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Vodstok 08-08-2006 08:41 AM

Reminds me of what happened to Action on Fox (with Jay Mohr). it was a hilarious show, one o fthe first on prime time where they had to bleep half the dialogue. But they put it on thursdays opposite friends and seinfeld.... Fucking STUPID. not the first great series killed because Fox schedules things whenever the hell they feel.

urgeok 08-08-2006 08:44 AM


Originally posted by hellfire1
hehe... but really, one of the best shows ever. they stopped it after 2 seasons, just when all the real questions started coming up. so i'm still pissed. give it a check if ever you can. i assure you, it's well worth it.

that happened to me in a way .. i picked up season 1 of Jeremiah .. not a great show but i kind of liked it (and it was dirt ass cheap)

the ending is a cliff hanger .. and they never released season 2 !!

turns out that although season 2 was made, only a bit of it aired before it was canned.

kind of leaves you hanging ..

Vodstok 08-08-2006 08:51 AM

Back in '93, comedy central ran every single epsiode of Soap in order in a single marathon. I was just hooked enough to see what the hubbub was.

It ended with about 30 unanswered questions.

hellfire1 08-08-2006 08:52 AM

and meanwhile, stupid, sanctimonious shows such as 7th heaven continue to be on tv.

i will forever be pissed they cancelled carnivale. just thinking about it gets me all worked up. :mad:

Vodstok 08-08-2006 09:53 AM

7th heaven
Full House lasted a good long time
Blossom was on FOREVER. ugly little cow looked like a damn vulture....

urgeok 08-09-2006 08:28 AM


Originally posted by Vodstok
7th heaven
Full House lasted a good long time
Blossom was on FOREVER. ugly little cow looked like a damn vulture....

i havent seen any of these shows (or heard of half of them)

i stopped watching TV when Beta became commercially available.

the only exposure to TV i have is through boxsets.

this can be a problem because on several occasions I'm getting into shows that have been long since cancelled unknown to me.

Vodstok 08-09-2006 09:40 AM

That is like saying "Who was that hitler guy? people had some ugly things to say about him..."

trust me, you are a better person for not having witnessed them.

urgeok 08-09-2006 09:46 AM


Originally posted by Vodstok
That is like saying "Who was that hitler guy? people had some ugly things to say about him..."

trust me, you are a better person for not having witnessed them.

oh, i know ...

same as these reality shows people watch .. WTF is with that ?

people sitting on their asses watching other people live their lives.

what kind of a dead beat loser waste of life asshole bag of water do you have to be to willingly watch other people going about their day to day routines ?

get the fuck out of the house .. go buy groceries .. cut the fucking lawn .. anything !

Vodstok 08-09-2006 09:50 AM

No, its even worse... In order to qualify as a "reality" show, they place the people in completely unrealistic situations, not to mention they makre sure to mix up completely incopatible personalities. A more accurate name would be "Heavily structured social experimentation centered around terminally selfish subjects"

If it really were just people's lives, it would be boring. Instead, we get Amarosa telling jancie Dickinson she is a washed up crakc whore, then standing back and watching the psycho sparks fly.

urgeok 08-09-2006 09:53 AM


Originally posted by Vodstok
No, its even worse... In order to qualify as a "reality" show, they place the people in completely unrealistic situations, not to mention they makre sure to mix up completely incopatible personalities. A more accurate name would be "Heavily structured social experimentation centered around terminally selfish subjects"

If it really were just people's lives, it would be boring. Instead, we get Amarosa telling jancie Dickinson she is a washed up crakc whore, then standing back and watching the psycho sparks fly.

either way - to hell with it - i havent had the time ... for over 20 years - for that kind of bullshit ..

situation comedies ...game shows...reality shows...cop shows....medical shows ....

shits all the same to me..

god i sound like an old bastard but the only decent things are the shows about animals (science and nature shows) but i couldnt be arsed to sit around waiting for 10 minutes of show wrapped in 35 minutes of commercials.

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