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The Villain 08-12-2013 02:08 AM

Thanks. I don't remember anymore. The book was formatted wrong which is why I can't put it on the kindle. Gonna make sure my next one is done right.

Vodstok 03-17-2014 03:58 PM

Instead of posting any one thing, I will just throw out a bunch of links like so many spawning salmon spraying eggs and fish sperm everywhere:

My profile on Cracked.com, where I specialize in terrifying people with science:

My website, with plenty of weird/scary:

And I did some funny for a while:

John Moralee 03-30-2014 05:51 AM

I've been writing horror stories since I was about ten, when I wrote a weird novella about some evil flesh-eating seaweed killing people on an island, which was heavily influenced by the movies The Fog and The Thing. I never finished that story - but I continued writing horror fiction as I grew up. I've collected some of my completed stories into two collections, available on Amazon.

The Bone Yard and Other Stories contains fifteen stories, including one first published in Hideous Progeny: A Frankenstein Anthology. The other collection - Bloodways - has some stories previously published in UK magazines.

You can find my books at this link: http://www.amazon.com/John-Moralee/e/B005HV75EG or in the UK at http://www.amazon.co.ukJohn-Moralee/e/B005HV75EG

I'd welcome visitors at my blog www.mybookspage.wordpress.com, which is about writing in general. There's about a hundred comic strips and other things over there.

Thanks for reading this.

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