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BobCooke 08-29-2004 10:11 AM

New Zombie Planet Yahoo Groups
Hi Zombie Lovers,

For those of you that take the time to read this forum, I wanted you to know about three new Yahoo! Groups that I'm are starting up.

All three of these groups are official "Fan Sites" for George Bonilla's three movie concepts. We will be inviting all the actors and crew involved to join the group (or groups) as well, so that you can ask them directly any questions that you have. We will also send out updates about each concept to the mailing list. We will send out "behind the scenes" comments from time to time. All are moderated groups, which will slow you down some, but will keep out spam and vindictive comments.

The first concept is for "Zombie Planet" and "Zombie Planet: Adam's Revenge." I would like to invite all of you to join:

Of interest to you on this group - As soon as I get a copy of the DVD, I will be posting frames from the movie in the "Photos" section.

The second concept is "Dance With A Vampire." This is the third movie for writer/director George Bonilla. It is still in post production, but for all you horror fans it is a must see movie. We will upload some publicity stills to this site for now.

The third concept is his upcoming movie "The Edison Death Machine. It is still in preproduction. Most of the script has been written, but I talked George into trying something new!


The "death machine" is another way to bring the dead to life... yes another zombie movie. When we get enough members, we will post a synopsis of the movie and ask members to make suggestions for some of the scenes. If we like your idea and use it you will get screen credit in the movie. No pay, but you get to be a part of another great movie.

We have other contest planned, but I'm not sure if I have room on this post.

None of the sites are public yet. In fact. I'm the only member but feel free to send the link to anyone else who might be interested.



LilMissScareAll 09-04-2004 07:36 AM

I joined the group for "The Edison Death Machine"...I'm still very interested in being in that movie, if I possibly can.

BobCooke 09-04-2004 09:28 AM


Thanks for joining the group. I know that Yahoo Groups may not the be best way to handle what we are trying to do, but it is easy and free.

I think this forum and one other are the only places that I have posted any info about the sites so far and we've had about seven people try to post. All appear to be spammers.

You and one other person joined that are not part of the production company.

You really do have a pretty good chance of getting into the movie. I can't make any promises, but it is relativelt easy to get a part as an extra in an independent movie. If you want to try out for a character with lines it is also possible. I got a small part in Dance With A Vampire when I first started with the production company.

I was talking to George Bonilla, the writer/director on the phone before I had met him. I told him that I thought that it would be cool to be a vampire, but that I couldn't act and had no personality. He said "We'll make you a cop." Never did get to be a vampire, but I got a line or two.

I'll keep you in mind when we start looking for people. I'll put in a good word.


LilMissScareAll 09-04-2004 06:52 PM

Thank you very much! :D
I'd really love to have a speaking part. But if not, I'll settle for being an extra.

BobCooke 11-15-2005 12:34 PM


A long time ago I promised to get you some information about being in "The Edison Death Machine"

We have some shoots coming up starting in December, 2005 where we may be able to use you.

If you are still interested, send me an e-mail at my juno.com address. It has the same user name as the one that I use in this forum.

Bob C Cooke

Zero 11-22-2005 12:21 PM

i came, i saw, i watched, i walked away unimpressed

novakru 11-22-2005 12:58 PM


Originally posted by BobCooke

A long time ago I promised to get you some information about being in "The Edison Death Machine"

We have some shoots coming up starting in December, 2005 where we may be able to use you.

If you are still interested, send me an e-mail at my juno.com address. It has the same user name as the one that I use in this forum.

Bob C Cooke

What's new with you?

BobCooke 11-22-2005 01:30 PM


Originally posted by novakru
What's new with you?


Well I guess to keep it a little on topic, I would have to say that I'be been woking on The Edison Death Machine. From a production standpoint it is a zombie movie. However, from the point of view of a zombie lover we will get slaughtered if we call it a zombie flick.

Our creatures don't eat brains and don't create new zombies when they kill people.

It is based on a "legend" that Thomas Edison was working on a machine to communicate with the dead. In our story, that machine is found, but instead of communicating with the dead it brings them back to life.

You can find out more on the official web site:
www.EdisonDeathMachine.com .

Bob C

novakru 11-22-2005 01:44 PM

Thanks Bob.
Can't wait to see the trailer.
Now that's what I like to see,an original idea.
I have seen a short film some time back that hinted at the "spirit machine" but it was too undefined and lacked emotional attachment with the characters.

I hope this one will do something to jump start the concept that you don't really need to run good movies into the ground with parts 1 thru 55.:)
Good Luck

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