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TheBossInTheWall 06-20-2015 03:11 PM

Take Shelter 2011

Curtis, a father and husband, is starting to experience bad dreams and hallucinations. Assuming mental illness, he seeks medical help and counseling. However, fearing the worst, he starts building an elaborate and expensive storm shelter in their backyard. This storm shelter threatens to tear apart his family, threatens his sanity and his standing in the community, but he builds it to save his family's life.

Its dull. Not much happens besides these visions/dreams that are not worth watching for. The acting is mediocre. Michael Shannon plays the same same exact character from Boardwalk Empire, minus the name and period attire. In this case he might be developing schizophrenia or predicting events. I couldn't stand to watch more than an hour. I just jumped to the end to find out what was going to happen. Pass on this.

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-20-2015 07:26 PM

Bombshell Bloodbath, 2014. 6/10

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Fear Clinic 2014. 5/10


Meh. Cool imagery now and then.

Amalthea_unicorn 06-21-2015 12:31 AM

The Den 7/10

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-21-2015 06:09 AM

The Possession of David O'Reilly, 2010. 7/10

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Random on Shudder.TV. I got a two month trial of this Netflix type all horror films site. They have a streaming TV and they throw random films on. I did not know what I was watching until the end cause I didn't see the opening credits.

This was actually good, all about demons following him and the insanity he went through when he was the only one that could see them.. They were really cool looking when spotted.

This feature of the site will be awesome for me, sometimes I tend to look through movie after movie undecided. This makes up my mind, with no choice, I may find some gems.

Amalthea_unicorn 06-21-2015 06:57 AM

Dracula Untold 8/10

TheBossInTheWall 06-21-2015 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn (Post 996529)
The Possession of David O'Reilly, 2010. 7/10

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Random on Shudder.TV. I got a two month trial of this Netflix type all horror films site. They have a streaming TV and they throw random films on. I did not know what I was watching until the end cause I didn't see the opening credits.

This was actually good, all about demons following him and the insanity he went through when he was the only one that could see them.. They were really cool looking when spotted.

This feature of the site will be awesome for me, sometimes I tend to look through movie after movie undecided. This makes up my mind, with no choice, I may find some gems.

Ty for heads up about Shudder.tv. Is the film really that good? From the trailer i'm expecting it to be another 'is he insane or not' film.

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-21-2015 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by TheBossInTheWall (Post 996532)
Ty for heads up about Shudder.tv. Is the film really that good? From the trailer i'm expecting it to be another 'is he insane or not' film.

Yes, it keeps you guessing, is he, isn't he but imo it was done well. : )

Charlie's Farm, 2014. 9/10

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Kinda of a simple story, done before but with aussie style! ::love::
The characters were very well liked and I enjoyed getting to know them, even Tara Reid. ::big grin::
AMAZING, Fuck, AMAZING gore and Charlie is fucking beautiful!....and wrap this luvly film up with an fantastic ending! This is going on my top shelf of films.

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-21-2015 01:23 PM

Der Samurai, 2014. 9/10

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Holy fuck this was mesmerizing. I am in love with this. Visually amazing and so fucked up but made sense. Beautiful film. Rewatch value times 100.

A transvestite samurai, a wolf and a young German police officer have a connection.

Am amazing dance scene in front of a bonfire between the samurai and Jakob. Just hypnotizing.

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-21-2015 03:42 PM

Poltergeist, 2015

Thumb resize. First off I only watched this film because of Sam Rockwell because I want to have his children some day. ::love:: He was awesome in here so 5/10 just for him. :)

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This wasn't bad at all. If you don't go into this film as a remake, you should be fine or not. ; )

I liked the whole family and that's rare for me cause I do not really care for children in horror films unless they are murderous little bastards. I thought this was gonna be jump scare heaven but was not. It had nice FX and really started all the poltergeist shenanigans right away...cover that with the gorgeous and funny Sam and that equals an entertaining hour and a half. I'll check out a sequel if ones made, looks like this family will be fun to follow. 7/10.

DeadbeatAtDawn 06-21-2015 06:20 PM



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