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666Me 11-04-2006 02:52 PM

Im one of the persons this guys nightflyer scammed, and if you look at his profile he has rdshockshop as his home page... well when i made the transaction with him he gave me this as his paypal account see any similarities [email protected] and then cause that didnt work he gave me supposly his mommies email [email protected] so yeah this is the scammer and actually he should apologize to FGM for lying... I know he wont and he will just start talking his rubish again but at least I took care of him at Ebay.. later guys and good luck!:D

thenightflyer 11-05-2006 12:09 AM

Hey 666me , you took care of nothing on ebay i am still selling on ebay as we speak . Oh yeah by noone scammed you you got the item you payed for ebay has is on my side and why you going on other sites bitching you think i give a shit what these people say or think about me on this site guess again . There are plenty of horror sites i go on this is not the only one . One more thing i have to say to you .HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

thenightflyer 11-26-2006 07:06 PM

blah blah blah blah blah ....lol lol lol

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