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_____V_____ 09-29-2007 07:40 AM

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Its good...

SamCostello 10-07-2007 09:44 AM

This weekend, I read:

Wasteland, Vol. 1: Cities in Dust, by Antony Johnston and Christopher Mitten. A sci-fi graphic novel, all post-apocalyptic. Perfectly decent comic, but not compelling enough to make me seek out Vol. 2.

Scalped, Vol. 1: Indian Country, by Jason Aaron and RM Guera. A crime comic series about an undercover FBI agent on an Indian reservation. This volume was mostly set up for the series, but it was good fun, full of good violence, and worth my time.


_____V_____ 10-10-2007 07:47 PM

Witchblade, Aliens, Darkness, Predator - Overkill.

tic 10-12-2007 02:43 PM

Don't really read comics, graphic novels, in the past: Alien, it was a graphic novelisation of the film.

Has anyone read the Friday the 13th comics - I've seen them about and flicked through them, but haven't actually read any of them.

Phalanx 10-13-2007 07:53 PM


Has anyone read the Friday the 13th comics - I've seen them about and flicked through them, but haven't actually read any of them.
There has been quite a few throughout the ages, all from different companies.
The one's I've found most impressive are the latest ones from a company called Wildstorm who has just finished a 6-issue run of a story set sometime after the "modern day" films. Quite good...reading through felt a lot like one of the movies.
Other than that, they've more recently did a few more
"Pamelas tale", and "How I spent my summer vacation", both prequels about Pamela, and Jason.
They don't just throw jason in a shitty bloody bunch of comics as I've seen certain companies do before (jason vs leatherface by topps comics was ridiculous), they show respect for the series and background stories, and work their own into there. This current run of f13 stuff by wildstorm, I'd reccomend to a fan of the movies, the stuff from the past....get into at your own risk and expense.

Wildstorm has also recently done some TCM and NOES comics this/last year...again, some of the best movie tie-in stuff I've seen in ages.

[QUOTE]Don't really read comics, graphic novels, in the past: Alien, it was a graphic novelisation of the film.[QUOTE]
Dark Horse does most of the Aliens stuff...and most of the alien/predator/terminator siungular and crossover comics too...I think they've always done them rather well, and would reccomend the material to anyone who's into the aliens thing. The adaptation was ok, but it's the other series like "Earth War", Genocide, and Newts Tale that take the cake for me.
The crossover ones aren't bad either, just not really into them myself.

I've been reading heaps of stuff...as I've said before, I download...I've got a box I've collected, and that's it for me.
DC Countdown is rather interesting...I've been following that.
A new one out from DC called "Simon Dark" I can see a lot of people in here liking...another gothamite. Imagine batman, without the boundaries, and a lot more weirdness.
Hm...what else...Spider-man has been really great lately across his titles, the "one more day" arc, and the events leading up to it have been a bit tragic, but a fucking great read - that's all I can say without spoiling.

the_real_linda 10-16-2007 08:47 AM

return to the labyrinth vol 2

Despare 10-18-2007 02:27 PM

Marvel Zombies Vs. The Army of Darkness

I won't spoil it for you but it's bloody fun. Here's a mini-spoiler that I just loved...

Early on in this one (the second part I believe) we're treated to a zombie Howard the Duck eating the brains of a very important character...

SamCostello 11-07-2007 01:59 PM

Caught up on my comics this week and read:

The Last Call Vol. 1, by Vasilis Lolos – A great looking comic about two kids who somehow wind up on a mysterious train populated by monsters. Beautiful to look at, but I’m not sure the story is strong enough to bring me back for Vol. 2.

Coward, Criminal Vol. 1, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. The first TPB from their new noir series. Very good stuff indeed. Nice to see Brubaker back in straight crime comics without the superheroes.

Phonogram Vol. 1: Rue Britannia, by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie – a good miniseries about indie music, magic, and cultural trends. Some really smart writing and good art, though it seemed to get a little muddled on the way to the resolution.


novakru 11-07-2007 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 633293)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Its good...

Isn't it though?
I think I'll keep reading this one:cool:

Legends of the Dark Knight: Shaman parts 2 and 3
Can't find the other ones, is a series 1-5 circa 1989-90
Very cool looking at something so old...no CD, DVD ads- no web addys anywhere..so surreal

Phalanx 11-10-2007 01:35 AM

Just about to delve into the last issue (69) of the Deadpool series.
It's been a bit inconsistant throughout the series, but I like the character and I understand the cable/deadpool series that follows is pretty decent too, so, done with this.

Checking out the latest Wizard later.

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