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Baron Von Marlon 06-08-2014 06:03 PM

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Best Wes Anderson movie so far.
Cool story, interesting characters, solid acting, beautiful scenery,..
I'm sure it's not for everyone but I thought it was really good.
Only thing I don't get is that it's shot in 16:9.

hammerfan 06-09-2014 03:34 AM

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

FryeDwight 06-09-2014 04:06 AM

We watched that one a few days ago!
While it can't touch the 1978 version, think it is miles ahead of most remakes and something I can check out frequently.

hammerfan 06-09-2014 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by FryeDwight (Post 971376)
We watched that one a few days ago!
While it can't touch the 1978 version, think it is miles ahead of most remakes and something I can check out frequently.

I got the DVD at a discount store. It also has Land of the Dead. Yeah, I agree. It's one of the better remakes.

Geordie9 06-09-2014 05:22 PM



Angra 06-10-2014 03:45 PM

"Blended" 5/10

Had a few funny Barrymore scenes, but sadly most of the movie was painful to watch. I would like to blame the kids but the story wasn't very good either. Entertaining enough tho.

I'm sure it will appeal to fans (If there are any) of Adam Sandlers Spanglish and Just Go With It.

I'm a fan of his less romantic and crazier comedies such as Happy Gilmore, Waterboy and Zohan. So.. not the target audience for this time waster.

Geordie9 06-11-2014 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 971458)
"Blended" 5/10

Had a few funny Barrymore scenes, but sadly most of the movie was painful to watch. I would like to blame the kids but the story wasn't very good either. Entertaining enough tho.

I'm sure it will appeal to fans (If there are any) of Adam Sandlers Spanglish and Just Go With It.

I'm a fan of his less romantic and crazier comedies such as Happy Gilmore, Waterboy and Zohan. So.. not the target audience for this time waster.

I watched 20 minutes then turned it off. I could see exactly what was going to happen. Too predictable and its been done a million times.

Angra 06-11-2014 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Geordie9 (Post 971491)
I watched 20 minutes then turned it off.


You made it through the funniest part.

roshiq 06-11-2014 11:47 PM

Wolf Creek 2 (2013)


>>: B+

Snowpiercer (2013)


>>: B+

Joy Ride 3: Road Kill (2014)


>>: C-

ChronoGrl 06-12-2014 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by roshiq (Post 971186)
As you guys at last seen & enjoyed it, then I'd like to recommend you SAW...the debut feature of James Wan (the director of Insidious & Conjuring) [::stick out tongue::]

LOL! I swear I never heard of Mind Hunters until Angra mentioned it - I was surprised that my hubby had seen it already.

Monkey Astronaut 06-12-2014 10:17 PM

Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet (2009)


The only reason I checked this out is because it stars both Bill Moseley and Danielle Harris. It's actually a pretty solid B-Movie splatter film. While it's low budget the practical special effects look good and there's plenty of gore.


Monkey Astronaut 06-13-2014 09:49 PM

Chained (2012)

I thought this film was genuinely disturbing and the ending was surprising. Vincent D'Onofrio's performance was excellent and really has me looking forward to his role as Wilson Fisk in Marvel's upcoming Daredevil series.

roshiq 06-14-2014 07:20 AM

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)


"Erik Lehnsherr: I didn't kill the President (JFK!).
Charles Xavier: The bullet curved.
Erik Lehnsherr: I was trying to save him!
Charles Xavier: Why would you do that?
Erik Lehnsherr: Because he was one of us!"

An absolute blast! Released it here yesterday, so couldn't wait any longer to catch it on the theater. Really loved the way Singer & his team kept a seemingly complex plot so much simple & entertaining from start to finish. Loved Logan's "reunion" scene at the end. Now, waiting for 'Apocalypse'!

>>: A-

Scarecrows 06-14-2014 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 971307)
The Conjuring

Not bad. Spooked me a bit.

Watched that movie again last night..It sure does keep you on the edge of your seat..::EEK!::

Ferox13 06-15-2014 02:13 AM

Jodorowsky's Dune (2013)
Excellent documentry about perhaps the greatest movie that was never made. Alejandro Jodorowsky pulled together the talents of HR Giger, Dan O'Bannon, Moebius, David Carridine, David Carradine, Micj Jagger and Salvador Dali but alas a single frame was never shot...

The interviews with Jodorowsky himself are amazing - the man is in his mid-80s and is so energetic, enthusiastic and just plain incredible. He has such a strong presence and charisma..

roshiq 06-15-2014 10:32 AM

Patrick (2013)


A fine remake by today's standard.

>>: B

Geordie9 06-16-2014 02:16 AM


Really enjoyed this film, was a good storyline, likeable characters. 7/10

hammerfan 06-16-2014 03:41 AM

Husk 5/10

It was ok. I was glad the chick died. She was annoying.

Ferox13 06-16-2014 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by roshiq (Post 971933)
Patrick (2013)


A fine remake by today's standard.

>>: B

Bet its not as good as the 'sequel' :-)

roshiq 06-16-2014 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ferox13 (Post 971982)
Bet its not as good as the 'sequel' :-)

Nope; it's not as 'half good' as that one of a kind sequel! ::big grin::

Geordie9 06-16-2014 09:06 AM


6/10, decent but weird till the end. The main actress looked like an ex porn star (Krista Grotte) but when i checked online she wasnt.

Geordie9 06-16-2014 04:18 PM


6/10, i didnt really laugh at it.

Sculpt 06-16-2014 10:33 PM

Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack 2001


Many Godzilla franchise film fans consider this one of the best. I don't see it. I admire the somewhat complicated story, Earthlings from the future who are trying to prevent Japan from dominating the world in the future, travel back to 2000 to knock Japan down a notch. It was too silly and sappy for me. I couldn't connect with any of the characters who had very little development.

FryeDwight 06-17-2014 01:44 AM

TERROR IN THE TROPICS (2005). Very low budget film with lots of public domain footage and in jokes. Not bad for what it is and the special features help a lot, especially the Poverty Row panel by film historian Greg Mank. **1/2

Geordie9 06-17-2014 02:46 AM


Love story with a twist, i enjoyed it. 7/10

The Bloofer Lady 06-17-2014 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by roshiq (Post 971933)
Patrick (2013)


A fine remake by today's standard.

>>: B

Actually half way through this..saw the original and really liked it. So far this one is a little darker but I am enjoying it.

ImmortalSlasher 06-17-2014 01:49 PM

Two bad ones.


The Purge -

I thought this was going to be a good one from the cast. But the movie boils down to home invasion because kids do stupid things mixed in with an easy to see twist. The premise, that I disagree with just because of basic humanity, I assumed was going to be well thought out. But in the end it came down to siding with the people who want to loot, murder, etc. when disasters or anything else happen in society. To give those people 12 hours to do want they want. There are a few bits and pieces in the movie mention how it's good for the country. But it's clear what's happening is the well off are killing the poor and under privileged. A smarter movie would have shown how this is organized. The main killers who wear freaky masks with smiles are just yuppies trying to kill a minority because he managed to survive an attack and kill one of the smiley group. The main killer even smiles a lot without his mask and of course uses racism 101 and calls the guy a swine a lot. I guess they didn't want to be obvious and call him a pig or the "n" word. But the effect is the same. I thought there would be a twist with the survivor the family took in. That he was in the government trying to stop the Purge or something. However, they went with the far simpler twist of neighborhood jealously. I'll pass on the sequel now.

Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet -

I decided to watch this one because I saw Danielle Harris in the titles. But she doesn't show up until 38 minutes into the movie!

I almost finished my dinner during the long opening sequence. It seems to attempt an origin story like Halloween mixed with a tragic event. At the beginning the character easily kills then does nothing as she's raped. Afterwards she gains Jason like strength. I think there is a reason given but it's stupid to me. I almost stopped watching during the introduction of the stupid teens.

There's something about the violence in this movie. They want it to be harsh but at times it comes off as cartoony. I don't know for sure if it's the look, the music played with the scenes, or the acting during them. But it just comes off not as harsh as it should be. There is a hot girl in the movie and she gets what I immediately called the spaghetti twirl death. More funny than anything. Even the sound effect used when the killer walks is funny because of the height of the character. At least it was funny to me. It's just a pointless movie that shows how even your least favorite Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street movie is better than junk like this.

Geordie9 06-17-2014 02:07 PM



Baron Von Marlon 06-17-2014 05:33 PM

Afflicted (2013)
Better than the average found footage movie.
Quite predictable at times but not bad.
Second part of the ending, after the fake credits, was unnecessary imo.
Would've been better without.

newb 06-18-2014 08:13 AM

Edge Of Tomorrow

Ground Hog Day meets Starship Troopers

I had a blast with this one

NightOfTheLiving_Sam 06-18-2014 01:50 PM

Howl's Moving Castle. I've seen this already and I score it 9/10
I enjoy anime aside from horror movies. =) And I'm not afraid to admit it.

The Villain 06-18-2014 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by NightOfTheLiving_Sam (Post 972236)
Howl's Moving Castle. I've seen this already and I score it 9/10
I enjoy anime aside from horror movies. =) And I'm not afraid to admit it.

Haven't seen you here in a little while Sam. Good to see you back

Baron Von Marlon 06-18-2014 06:03 PM

300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Bit too long, too much talking, average acting, battles are all quite the same,...
Also a unnecessary background story on the bad guy of the first movie.
His role was minor so they could have easily cut the bit.
Best things were the special effects.

The Villain 06-18-2014 06:15 PM


This was ok. It wasn't great but it was a timekiller. I am getting tired of the instantly resorting to murder when confronted by something you don't understand trope though. But there were some aspects i liked.

There were some parts that i found surprisingly deep for a a movie like this. The awkward loner girl ends up falling in love with her double and they kiss and then merge together at the end with a smile on her face. To me that part of the movie wasn't some twisted bizarre kinky sex thing, it was an insecure girl who finally found someone she could be herself around and find happiness with and then when they merged, she found happiness within herself.

The other part i liked was the dark ending. The main character kills his girlfriend so he can be with the double who he was able to fix things with after fucking it up with his original girlfriend. But the only reason he was able to do that was he played off things the original girlfriend told him in the fight they had that night. He didn't change, he didn't grow. He just manipulated her in thinking he was a different person and killed his girlfriend. It was a dark twisted ending that was played off like it was romantic.



Mr. Jones

This was horrible. Boring and badly made. If its supposed to be a found footage movie how come it seems like the main character was able to edit the finish project complete with voiceover during a montage? That makes no sense plus it wasn't scary at all. Avoid


Willow Creek

I actually really liked this one. It's definitely a slow burn but the characters are really likeable and there's a lot of humor during the initial build up stage. Once it gets to the scary moments, there is a scene that drags but they do a nice job building suspense. It really drew me in.

I was disappointed that they didn't show Bigfoot though. I'm a huge monster fan so i always want to see the monster.


The Bloofer Lady 06-19-2014 04:38 PM


Has nothing to do with PULSE 1988 which I watched the other night. Eerie ghosts find their way back to earth through wireless internet. Interesting but a little dull.

_____V_____ 06-20-2014 08:10 AM

Two reasons to watch this film - the cinematography which captures the fantastic essence of the Australian outback (some angles are absolutely breath-taking, hats off to the director of photography), and the extremely ruthless and vile Mick Taylor. It's like the film picks off right from where part 1 ended, and for the first 30 minutes you are excused from thinking which one character is actually the lead one?! The game of cat-and-mouse continues all through the film, and by the time you actually start to feel some sympathy for the lead character, it's all over.

No prizes for guessing who comes out on top.

Among the highlight scenes is one fantastic sequence which might incur the wrath of PETA (unless it's a CGI-fied one), when hundreds of kangaroos suddenly "feel" the need to cross the road during a desperate chase sequence, and many get slaughtered and plastered by a 22-wheeler truck.


* * *

Argestis 06-20-2014 01:32 PM

Godzilla and X-Men Days of Future Past. Both good films, though I like Godzilla better. The X-Men movie tries to adapt a comic book mind-boggler into suspense, while Godzilla is a unique Godzilla movie with a good background for the monster.

Baron Von Marlon 06-20-2014 05:31 PM

Death Machine (1994)
"Small group of people trapped in a building with a killer robot controlled by Brad Dourif."
Underrated movie. Small but decent cast, awesome robot and decent special effects. With some hints of Die Hard, Robocop, Universal Soldier,...
Better than I remembered it.

Giganticface 06-20-2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 972333)

Sounds awesome. Thanks for posting. I'll have to re-watch the first one as a refresher.

Giganticface 06-21-2014 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 957247)
The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)


Interesting enough character piece though I feel as though I should have liked it more than I did, considering that the cast was brilliant and I really like that director... Could have been the mood that I was in but I found it a little drab. Oddly enough, I loved Blue Valentine - Could be that I just identified with the characters more there than I did in Pines - It gets a lot of good press and I get why, but was just flat for me.

I saw this tonight and loved it. I can see how you'd have to be in the right mood for it to work. It's long, and the three-act format is challenging, switching focus between character sets so abruptly every 45 minutes. Luckily I was up for a movie like this tonight, and it really paid off. The soundtrack by Mike Patton was great too. Now I'm going to have to seek out Blue Valentine.


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