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Jacked up 09-12-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Freak (Post 627656)
I would never trade a 360 for a wii.The wii is fun to play for about 10 minutes, then it gets pretty boring.Just the price of the PS3 makes me hate it with a passion.It's 360 all the way I'm sure of that.

no kidding... I like the wii, but I really wish I had a 360 right now. I just can't afford one at the moment.

trx1 09-27-2007 08:57 PM

id like to find me a DREAMCAST. only games i had was:
KISS physco circus

only two i needed :cool:

Phalanx 10-13-2007 07:39 PM

Ah, the dreamcast....I still have mine here and dread the day it kicks it...so much so, I've considered paying online collectors/retailers twice what they're worth to get a new one in a box to play after that time...
Got about 50 games...haha, about 2 ORIGINAL games among them.
But all the same, great system, great library...it is too bad they didn't put more effort into immersion and saturation advertising like a certain giant corporation that killed the DC off did...AH WELL.

As for who's going to win?
Who cares?
The best I've ever seen "competing" gaming were the years that Sega and Nintendo went head to head throughout the 8 and 16bit era...I think that we're entering this stage again between sony and microsoft.
Both sides are drumming out some impressive exclusives, while the shared titles between them are mostly great...both companies I'm sure feel as though they have enough money and followers to carry on the battle for some time now, and I think they will...
However, I could stand to see some cheaper GAMES.

Despare 10-13-2007 09:10 PM

I still have my Dreamcast, 4 controller, 3 VMUs, and only about 20 games (but some great ones, I may break out Campcom Vs. SNK sooner than later).

We won't have cheaper games until we stop paying the $60 they're asking for them now. I also hope that this trend we're seeing of more and more "exclusive" titles going multi-console stops. Without exclusives there's less competition and no competition is bad for gaming in general.

Phalanx 10-13-2007 11:43 PM

Yeah, I agree.
Microsoft and Sony have been head to head as the "big two" for a while now...with nintendo kind've on the sidelines but keeping up alright...All the same, I welcome the competition, gaming is never better than when one company is trying to wipe the others out, you see the best of both/all.

tic 10-15-2007 05:02 AM

Some of the bigger stores over here (UK) are selling a new PS 3 - it's basically the same console, but smaller hard-drive and can't play PS 2 games, for £300, which is approx. £100 cheaper than the standard one.

Seeing as there is only a few games available for PS 3 at the mo', think it's a rip off.

I was speaking to a manager of a games shop about what's the best console to buy:

The Original Xbox is more powerful than the PS 2, however, there's a bigger back catalogue of games for the PS 2.

At the present time (in the UK anyway) the PS 3 is not very popular, because of the price - £400, and the blue-ray discs, rather than normal dvd's.

The new Xbox 360 Elite is around £300 and looks to be the winner in this competiton so far, going by the price alone.

Phalanx 10-16-2007 01:35 AM


Some of the bigger stores over here (UK) are selling a new PS 3 - it's basically the same console, but smaller hard-drive and can't play PS 2 games, for £300, which is approx. £100 cheaper than the standard one.
Yeah, the 40gig model?
That came out here...not sure in the difference in terms of dollar value, but it went down in price by $300AUD.


Seeing as there is only a few games available for PS 3 at the mo', think it's a rip off.
It depends on what you want it for...it's a more accessible/affordable entry point to NEW games, which by Christmas will hit the 70 mark across all genres.
Not to mention it's one of the cheapest (actually, here, this model IS the cheapest) Blueray players on the market, with a new console thrown in - if you look at it that way, you get an alright deal...
I know a lot of people with PS2 consoles already (the latest model PS2 slimline is just short of 2 months old now) who consider this the price drop they've been waiting to leap on.
I mean, what's a PS2 worth anyways? I'm pretty sure they've shaved a bit more off the price than that, and if 40gig isn't enough storage, well...
...as I've been saying, if you were gonna shell out the full price of the original 60gig model, you could buy the new40gig model, the latest model PS2, and a game for each?

Besides, those who are patient may just find that something a little more, er, decked out could be coming their way by around about Christmas.

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