Bruce Wayne connection and Gordon never did? I actually didn't take objection to the end of the movie, but what brought Blake there? I just found it sort of odd.


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 942764)
They could have ended with Blake chancing upon the Batcave and left it there (how the hell does Blake know such a lot about The Batman anyway? Even Gordon doesn't know stuff which Blake does!)


I guess I'll jump into the superhero thing again. Blake knows about Batman because they are the same. There is that whole scene when Blake goes to the mansion and tells Bruce that they are both orphans. How he recognized Bruce's act when he visited once. Blake is also a detective even though he starts off as a cop. This is Nolan's version of the Robin origin story without having the normal/seen before origin. We even have the scene with them together in the car. And the scene with Blake being against guns, if him being Robin wasn't already obvious. And Blake gets to the Batcave from what Bruce left in his will. It had the coordinates and gear if I recall correctly. Of course, being Batman is a whole other thing. If we assume Blake is early 20s, then he has a lot of time to train. But that is one of the problems I have with the movie as I mentioned in my last post.

Why Gordon doesn't put together Batman as Bruce Wayne even though they both disappear at the same time is just one of those comic things. No one puts together Superman as Clark Kent either even though they look the same.

Back to horror.

Sometimes They Come Back…for More.

Terrible. Usually, I'll struggle through a bad movie while eating. But this was so bad I just tuned out. Trimming my pet's nails were more interesting than this movie. Especially once something happened to one of the main characters. A very low rent The Thing without the tension, music, acting, and you are close to what this movie is. Add in a stupid twist and you have a really bad movie. Maybe I needed to see the earlier movies to get into it.

ChronoGrl 01-03-2013 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by ImmortalSlasher (Post 943048)

And Blake gets to the Batcave from what Bruce left in his will. It had the coordinates and gear if I recall correctly.

Oh, I missed that somehow (I'm an old lady and I think it was late when the movie finally ended ;)) - Thanks. It seemed kinda random to me and that makes a WHOLE lot more sense now.

In terms of Gordon, I get the "comic book thing" to an extent, but I feel as though the Batman movies take themselves so seriously that I have a hard time saying, "Oh, it's a comic book thing, that's why." Know what I mean?

Another thing that irked me was this concept that Batman wanted to be an everyman. He offhand says "Anyone can be Batman." Which is a cool concept in theory, but NO, NOT ANYONE CAN BE BATMAN. A lot of what the movie has to do with is the divide between the rich and the poor and that, among other things, is why not everyone can be Batman. Part of what makes Batman Batman is his "wonderful toys," his insane technology from tools to suit. Not just anyone could afford to become the Batman. Sort of like Ironman, he kinda bought who he was (if you want to think about it in an incredibly jaded sort of way).

That's what I liked about Blake. I thought that he was a true everyman hero - No guns, no toys, just a good guy... But I guess if he inherits the Bat Fortune... (I think you see where I'm going with this)...

The Mothman 01-03-2013 08:50 PM

watched Olaf Ittenbach's sick and twisted No Reason - heres a review

Also saw Looper. Enjoyed it a good deal!

deaddolly 01-04-2013 06:59 AM

Just watched DEAD GIRL. It was ok.

Also finally saw TEETH. Loved it.

Highly recommend the Spanish film KIDNAPPED. More of a thriller, but very well done.

I'm planning to see TCM 3D this weekend. It looks stupid, but I'm a die-hard TCM devotee.

_____V_____ 01-04-2013 09:47 PM


Not what I was expecting 40 minutes into the film. The second twist 20 minutes before the end was predictable, though.

Pretty cool way of showing the opening credits.

If the rest of the film was it's real purpose, why the first 40 minutes?

From the director of Martyrs comes...an unexpected film. Not sure if I can classify it under a particular genre, since it has such a strong sociopathic message underlined throughout the film. I won't spoil things by describing anything, but horror fans (specially hardcore ones) will be disappointed. For those who are on the lookout for something different, well, here's something different for you. Personally, I am in the former league so yes, I ended up disappointed. If only I didn't have totally different expectations from this one.

* *

The Mothman 01-04-2013 11:07 PM

Timo Rose's Beast

pretty boring film. -Review

has anyone seen KB7 Mutation?

Ferox13 01-05-2013 02:02 AM



For the 1st time since I watched it in the cinema. I think I enjoyed it a little more this time as I wasn't disappointed in amount of screen time Shia LaBoef got (and too be honest he wasn't that bad).

Hardy is excellent as usually but looks a little odd as a steroid fuelled fireplug in his 20's cardigan and tanktop. Guy Pearce is great as he chews the scenary as the comic book fed. Amazing soundtrack too...

roshiq 01-05-2013 08:23 AM

John Dies at the End (2012)


Though I guess they bit dragged the ending but overall it was a pretty fun & fantastic one hell of a beautiful bizarre trip from Don Coscarelli!

>>: A-

247 Degrees Fahrenheit (2011)


>>: C-

AmishHacker 01-05-2013 08:36 AM

I watched "Wolf Creek" last night. Highly disappointed.


_____V_____ 01-05-2013 09:09 AM


Finally a film which showed what it "promised". Predictable thriller, but had it's moments. Marred by spurts of wooden acting by it's leads though.

Oh, and, I have found a new crush. A pair, actually.


* * ˝

Bob Gray 01-05-2013 10:33 AM

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

As a Tolkien fan who has read the majority of his works I was very happy with Jackson's adaptation. He clearly knows his Tolkien, and even when he took license, he did it in a respectful and fun way. All the naysayers can kiss my ass, this is a great film. :D

Straker 01-05-2013 04:11 PM

Prometheus: Total shower of shit.... I think this one got lost somewhere up its own asshole at around the 10 minuite mark. The dialogue was a fuckin joke the character development was piss poor. For the most part I didnt understand any of the characters motivation or more importantly why I was supposed to give a fuck. It really felt like an exercise in how not to make a film. As a horror fan I'm kinda use to cheesy dialouge and characters doing dumb shit but really, this was just total horse shit.

I really wish Ridley would've listened to one of the many bullshit lines that came out of this movie and thrown this one in the bin: "Sometimes you have to destroy in order to create".

How could they have made this movie better? Easy! Opening scene where Weyland turns up and explains whats going on, midway through that scene he pulls out a sports almanac and waves it at the crew; "You see this book? This book tells the future. Tells the results of every major sports event till the end of this century..."

neverending 01-06-2013 04:31 AM


Not what Fearnet said it was at all. Just another crappy SyFy movie.

roshiq 01-06-2013 06:10 AM

Compliance (2012)


I understand a "good" prank call may often works on people & sometimes the most sensible & intelligent ones just lose their common senses & started to act like an idiot or does stupid things and so, though the film is based on the true case of McDonald's Mount Washington-Kentucky, strip search prank call incident but it still turns out to be quite an annoying experience to see people acting like morons resulting a severe sexual harassment/rape of a young female employee in a restaurant. Even if they kept the prank call as a 'twist' in the film from the beginning it still won't work for the viewers I think; it'd become predictable & it'd take hardly 10 to 15 minutes after the call came to guess it as a prank call while in the film/actual event it took a whole day to figure out. May be it's easy for me to say as I haven't face this sort of situation but still how could you grant a command/order/request/demand through a phone call from whoever told you to do so from the other end that you need to strip search somebody for some charges?! It's a delicate job & only must done by the authorized law enforcement or security personnel.

Therefore, though it happened in actual events & the actors did a good job (may be there was a problem in the script or adapting the whole thing for a film, I'm not sure), but sorry to say, I found the film finely made, still somewhat an annoying & ridiculous watch.

>>: C

NormanBates 01-06-2013 08:25 AM

Interview with the vampire

_____V_____ 01-06-2013 08:34 AM


A more faithful adaptation of the Dredd comic-books than the Stallone film.

That doesn't mean it hasn't borrowed generously from two other similarly themed works - the film The Raid: Redemption, and the game Max Payne. That being said, I prefer The Raid a bit more, because of the raw, gritty and ruthless nature of the action in it. But, Dredd is dotted with some excellent, gorific action sequences, it's pretty solid in it's own right. But for someone who's already seen The Raid and appreciated it for what it is, Dredd comes in at #2.

Great entertainment though. This one, and Punisher:War Zone could be bundled in together for a nice, action-packed double bill watch.

* * *

The Mothman 01-06-2013 11:32 AM

The Raid sounds awesome!

newb 01-06-2013 11:50 AM

Hitchcock....not a bad watch but I was a bit disappointed....kinda dragged

Looper....enjoyed this one...although I enjoy pretty much anthing that Bruce is in.

_____V_____ 01-07-2013 09:05 AM


Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

MichaelMyers 01-07-2013 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

I like my horror beer-basted and deep-fried.

hammerfan 01-07-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

Sweet! I love "Session 9"!

ChronoGrl 01-07-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

I really liked this one too. Great little horror flick. Tight acting and definitely creepy. Recommendation seconded.


Club Dread (2004)


My first time watching it. It was actually fairly amusing.

The Mothman 01-07-2013 05:56 PM

Zombie Cult Massacre is a Z-grade gem! One of the most fun reviews I've had the fortune to write yet. - ZCM Review

Fearonsarms 01-08-2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 943221)
I really liked this one too. Great little horror flick. Tight acting and definitely creepy. Recommendation seconded.

Also recommended-have you or V seen Sinister? I think you would both love it if you liked Absentia.

_____V_____ 01-08-2013 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 943249)
Also recommended-have you or V seen Sinister? I think you would both love it if you liked Absentia.

Not yet. Thanks for the heads-up.

Tony Vilgotsky 01-08-2013 11:00 AM

Done with Scott Derrickson's Sinister. Good flick.

ImmortalSlasher 01-08-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 943052)
In terms of Gordon, I get the "comic book thing" to an extent, but I feel as though the Batman movies take themselves so seriously that I have a hard time saying, "Oh, it's a comic book thing, that's why." Know what I mean?

Another thing that irked me was this concept that Batman wanted to be an everyman. He offhand says "Anyone can be Batman." Which is a cool concept in theory, but NO, NOT ANYONE CAN BE BATMAN. A lot of what the movie has to do with is the divide between the rich and the poor and that, among other things, is why not everyone can be Batman. Part of what makes Batman Batman is his "wonderful toys," his insane technology from tools to suit. Not just anyone could afford to become the Batman. Sort of like Ironman, he kinda bought who he was (if you want to think about it in an incredibly jaded sort of way).

That's what I liked about Blake. I thought that he was a true everyman hero - No guns, no toys, just a good guy... But I guess if he inherits the Bat Fortune... (I think you see where I'm going with this)...

In many ways, these Batman movies are for people that never liked comic book movies. There are tons of comic ideas in them but presented in a real world that doesn't upset (I can't think of another word) them.

The whole rich/poor thing was one of the worst parts of Dark Knight Rises to me. It's like there is no middle ground. You are either wealthy or a convicted criminal.

But with Blake even though he's presented as an everyman type, he isn't. You could miss it but it goes back to that first scene with Blake and Bruce. When Blake is talking about anger (I believe) and how you don't let that sort of thing go. That's why I was saying before how Blake and Bruce are the same. Batman is driven and obsessive. Almost all comic heroes are. That is why he couldn't simply move on from the death of his parents or Rachel, who's character was poorly handled but that's another discussion. This is kind of glossed over in these movies. But that obsession is the essence of heroes. From Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, Superman, Wonder Woman, the list goes on.

Angra 01-08-2013 05:00 PM

"John dies at the end" 7-8/10

Funny and fresh. Felt like a lighthearted version of a Cronenberg horror flick.

And i really liked the guy in the lead. John came in second. :)

"Absentia" 6-7/10

First half was definitely the best with all the creepy ghostly visions. But as the story unfolded it became more silly than scary quite fast. And why the hell didn't they explore the tunnel some more instead of just staying inside the house? Why didn't anyone?!! That annoyed me a whole lot. Really bugged me. HA!!

And i find it hard to believe the movie was made on a budget of only $70.000. In fact i don't believe it one bit. That annoyed me also.

metternich1815 01-09-2013 01:05 AM

I watched the Strangers (2008). I thought it was really good, definitely surprised to hear the reviews were bad because it was a really good movie. So, that was the most recent horror movie I watched.

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