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p1zl3 10-09-2009 02:16 PM

I wanna be scared sh*tless!!! (help!)
Hello fellow horror buffs...
--I have been on the eternal quest to get really really freaked out via film and as of yet, nothing has really worked as well as I'd have liked. I have seen tons of horror films in my 26years on this planet, but nothing I've viewed has haunted me as I wished it would have...
--When I was a kid the likes of Stephen King's "It" or "Tales from the Darkside" was enough to have me checking the closet twice, and saying my prayers extra loudly so God could hear them, but now as an adult I rarely get creeped out. I miss the fear sensation and need your help to restore it...

A few films have come close, but close is all they've come. Here's a list of films that almost left me haunted:

--Shutter (2004 thai version)
--Exorcist (1972)
--The Ring (2002)
--Event Horizon (1997)
--Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

What are some of your spooky, creepy, eerie, favorites that give you the chills? (No slasher flicks please, I just find them funny for some reason)

Thanks in advance...

neverending 10-09-2009 04:14 PM

Do you live in a decent sized urban area? If so, just go downtown around 1:30-2 am and hang out by yourself.

That should do the job better than some stupid horror movie.

newb 10-09-2009 05:12 PM

Why would you wanna be scared shirtless ?

_____V_____ 10-09-2009 07:57 PM

Sounds like a constipation problem.

p1zl3 10-11-2009 12:36 PM

Wow, you guys really jumped on that one. :rolleyes:
No recommendations? Really...:confused:

That's pretty sad/pathetic/disheartening.


Do you live in a decent sized urban area? If so, just go downtown around 1:30-2 am and hang out by yourself.
--Seeing as I'm usually the threat that's lurking in the dark alley, that won't do much for me. Also, working gang-prevention programs in SoCal kinda took the edge off the whole "thug, turf" paranoia most inner-city residents suffer from...


Sounds like a constipation problem.
Humor.... great. Your literal translation and response to the word "sh*tless" was definitely on par with the comedic writing of Mad magazine. You should be proud (mostly that you can actually spell the word "constipation").

Anyone have genuine recommendations, or am I just gonna get deluged with sophomoric satire???

Clean, Shaven 10-11-2009 04:24 PM

Exorcism of Emily Rose? Really?

I was going to recommend Visions of Suffering just for a laugh. But I just don't have the heart.

novakru 10-11-2009 04:41 PM



Elvis_Christ 10-11-2009 04:48 PM

The Grudge and [REC] might be what you're after judging by your list

novakru 10-11-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Elvis_Christ (Post 832485)
The Grudge and [REC] might be what you're after judging by your list

You mean the original Grudge?
Cuz the American version was somewhat scary but not shitless scary.

p1zl3 10-11-2009 09:34 PM


Exorcism of Emily Rose? Really?
I know, right? But for some odd reason, it manages to get the skin crawling...


The Grudge and (REC) might be what you're after judging by your list.
I've seen both of those and they are pretty decent (not much staying power). I need to check out the Japanese version of The Grudge (Ju-On). Heard its pretty good...



Is it worth the watch? All I seem to hear about it is negative... Is it just gore-shock or does it have something genuinely haunting about it?

Thanks for the recommendations, keep em' coming!!!! :D

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