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MichaelMyers 01-07-2013 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

I like my horror beer-basted and deep-fried.

hammerfan 01-07-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

Sweet! I love "Session 9"!

ChronoGrl 01-07-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 943206)

Semi-decent low-budget slow burner. Recommended to all who like their horror simmered up nicely before delivered to them on an atmospheric platter, much on the lines of Session 9.

* * *

I really liked this one too. Great little horror flick. Tight acting and definitely creepy. Recommendation seconded.


Club Dread (2004)


My first time watching it. It was actually fairly amusing.

The Mothman 01-07-2013 05:56 PM

Zombie Cult Massacre is a Z-grade gem! One of the most fun reviews I've had the fortune to write yet. - ZCM Review

Fearonsarms 01-08-2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 943221)
I really liked this one too. Great little horror flick. Tight acting and definitely creepy. Recommendation seconded.

Also recommended-have you or V seen Sinister? I think you would both love it if you liked Absentia.

_____V_____ 01-08-2013 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 943249)
Also recommended-have you or V seen Sinister? I think you would both love it if you liked Absentia.

Not yet. Thanks for the heads-up.

Tony Vilgotsky 01-08-2013 11:00 AM

Done with Scott Derrickson's Sinister. Good flick.

ImmortalSlasher 01-08-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by ChronoGrl (Post 943052)
In terms of Gordon, I get the "comic book thing" to an extent, but I feel as though the Batman movies take themselves so seriously that I have a hard time saying, "Oh, it's a comic book thing, that's why." Know what I mean?

Another thing that irked me was this concept that Batman wanted to be an everyman. He offhand says "Anyone can be Batman." Which is a cool concept in theory, but NO, NOT ANYONE CAN BE BATMAN. A lot of what the movie has to do with is the divide between the rich and the poor and that, among other things, is why not everyone can be Batman. Part of what makes Batman Batman is his "wonderful toys," his insane technology from tools to suit. Not just anyone could afford to become the Batman. Sort of like Ironman, he kinda bought who he was (if you want to think about it in an incredibly jaded sort of way).

That's what I liked about Blake. I thought that he was a true everyman hero - No guns, no toys, just a good guy... But I guess if he inherits the Bat Fortune... (I think you see where I'm going with this)...

In many ways, these Batman movies are for people that never liked comic book movies. There are tons of comic ideas in them but presented in a real world that doesn't upset (I can't think of another word) them.

The whole rich/poor thing was one of the worst parts of Dark Knight Rises to me. It's like there is no middle ground. You are either wealthy or a convicted criminal.

But with Blake even though he's presented as an everyman type, he isn't. You could miss it but it goes back to that first scene with Blake and Bruce. When Blake is talking about anger (I believe) and how you don't let that sort of thing go. That's why I was saying before how Blake and Bruce are the same. Batman is driven and obsessive. Almost all comic heroes are. That is why he couldn't simply move on from the death of his parents or Rachel, who's character was poorly handled but that's another discussion. This is kind of glossed over in these movies. But that obsession is the essence of heroes. From Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, Superman, Wonder Woman, the list goes on.

Angra 01-08-2013 05:00 PM

"John dies at the end" 7-8/10

Funny and fresh. Felt like a lighthearted version of a Cronenberg horror flick.

And i really liked the guy in the lead. John came in second. :)

"Absentia" 6-7/10

First half was definitely the best with all the creepy ghostly visions. But as the story unfolded it became more silly than scary quite fast. And why the hell didn't they explore the tunnel some more instead of just staying inside the house? Why didn't anyone?!! That annoyed me a whole lot. Really bugged me. HA!!

And i find it hard to believe the movie was made on a budget of only $70.000. In fact i don't believe it one bit. That annoyed me also.

metternich1815 01-09-2013 01:05 AM

I watched the Strangers (2008). I thought it was really good, definitely surprised to hear the reviews were bad because it was a really good movie. So, that was the most recent horror movie I watched.

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