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Elijah23256 09-07-2015 01:59 PM

Movies with children's Deaths
So I recently rewatched one of my favorite horror movies Pet Semetary. and in the film gage is brutally killed by a semi truck and it got me thinking about the fact that Kids are hardly ever killed in movies. In the Book Cujo the poor kid dies but in the movie they cut it out. In my opinion they shouldn't not kill the kids in the movie because thats not how life really is. Also it would make the movie more realistic. which is what we strive for anyway right? I would love to hear your opinions on this subject.::devil::

Roiffalo 09-07-2015 09:04 PM

It really depends on how you feel about the characters and story. Or at least for me it does. I can name a number of films that involved kids acting like arrogant little fuckers that I wish would've met a grizzly end but didn't.

Story wise it's a powerful tool for setting a dramatic scene. A pin could drop and set people off from the tension of a child's death. Or in the case of Freddy from NOES, the difference between the rumors of Freddy just raping the children to full on killing him changes the character DRAMATICALLY. Rape would've been unforgivable enough on its own, but actually killing them makes the character soulless and the most dangerous kind of person most people can ever imagine. For who would end the life of something that embodies innocence like a child?

In short I don't entirely mind child death. As long as it enriches the story. It is a risky and bold move though.

neilold 09-08-2015 01:04 AM

you wanna see baby menaness, watch feast 2!

neilold 09-08-2015 12:30 PM

Think most writers avoi it be a se they think it's going 'too far', dont think I've ever seen a baby being killed in close up, certainly not in any real detail. I also imagine the censorship board would look at it very gravely.

Elijah23256 09-08-2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Roiffalo (Post 1000182)
It really depends on how you feel about the characters and story. Or at least for me it does. I can name a number of films that involved kids acting like arrogant little fuckers that I wish would've met a grizzly end but didn't.

Story wise it's a powerful tool for setting a dramatic scene. A pin could drop and set people off from the tension of a child's death. Or in the case of Freddy from NOES, the difference between the rumors of Freddy just raping the children to full on killing him changes the character DRAMATICALLY. Rape would've been unforgivable enough on its own, but actually killing them makes the character soulless and the most dangerous kind of person most people can ever imagine. For who would end the life of something that embodies innocence like a child?

In short I don't entirely mind child death. As long as it enriches the story. It is a risky and bold move though.

I agree but what I have noticed in movies that they will mention a child's death but they will never show it and i feel like the film would have a much greater impact if we saw the kids death. and the scene would be memorable as well. Look at a Serbian Film although the movie is disgusting and sick, everyone remember the baby rape scene because it evolves a child

Elijah23256 09-08-2015 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by neilold (Post 1000189)
you wanna see baby menaness, watch feast 2!

I have seen feast and i have to say I enjoyed it alot but I haven't seen feast 2.

TheBossInTheWall 09-08-2015 02:33 PM

Check out Wer. Its not exactly what you're looking for, but close.

TheBossInTheWall 09-08-2015 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Elijah23256 (Post 1000225)
I have seen feast and i have to say I enjoyed it alot but I haven't seen feast 2.

I asked about that in this forum. I was told Feast 2 and 3 get progressively worse, but are still enjoyable.

Roiffalo 09-08-2015 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Elijah23256 (Post 1000224)
I agree but what I have noticed in movies that they will mention a child's death but they will never show it and i feel like the film would have a much greater impact if we saw the kids death. and the scene would be memorable as well. Look at a Serbian Film although the movie is disgusting and sick, everyone remember the baby rape scene because it evolves a child

True. The closest we ever seem to get to a child death is slasher films where teenage kids played by actors in their thirties are slaughtered. It's hardly satisfying. Especially when most are sick, annoying little freaks just asking for it.

Elijah23256 09-08-2015 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Roiffalo (Post 1000233)
True. The closest we ever seem to get to a child death is slasher films where teenage kids played by actors in their thirties are slaughtered. It's hardly satisfying. Especially when most are sick, annoying little freaks just asking for it.

I agree now there are some kids such as gage from pet semetary which i wish wasn't killed

neilold 09-08-2015 11:50 PM

There's an Asian film 'dumplings' in which the dumplings are dead foetuses, its about as tasteful as you'd imagine a film like that would be

neilold 09-08-2015 11:54 PM

I love feast and feast 2, good fun. I also think some movies deliberately try to push the 'too far' envelope in order to get a name for themselves, rather than any real meaning.

neilold 09-09-2015 01:00 AM

i also think there was a series, or film (masters of horror?) that was directed by takashi miike (possibly) about a woman who performed abortions and then chucked the dead foetuses into the river.Though i'm possibly wrong on the director an series name, i also think it was baneed from being shown, though again my memory is unsteady to say the least

Repo'd 09-09-2015 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by neilold (Post 1000265)
i also think there was a series, or film (masters of horror?) that was directed by takashi miike (possibly) about a woman who performed abortions and then chucked the dead foetuses into the river.Though i'm possibly wrong on the director an series name, i also think it was baneed from being shown, though again my memory is unsteady to say the least

Yep, that was Miike's Masters of Horror episode, Imprint.

neilold 09-09-2015 09:42 AM

Thought it might be. To me it had that typical Asian surrealism to it that slows down some of their horrors, I also find it boring to. Still not sure about the banning bit mind?

Repo'd 09-09-2015 11:02 AM

I seem to remember that it didn't air on HBO. I'm not the expert on such things but my recollection is that it was made available when the first season of Masters of Horror was released on DVD but didn't hit HBO with the rest of the films.

ImmortalSlasher 09-09-2015 06:29 PM

The ones that I remember are Halloween 3. A good one that's sure to scare kids. And Trick r Treat. Which wasn't as good as I was expecting. And the kids that get it are asking for it.

Baron Von Marlon 09-09-2015 07:01 PM

I recently thought about starting a topic on this subject. What are the odds?

Honestly, I'd like to see more kids dying in horror movies.
Especially when the movie in question is about a child murderer or child killing creature.
After all, they're horror movies so why not include it once in a while.
I find it a little strange that's it's still some kind of taboo.
If you already got an 16+ or 18+ rating, what does it matter?

Anyway, here's a fun scene from New Kids Nitro in which a bunch of kids get killed.

neilold 09-10-2015 04:28 AM

There's a thread on bloody disgusting.com that's called something like 'ten horror movies that had the balls to kill a kid' it nay be of interest or at least a starting point for some of you

metternich1815 09-10-2015 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Elijah23256 (Post 1000224)
I agree but what I have noticed in movies that they will mention a child's death but they will never show it and i feel like the film would have a much greater impact if we saw the kids death. and the scene would be memorable as well. Look at a Serbian Film although the movie is disgusting and sick, everyone remember the baby rape scene because it evolves a child


Originally Posted by Elijah23256 (Post 1000236)
I agree now there are some kids such as gage from pet semetary which i wish wasn't killed

But to A Serbian Film, I just wonder if they did it just to be controversial or if there was something they were trying to say. Too often, there are directors that just want to be controversial for its own sake.

I think killing a child is a powerful dramatic tool, as someone else already said. If used properly, it can be quite powerful. It goes to show that anything goes and can happen. And, this is life. Anyone can die at any time. Children are by no means spared.

I have to disagree on Gage. I loved him to death, but that was absolutely brilliant. It's one of the best child deaths in all of cinema. Rarely has the death of a child had more impact than in that death. It is precisely because we love him so much that makes that scene so brilliant in its given context. It is the embodiment of one of our greatest fears. A fear especially profound for parents.

Elijah23256 09-10-2015 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by metternich1815 (Post 1000327)
But to A Serbian Film, I just wonder if they did it just to be controversial or if there was something they were trying to say. Too often, there are directors that just want to be controversial for its own sake.

I think killing a child is a powerful dramatic tool, as someone else already said. If used properly, it can be quite powerful. It goes to show that anything goes and can happen. And, this is life. Anyone can die at any time. Children are by no means spared.

I have to disagree on Gage. I loved him to death, but that was absolutely brilliant. It's one of the best child deaths in all of cinema. Rarely has the death of a child had more impact than in that death. It is precisely because we love him so much that makes that scene so brilliant in its given context. It is the embodiment of one of our greatest fears. A fear especially profound for parents.

well what i meant is i wish he wasn't killed because he was such a good character and i agree because his death was brilliant and impacting

neilold 09-11-2015 12:57 AM

impacting but still reasonably tame, the after effect of it hitting him is left to your imagination, which may or may not be effective

metternich1815 09-11-2015 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by neilold (Post 1000387)
impacting but still reasonably tame, the after effect of it hitting him is left to your imagination, which may or may not be effective

I mean it's tame in the sense that we don't see the death of Gage, but seeing the death isn't necessarily required. I tend to believe in the less is more philosophy myself.

neilold 09-12-2015 12:31 AM

fair enough, my point is not everyone feels that way, therefore the power of it is diminished to an extent

OLO 10-06-2015 11:09 AM

childrens deaths in movies i think are one of the worst things to see. most people viewing will be effected in a frozen and shocked sort of way, where they will most likely become emotional into the movie and situations with the characters, especially if they themselves have children. its not something fun... and am kinda shocked people have said here they want to see MORE of it.

im not against having it in movies, its part of the genre, the horror, life, sadness, etc... i actually think its becoming more and more involved with the movies, as well as children being the main characters.

i have a few great movies to basically back up my statements in the first paragraph, with the shocking and emotional aspects, basically a big mind OMG or WTF... but i dont want to ruin the suspense and shock for anyone here.

neilold 10-06-2015 11:14 AM

The more it's seen the more mundane it will become

newb 10-06-2015 07:17 PM

First time I saw a kid killed in a movie was "Assault On Precinct 13" 1976

John Carpenter film in which he kills off little Kim Richards just because she wanted ice cream

neilold 10-08-2015 01:07 AM

first an think of, that iremember was 'm' with peter lorre, though its implied rather than seen. God knows what people thought of a movie with a child killer back in the 1930s. Its frowned upon now, let alone back then

MrsRickGrimes 10-28-2015 04:48 PM

Don't Look Now

The Beyond


Alice Sweet Alice

Silver Bullet


Flesh Eater

Burnt Offerings

The Mist

The Children (2008)

Disconser 12-29-2015 05:04 PM

Children's deaths aren't shown in movies because for many people it would be too much. Children present innocence, their laughter presents safety. Most of the time it's only added because it can make the movie more dramatic.

But showing the death of a child should be used rarely if you ask me. It can also be quite impressive if you just can imagine what happened to the kid. Our imagination can be scarier than a film could ever be.

Scythe 01-30-2016 11:36 AM

Check out Halloween III: Season of the Witch.

The plot is based around the mass murder of children.

It's 80's cheese so it's not as dark and disturbing.

Oro13 04-18-2016 03:02 PM

Lol, there's the last 6 minutes of Beware! Children at Play.

Roiffalo 04-18-2016 09:49 PM

Recently watched Ghost Shark, and was surprised by the child death in that. It was a cheesy flick though, so I don't know how seriously you'd take it. I also couldn't help but laugh when the little separated lower bodies kept running when the torsos got ate. ::big grin::

Morningriser 04-19-2016 04:10 AM

my personal favorite is the boy on the bicycle in Toxic Avenger.

Who the hell lets a child of that age ride a bike alone at night in Tromaville? Common sense wasn't very common that night.

Roiffalo 04-19-2016 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Morningriser (Post 1012479)
Common sense wasn't very common that night.

When was common sense EVER common? ::big grin::

Morningriser 04-19-2016 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Roiffalo (Post 1012506)
When was common sense EVER common? ::big grin::

There was that one time when...

wait nevermind

Moviegirl80 11-23-2016 12:44 PM

Pet Sematary

DeadbeatAtDawn 11-23-2016 04:05 PM

In A Glass Cage, the death of the child is horrific.

Lord Voldemort 01-01-2017 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Disconser (Post 1008298)
Children's deaths aren't shown in movies because for many people it would be too much. Children present innocence, their laughter presents safety. Most of the time it's only added because it can make the movie more dramatic.

But showing the death of a child should be used rarely if you ask me. It can also be quite impressive if you just can imagine what happened to the kid. Our imagination can be scarier than a film could ever be.

It's why the chainsaw death in Scarface and the ear cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs standout; nothing was ever shown but people always describe those scenes as horrifying to watch and brutal

DarkGlobe 01-07-2017 06:20 AM

Don't see it mentioned but in Dawn of the Dead 2 kids are killed. Ok, Zombie kids, but still kids. Struck me when I saw it how unusual it is for kids to be killed in movies...unless they're teenagers of course, I mean, killing them is a staple of the horror genre!

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