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Tommy Jarvis 12-25-2023 01:06 AM

Black Mirror: Be Right Back 2013 ★★★½

This episode of Black Mirror taps into the same vein as Her and one or two similar titles.

Mind you, it does it pretty well. With an engaging story that I was completely into until the end. Compliments to Haley Atwell as Martha. And Brendan Gleeson's kid as Simon.

Tau 2018 ★★½

An home robotics thriller with a kidnapped women stuck in a house with a psychopatic tech mogul who has somehow has a experimental system which basically morphs Hal from 2001 and Ed 209 into one system. Scratch that, this robot beats the crap out of ol' Ed.

It's entertaining and Maika Monroe is still as solid as ever, but in her filmography, this would have to take a backseat to her other work.

Bombshell 2019 ★★★½

When #MeToo hit Fox News.

Is this movie “fair and balanced”? Well, it certainly goes a bit deeper into the complexities of sexual harassment cases. Not so much the cases themselves, the facts are clear. More in the portrayal of how each of these women come to the decisions and actions they (under)take in the end and the considerations they (have to) ponder. One significant moment is during Kelly's first testimony when she notices that she is witness W and asks “Am I number 23?”. How it only then fully dawns on her what's really going on. Kudos to Charlize Theron there. Good job.

If anything, the acting is pretty solid. Being from Europe, I only know Megyn Kelly and I have to say Charlize Theron was the most convincing out of all three. In the other case, I cannot judge the resemblance, but in all honesty, I just saw Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie. Best testament to the quality of the acting: this has a small role for Mark Duplass (the creep from “Creep”) and his, for lack of a better word, “creepy” star is outshined by a great John Lithgow.

Recommended for fans of period pieces. The big productions that capture the zeitgeist of an era.

Tommy Jarvis 12-25-2023 01:10 AM

Remnants 2013 ★★½

Decent found footage available on YT.

Nothing groundbreaking or mindboggling. Just, you know... okay characters, good build up, nice pay off, suitably vague,...

If you're a sucker for found footage (like me), this is a nice addition for your collection.

You can check it out here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAEuouBgXKU

High Tension 2003 ★★★

Alexandra Aja's debut does not lose much steam on a rewatch.

Interestingly, for a movie known for its brutality, it does not really spend all that much time on the actual torture and gore. Sure, there is plenty of gore and disturbing imagery, but just as much attention goes to the chase, with the main protagonist running from the killer. Until of course the big twist.

High Tension is still a very solid calling card for the man who went on to do The hills have eyes remake and movies like Oxygen. He masters the visual craft of setting up atmosphere and he can do his fair share of gore. Thus earning High Tension a place between other French extremes like Inside and Martyrs. And while I am not the biggest fan of their work, the choice to prominently feature Muse in the score does work in the movies favour.

Natty Knocks 2023 ★★★

Robert Englund, Danielle Harris and Bill Moseley feature in a nice little slasher with a bit of a Stranger Things-vibe in it. Though that's easy to say when the protagonists are kids.

Said protagonists are a duo of friends, consisting of a Ryder Strong facsimile and young McLovin', whose main merit was whining and keeping me wondering wether he was meant to be this annoying.

The legend (the faded B-movie star accused of withchraft and burned) is a tried and true concept, but it was well worked out here and it gave the killer a decent backstory. The kills were okay and at least one kill made me hate the killer even more.

The sequel bait at the end was obvious and predictable (yes, it involves the little black book being found), but it was still fun to watch.

3 stars. Well deserved for a fun style exercise.

Tommy Jarvis 12-25-2023 01:11 AM

Black Mirror: White Bear 2013 ★★★★★

Holy shit, is this great writing.

The opening scene immediately has you hooked in a way not unlike some of the better horror films, with a character waking up in a 28 Days Later-ish setting. What is happening? Why is everybody filming her?

It then sets up a dystopian narrative, but – when you least expect it – pulls the rug from under you. Not once, but twice. Second time in the end credits. And in such a masterful way, my goodness.

Five stars well deserved.

Goodnight Mommy 2014 ★★★★

A movie about unheimlichkeit from the people who invented the word. That should be a conving tagline.*

The story is shrouded in a bit of mistery since we never get to see the actual accident, only the aftermath (which I'm guessing involves fractures and/or burn wounds to the face). Neither do we get to know who this mistery woman really is or what her goals are.

What we do get to see is a tense story about estrangement, about the horror of having to walk on eggshells in your own home. Afraid to set off your own mother of all people. And what's worse: the slightest thing can. Making for an atmosphere where you as a viewer are constantly on edge, discomforted in one way or the other. Like in the scene with the Red Cross volunteers, or the game scene where they unmask “Mommy”.

Also: how much is Mommy an imposter and how much of a sociopath/psychopath is in the boys?Because it would not surprise me if you could make a case for the second theory as well. From their mannerisms, body language and the way they speak once they gain the upper hand. Cold. Measured. Dare I say callous at times? Are they innocent boys going mad after unmasking their abusive “mother” or are they psychopaths (like Eve 8 and Eve 9) torturing their “innocent” mother?

Four stars. Well recommended.

*K.Brockman-voice: That oughta hold those SOBs.

The Tent 2019 ★1/2

The tent that... oh, ok. (pause) Wait, what?

This short's main problem is that it plays it straight. Turn this into B-movie style campy schlock in the vein of Slugs, The deadly spawn, Troma, fifties and sixties stuff and you have potential.

Now? Nah.

Tommy Jarvis 12-25-2023 01:13 AM

Knock at the Cabin 2023 ★★★½

There is something about Shyamalan dialogue. I cannot put my finger on what it is, and I am certainly not claiming to be able to do better. But, unlike other directors, his dialogues nearly always have me involuntarily think “Who talks like this?”.

That said, Knock at the cabin qualifies as one of his better movies. Not as good as Split or The Sixth Sense, but still pretty solid. He knows how to build up this odd atmosphere that goes… more

Murdercise 2023 ★½

Murdercise is one of those schlockfests where you can tell that... the whole cast... they're in on the joke. They know what's going on.

It has all of the eighties sleaze in a good kind of way. Too many things to mention: the C-movie they watch together, the mousy heroine and her makeover reveal (“If you ladies will excuse me, Richard Gere will soon pick me up and take me to a polo game”), the nepo mom coming on to the nerdy assistant,...

It did nothing right, and because of that, it's great.

Lane 9 2019 ★★★

Fun little short with a nice retro vibe. Not sure wether Russell was really dead/alive or just a hallucination.

Tommy Jarvis 12-25-2023 01:15 AM

Independence Day 1996 ★★★★

The best way to deserve this movie? It did dumb well.

New fun drinking game: spot the lines that became funnier after "the slap".

Also: Bill Pullman is majorly underrated.

Also also: This movie probably has the best... extra... ever.

Teaching Mrs. Tingle 1999 ★★½

I remember seeing the trailer for this one and being intrigued by the plot summary, but for some reason never got around to watching it in theatres or on video. Then I got in my twenties and into more arthousey stuff and Mrs Tingle went off my radar, until now.

Kevin Williamson delivers his first and only directorial effort, while riding the wave of success after Scream and Scream 2. Maybe he feels he is better at writing than at directing? Who knows.

It's an entertaining flick, although more twisted comedy than horror. This is also where the Scream-success becomes baggage: while this movie has some good ideas and plot devices here and there, you expect more. From the writer portrayed as clever and witty, you expect more than your standard small town folk trying desperately to escape thing. In its own, it's okay. If you let Scream set the bar higher, then you'll be more likely to notice the plotholes.

It was fun to see a few familiar faces pop up in the background (Molly Ringwald, Vivica Fox, Michael “David St Hubbins” Mckean), but if anyone makes this worth the price of admission, it's Helen Mirren. She is simply amazing as the titular Mrs. Tingle, with an Anne Robinson in The Weakest Link-type meanness to her.

TaeKwonZombie 12-27-2023 05:13 PM

The Haunting (1999)

I've been meaning to watch this movie since the 2000's seeing it displayed at Wal-Mart.....The castle was beautiful in this, reminded me of the Bloodborne game...I actually really loved all the jump scares, and computer effects, not bad, but not a masterpiece either.

TaeKwonZombie 01-01-2024 04:26 PM

Lake Placid (1999) cheesy little monster movie with a giant crocodile in a lake. In this you get to see a giant croc eat a grizzly bear...not bad computer effects for its time? You also get to see an old lady who feeds it cows as if its her pet. Maybe she took some notes from the killers of Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive.

Tommy Jarvis 01-05-2024 02:42 AM

Red Snow 2021 ★★★

Red Snow looks like a (halfway) decent vampire romcom-ish romp set at Christmas.

The cast was solid, the leads had chemistry and some of the jokes were actually pretty good. Though I am still in doubt about the season's greetings pun. Is it bad, good or "so bad it's good"?

What do you think?

Cocaine Bear 2023 ★★★★

Cocaine Bear delivered everything a movie with that title was supposed to.

This Braindead-light is situated somewhere in the middle between splatstick and movies like Zombieland. With one shot completely lifted from the latter. If you know, you know.

I understand Elizabeth Banks got a bit of flack for her take on Charlie's Angels. I have not seen it that one yet, so I cannot say if it's justified. But here, she did a solid job, delivering a very enjoyable bit of eighties retro. With one character looking kind of like Tom Delonge in the video for Blink 182's First Date. Cheers, Liz.

The characters and the plot were appropriately silly. The kills were a decent mix of gore and whoopsies. The time flew by, not in the least because the cast turned it into an enjoyable comedy with solid performances across the board. Wether it's Keri Russell as the mom or the kids or the hijinx with the gangsters or the park rangers. Ray Liotta plays a goofy version of his mob characters and Ice Cube Junior seems to be going for that same grump-schtick his father does whenever he does a comedy.

The question is: how can you say dumb shit? If you can say it with a friendly smile, then pull up a beer and some snacks and enjoy the ride. If you can only say it in a condescending tone while spurning, this is not for you.

Kinsey 2004 ★★★

Kinsey is a solid biopic. You get a pretty comprehensive picture of how Alfred Kinsey became the man he would eventually be known as: somebody whose impact on the sexual revolution and the acceptance of gays and lesbians can probably not be measured nor expressed in words. Though it is a bit of a cold shower (no pun intended) that this research stems from a boring intellectual and a bookworm who just happened to stumble across this topic by the dumb luck (pun intended) of being very well endowed.

It shows the adversity Kinsey and his research encountered, both from white and blue collar folks, from prudes and people who were just afraid of discovering new things (ie they only have one question (am I normal?) and they want the answer to be yes, end of conversation). And of course the ignorance that reigned at that time. Something the movie gently pokes fun at in the first act.

That said, it's not all fun and games. Kinsey comes under scrutiny, prudes try to become monkey wrenches and Kinsey's own character and his OCD/workaholic tendencies get in his way. It raises the question how accurate this portrayal of Kinsey was, because there is something fascinating about how somebody can possess the type of warmth that gets everyone to open up and spill their guts, while at the same time not being able to (or even interested in) reading the room and trying to find the appropriate tone in his day to day life.

It also shows just how revealing this research was in one of the more touching scenes. When his father (again a great performance by John Litgow) opens up about the sexual traumas from his youth and the subsequent torture he experienced, before clamming up again, overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions and frustrations he cannot comprehend or handle. But it ends on a hopeful note, with one testimony that stood for the many people touched/liberated by his work.

Odd to see Laura Linney get the Oscar nod. Like most people in this movie, she was very good, portraying a complex character torn between her love for her husband and his work (I think she both understood the relevance of his work and admired the passion with which he dug into it) and her own feelings (the infidelity argument) and fears (this is beyond my comprehension, this is more than I bargained for). She was good, very good, but to say that she stood out that much to justify that? That might be a bit much.

Maybe not earth shattering, but a good watch nonetheless.

Tommy Jarvis 01-05-2024 02:44 AM

Resurrected 2023 ★★

I do not really understand why this is getting good reviews.

They could a lot more with this concept and the main culprit for missing the mark is the acting. Terrible across the board - apart from maybe the wife - and especially the clergymen who were less The Omen and more a straight version of James Woods in Scary Movie 2.

Throughout the first hour, I regularly had moments where I just wanted to turn this off: from to… more

Final Summer 2023 ★½

A solid slasher has a good looking killer and gruesome kills. This movie has neither. Young Stephanie McMahon is the closest we get.

The only positives are the final girl and the Thom Matthews-cameo.

Past Lives 2023 ★★★★½

This certainly lived up to the hype. We get a beautiful story about love and profound friendship. About following your dreams and about the things you can do for a true friend.

It's a feel good story without being sappy.

It avoids the easy traps of this type of tale: there are plenty of moments where a lesser writer would go for the easy way out and go with a bitter reaction. This movie does not. It's equally easy to go for cheap sentiment and ditto regrets. 2 hours of: Oh if only I had... None of that here.

The cast is amazing. You completely buy them as their respective characters and they fully understand where their character comes from.

The only critical note I could bring up is that the opening scene is completely unnecessary. It could easily be dropped and you would not miss it at all. Granted, this is coming from somebody who considers this a cliché because of modern day horror, a genre that Past Lives has nothing to do with, and I recognise that this is nitpicking.

It's tjockfull of touching moments and beautiful shots. Too many to name here and too much risks to spoil the movie.

Highly recommended.

Tommy Jarvis 01-05-2024 02:46 AM

The Reverend 2011 ★

One of the rare occasions where I was so bored I could not even finish it.

Only upsides were the cameos for Rutger Hauer and Doug Bradley.

Interstellar 2014 ★★★★½

One of Nolan's great epics.

Matthew McCounaghey (in the middle of his McCougnaissance) plays a frustrated engineer who somehow stumbles across a grand project to save what's left of the world at that point. Surrounded by an ensemble cast with – among others – Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Ellen Burstyn, Matt Damon, John Lithgow, Michael Caine,...

Their space mission combines the grandeur of 2001 with the tension of the better sci-fi thrillers. As a viewer, you are constantly involved in the storylines of the various obstacles that our protagonists have to overcome.

Is this a movie with an explicit climate message, or more of a cuationary tale to people with (too) much faith in technology in regard of climate. The ones that say: Don't worry, somebody will work out something. All this in an epic tale that can equally be enjoyed on a surface level.

Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment 2013 ★★½

Well told stylistiscally, but pretty predictable and the least of the episodes I have seen so far.

FryeDwight 01-06-2024 03:08 AM

HOME ALONE (1990). A little boy from the Chicago area wishes his family would disappear before they take a trip to Paris for the holidays-Not that I blame him; most of them are pretty obnoxious, especially the Uncle ("look what You did, You little jerk!"). Due to misunderstandings, this does happen and while He has to cope with this, there are also two burglars trying to break in and as "the Man of the house", it's up to him to protect it.

A huge hit when released. this is still pretty funny, although some scenes only slow the action (especially the ones involving John Candy and when Kevin tries to buy a toothbrush) and the endless yowling from Macualey Culkin are grating; maybe if they used it only for where He's lip-synching to "White Christmas" by The Drifters, it would have been better.

Of course, the main draw are the scenes where the Burglars are tested and thwarted trying to get into the house and what gluttons for punishment they are. I also wonder how's Kevin able to get the house back together and the (lack of a better word) remove the booby traps? ***1/2

TaeKwonZombie 01-07-2024 07:38 PM

Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995) comedy horror with Leslie Nielsen, I actually loved the blood splatter, and I enjoyed it for the most part.

TaeKwonZombie 01-07-2024 09:42 PM

The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)

a movie about playing god and creating abominations, Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer star in this story that was always interesting to me. One of the remakes, I gotta see the other versions of this film.

FryeDwight 01-13-2024 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by TaeKwonZombie (Post 1052282)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)

a movie about playing god and creating abominations, Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer star in this story that was always interesting to me. One of the remakes, I gotta see the other versions of this film.

The 1977 one isn't bad

The 1932 version is a total classic and still creepy. Very recommended.

I've heard all sorts of things of the '96 version, mostly of how it's a train wreck more than anything

TaeKwonZombie 01-13-2024 11:08 PM

Crow Valley (2022)

weird Australian movie, with psycho girl (and a little homage to Misery?)

FryeDwight 01-20-2024 01:15 AM

THE BONE COLLECTOR (1999). Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie are pretty good in this film that tries to be SEV7N light, A serial killer is following the guidelines of a book and a paralyzed Denzel and nervous Angelina try to stop him. Nothing great, but not at all bad either. ***

FryeDwight 01-27-2024 12:55 AM

BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE WILD BUNCH (2023). OK Western of how BC's gang breaks the "No Killing" rule and end up with Pinkerton agents pursuing them . Jeffrey Coombs is pretty good as the main agent and although he gets top billing, Bruce Dern can't be in here for more than 15 minutes. A nice performance by Dee Wallace and I like how the story sets up the relationship between Butch, The Sundance Kid and Etta; almost a prequel to 1969's BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID. ***

Sculpt 01-27-2024 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by TaeKwonZombie (Post 1052282)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)

a movie about playing god and creating abominations, Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer star in this story that was always interesting to me. One of the remakes, I gotta see the other versions of this film.


Originally Posted by FryeDwight (Post 1052291)
The 1977 one isn't bad

The 1932 version is a total classic and still creepy. Very recommended.

I've heard all sorts of things of the '96 version, mostly of how it's a train wreck more than anything

The 1996 version was a bit odd to me. I thought it was sort of more a Heart of Darkness story then The Island of Dr. Moreau. If you're not familiar, Heart of Darkness is a story about someone going mad because they're in the jungle, which basically the root story for Apocalypse Now.

Also, I think the film lacked urgency, drive, and because of that a bit lack of a cohesive feel. It just kind of plodded along. It was still mildly enjoyable. ::big grin::

FryeDwight, you should check it out.

Amaltheaunicorn2023 02-02-2024 12:14 PM


FryeDwight 02-03-2024 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1052311)
The 1996 version was a bit odd to me. I thought it was sort of more a Heart of Darkness story then The Island of Dr. Moreau. If you're not familiar, Heart of Darkness is a story about someone going mad because they're in the jungle, which basically the root story for Apocalypse Now.

Also, I think the film lacked urgency, drive, and because of that a bit lack of a cohesive feel. It just kind of plodded along. It was still mildly enjoyable. ::big grin::

FryeDwight, you should check it out.

Well, Sculpt, if You recommend it, it should be worth seeing.

THE DEAD GIRL (2006). Very good, albeit depressing story involving the discovery of a mutilated corpse and how it all ties together with various people (The Stranger, The Sister, The Wife, The Mother and The Dead Girl). Stellar cast with Toni Collette, Piper Laurie (channelling the mother from CARRIE), Rose Byrne (who is fantastic), Mary Steenburgen, Bruce Davison, Mary Beth Hurt (also fantastic with a somewhat bold eye raising scene), Marcia Gaye Harden, Kerry Washington (looking so un-glammed from SCANDAL) and Britney Murphy, a couple of years before she passed. I had never heard of this and found it quite intriguing and think I will give it another look and soon. ****

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 12:50 PM

The Langoliers 1995 ★★★½

This made for TV adaptation of The Langoliers was actually pretty good.

Of course, the makers had to work with tv budgets, so the special effects were more funny than scary and the “scaring the little girl”-bit has been parodied more than once. And certainly in the first hour, Bronson Pinchot makes for a hilarious douchebag. Scaring the little girl!

That said, the premise gets worked out pretty good. Letting the premise sink in, the realisation of what's going on. David Morse makes for a believable lead and most of the cast do not too badly with what they are given. Also good to see the master himself being given a cameo, although the meeting itself and the hallucinations Pinchot has... that's the main challenge/problem: making the visualisation as scary as King makes it in his stories. With the budget for the effects here, it looks more like the first Children of the Corn movie. That said, I have to give credit where credit is due. The chase scene was intense and the final climax kept me on the edge of my seat.

A nice addition for your King-collection.

Land of the Blind 2006 ★★½

A political thriller that becomes interesting in that it strays from the classic narrative. Yes, the dictator in power at the start (a bouillabaisse with bits of Kim Jong Un, Goebbels and others) is a terrible dictator, but the swerve (and a dose of realism is that the supposed rebel turns out to be even worse.

Fiennes and Sutherland senior are okay, but like with most of this flick, nothing is really that compelling to keep you that invested or on the edge of your seat. The lack of a real conclusion might have been more realistic, but as a viewer, you're left empty. Also, bringing in the daughter at the end just to say “hi” seems a bit forced and out of nowhere as well.

Bringing in Nelly the elephant for the revolution scene was a nice touch, though. Shout out to The Toy Dolls.

The Virgin Suicides 1999 ★★★★½

A touching mix of tragedy and coming of age, of mistery and surprisingly lighthearted moments.

James Woods is actually pretty good playing this nerdy stuff shirt and Kathleen Turner is probably underrated here. Miles away from the action comedies that spelled her breakthrough in the eighties. Needless to say, she was great as the religious cook who probably had a big role in the tragedy that went down.

But they all take a back seat to the main stars: the Lisbon sisters. Enchanting beauties draped in misery. Ready to discover the world, yet suffocated by their mother and social conventions. Or at least that's what we as the audience think or are lead to believe. What were they really thinking? What did they really want? And what was the final straw that lead to their final decision?

A bittersweet tragedy that still stands twenty-five years after its release.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 12:51 PM

Stitches 2012 ★★★★

Stitches survived great upon this rewatch.

In real life, this clown is better off stage than on it. As a killer, it's the other way round, with assortment of cheesy gags and oneliners.

The kills are fittingly gory and ludicrous and I also liked the link back to who the kids were at first.

Solid horror comedy. Underrated even, I might say.

All Hallows’ Eve 2013 ★★★½

A suitably gory and scary introduction to Art the Clown. In anthology form, supposedly to try out stuff and see what sticks. But I'm pretty sure Damien Leone he had something with this clown.

The babysitter makes for a nice surrounding story, something you can cut back to. And a solid pay-off at the end.

The first story immediately has you set up for what's to come later in Terrifier. Art being a bully and a dick to an innocent person. Here it hints more at his nature as a demon with a few devil( mask)s that I'm sure look familiar from somewhere.

The second monster – Jack Skellington crossbreeded with an alien – was less memorable but with perhaps a few tweaks could make for a solid horror villain.

The last story is closer to what Terrifier would become. With actually more plot than the full length. Go figure.

It's everything a gorehound could wish for with decapitations and dismemberments galore. Already looking forward to Terrifier 3.

The Receder 2021 ★★★

A fun little comedy short with horror elements. Is this the whackiest role in Victor Löws career?

For people wanting to see a shot that feels like its on shrooms or acid.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 12:53 PM

Hangry 2021 ★★★

A pretty enjoyable short about an abuser who pushed his victim too far.

And when she retaliates, she does not mess about. How's that for getting rid of the evidence?

Free on YT, so well worth checking out.

Friday the 31st: Michael vs. Jason 2005 ★★

Bit of a lackluster crossover.

Michael pops up from out of nowhere and the fight between the two lacks in image quality.

Half star for the funny image of both killers on the hood of the car.

Black Mirror: White Christmas 2014 ★★★½

Like most Black Mirror-episodes, this one pulls a mindfuck on you, leaving you spenidng most of the episode how these two guys ended up in that cabin.

Jon Hamm is up to the smooth talking shtick he developed over the years, but in my opinion it's Rafe Spall who shows that there is more to him than the cheeky/snarky characters from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the dead.

I don't want to spoil anything, but the writing turns it into something you do not expect and the concept of this episode takes shunning to a whole new level.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 12:54 PM

Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace 1996 ★½

Generic sci-fi action with a lot of techno babble that's somehow supposed to make it work.


Willy’s Wonderland 2021 ★★

The King of Ham... in a role where he... does... not... FUCKING... SPEAK!

It has a good dose of cheese, but... I don't know,man. I just was not feeling it.

The Lawnmower Man 1992 ★★★½

This turned out to be a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be. I admit that the whole concept of virtual reality has had so many failed attempts at catching on that it's become a bit of a punch line. And the 1992 idea of VR will probably look silly by today's standards.

That said, the story at the base – a man escaping the clutches of his existence to then spiral out of control and become dangerous – is interesting and relevant. And in essence timeless: People try something with the best intentions, and then run into consequences that they have not foreseen.

However, leave it to Stephen King to turn this a story about a manchild living in abuse who would not harm a fly, but then a series of events turns him into a callous killing machine. Props to Jeff Fahey who goes from full R to callous calculated killing machine. Compliments as well to Pierce Brosnan. He does an excellent job as our lead scientist.

The storytelling and the build up keep you invested and the special effects look good in a science fictiony kind of way.

Glad to have this one in my collection. Definetily up for a rewatch some time in the (near) future.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 01:00 PM

Poor Things 2023 ★★★★½

Poor Things is a delightful mix of of sci-fi and comedy (with bits of fantasy thrown in because why not) with a touching tale about a noble simpleton who overcomes adversity in order to become a free spirit (with a bit of overthrowing the patriarchy for good measure). The Academy could not love it more if Meryl Streep taught her how to box. Especially because Emma Stone hardly ever goes full retard, if at all.

We start in a pretty Burton-esque decor where a surgeon/professor (played by a very funny William Dafoe sporting a look not unlike Mickey Rourke in Sin City – you'll see what I mean) performs a Frankenstein-like experiment on a young lady who took her own life. Leading to a lot of obvious consequences: her needing a babysitter/researcher who inevitably falls in love with her and the comedy that ensues from Bella's complete lack of filter.

She then needs an excuse to explore the world. Enter Mark Ruffalo, who plays the charming scoundrel with an amount of glee that ensures a performance that makes you understand why this character falls for him and fancies furious jumping with him. Because this movie may be Burton-like at the start, but I'm pretty sure Tim never included any fornication or finger painting, let alone in these amounts.

This voyage also (seemingly) marks a visual change in tone, going from Burton to Meliès in the sets and effects. She loses her innocence (in more ways than one), but also learns about philosophy and the hardship in the world, to then return home in order to say farewell to her ailing “father” and tie up all the loose ends. This is where the movie lags a tad. You could have done without the entire returning husband subplot and not really miss anything. From my perspective, it served little more than a overcoming the patriarchy metaphor and hinting at the idea Bella was once far from the angelic fairy tale girl she was at the start.

But in the bigger scope, that's nitpicking. It's a very entertaining story with both touching and laugh out loud moments in spades. Which is of course helped by the cast. Emma Stone is dazzling as Bella, especially with the way the non verbal part of her role evolves over the runtime. Starting uncontrolled – with facial expressions and body movements that for some reason reminded me of Bjork – and then growing over time. Along the way developing a speech pattern reminiscent of Amy Farrah Fowler (Yeah, easy comparison, I know. What of it?). Oscar-nod in the making. Same goes/should go for Dafoe who has had a very strong period these past few years (with The Lighthouse, Asteroid City and others). Ramy Youssef is not quite there yet, but this performance could/should serve as a springboard to other parts.

And it goes without saying, but well recommended.

Ready or Not 2019 ★½

A fun idea wasted on a bland, middle of the road Hollywood “horror”. The kind of blandness that even makes the exploding heads look tame. Half star for the gory moment with the hand and the nail.

With enough creative freedom, Joe Lynch could have made something much better out of this.

Eight Legged Freaks 2002 ★★★

An entertaining bit of campy fun with a cornball plot and plenty of nods to fifties horror movies. The characters are suitably goofy and there are enough solid jokes and stupid jokes to keep you invested.

Also, this role fits David Arquette perfectly. Seems to me he is at his best when some kind of bollocks is involved.

Granted, the love intrest subplot were hyper predictable, but that does not really matter in this type of movie.

If you like creature features from the fifties or horror comedy shenanigans like Tremors, Killer Klowns or The Blob, then this will be right up your alley.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 01:03 PM

Smile 2022 ★★★★

I was pleasantly surprised by this one. It immediately grabbed me and didn't leave much room for air afterwards. And for a mainstream horror production, it has a surprisingly bleak ending.

Sosie Bacon does a good job as the main protagonist. She has a future in the genre. Some may be annoyed by how the movie goes out of its way to make her so gosh darn nice, but that did not really bother me. Her descent into madness goes along well with the allround eerie atmosphere that does not let up. Except for a moment of false hope.

The only problem I have is the part of Kyle Galner. I don't know why, but I was just never really convinced by his performance. Either a miscast or a poorly written character.

Black Mirror: Nosedive 2016

Short version: It starts off as The Truman show, the middle is Planes, Trains and Automobiles and it ends with Yo momma so fat.

But to make it so short, that would be of ill will. This is Black Mirror's take on social media and it relies more on atmosphere than on reinventing the wheel.

Why the Truman show comparison? Because most of the actors here look and act like Laura Linney's character in that movie. Look at their facial expressions and you will see what I mean. All smiles on the outside, but constant panic on the inside. And for what? The desire to better your life that you cannot really blame her for. And she's determined/desperate enough to ignore the red flags and the people trying to warn her. Is it worth it? Her brother asks her point blank and she says: of course it f-in is.

But then at the big moment, it of course all goes wrong big time. That's where the road movie kicks in, with the check in scene literally going back to Steve Martin's profanity laced rant in PT&A. The encounter with the truck driver offers her a way out, but she is either so determined or too far gone to understand.

By the third season, BM apparently gained some notoriety and became a show actors wanted to be on. Something they could sink their teeth into. Enter Bryce Dallas Howard. She fully takes the opportunity to show off her talent. You may think differently after seeing Jurassic World, but Ron Howard's little girl can indeed act and not too little. Her breakdown at the wedding is a well done performance and she also does the ending well, leaving you guessing on wether she is now liberated or completely and irrepairably broken.

Good stuff, this. No star rating for obvious reasons.

Saw III 2006 ★★★

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Then again, I was up for some gore and on those moments, Saw is always happy to provide. And The Rack, my goodness.

The movie was able to provide a sad moment with Kerry's death and te tension between Amanda and Lynn made for compelling drama.

Tommy Jarvis 02-05-2024 01:04 PM

The Grey Matter 2014 ★★★

The horror comedy that asks “What would happen if Beetlejuice and the creature from Spaceballs' Alien parody had a baby?” Good for a few chuckles and some okay gore.

Sure, nothing spectacular, but some good distraction on nights when you need Oscar-bait woe is me dramas like you need a hole in your head.

The Gracefield Incident 2017 ★½

Let's start off with two stars.

Add a half star for the crash landing.

Dock a half star for the ludicrous ending.

Add a half star for some of the effects. By FF standards, this looks pretty good.

Dock a half star for the acting. I know, FF and all, but still...

Also, dock a half star for the whole subplot with the eyeball.

Soooo... yeah...

FryeDwight 02-07-2024 02:54 AM

THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU (1996). After managing (just barely) to get through this, I read the history and endless tribulations in making the film....What a Shambles! David Threwliss truly lacks any charisma and I found both Val Kilmer (who has made some very good films) along with Marlon Brando (ditto) to be excessively hammy. And that's not even mentioning the bullshit activities they both engaged in during the production. It's true, both actors were going through hard personal situations at the time, but either do the job or return what they were paid, so the producers could get someone else.

On the plus side, nice photography, some decent Stan Winston makeup and Fairuza Balk who I felt gives the best performance in the film, but not enough to save it. As before I will stick with the original 1932 version where it was done right. *1/2

FryeDwight 02-11-2024 03:23 AM

MADHOUSE (2004). A young intern arrives at a Psychiatric hospital for some OJT before finding there are many unusual and unsavory practices going on. MADHOUSE has a decent premise, but the actor playing the intern (Joshua Leonard from BLAIR WITCH PROJECT) is insufferably dull and three are a lot of long stretches that don't help.

A nice albeit short appearance by Lance Henriksen and a pretty good turn by Jordan Ladd keep things moving and the film DOES pick up a little towards the end, but patience will be required. Directed by Bill Butler who was Tom in the 1990 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD remake. **

TaeKwonZombie 02-14-2024 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1052311)
Heart of Darkness is a story about someone going mad because they're in the jungle, which basically the root story for Apocalypse Now.

Right on. I loved Apocalypse Now...I have not seen Heart of Darkness, I'll look into it.

TaeKwonZombie 02-14-2024 05:31 PM

Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid (2004) the sequel (if you can even call it that) the original didn't need...or ever needed any for that matter. ::roll eyes::

Sculpt 02-15-2024 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by TaeKwonZombie (Post 1052357)
Right on. I loved Apocalypse Now...I have not seen Heart of Darkness, I'll look into it.

I just found out the book was made into a movie by the same name: Heart of Darkness (1993) starring Tim Roth and John Malkovich. I've never seen it, but heard it was faithful. I'm sure everyone would recommend you read the 100 page book, which is highly regarded, if the story interests you. Whereas the film has mixed reviews.

FryeDwight 02-21-2024 03:25 AM

BRAVEHEART (1995). Although there was some complaints on the historical accuracies involved in William Wallace fighting to have Scotland break away from England, I still feel this is an epic film with very good direction and turn by Mel Gibson. Also, spectacularly violent scenes, particularly the Battle at Stirling. ****

FryeDwight 03-01-2024 02:51 AM

UNSTOPPABLE (2010). Decent film of two railway men, one a newbie with marital problems (Chris Pine) and the other a vet being pushed into early retirement (Danny Glover) who have to put aside differences to stop a runaway train full of toxic chemicals heading towards a heavily populated area. Pretty suspenseful film, not too long at 98 minutes, OK performances by the guys and Rosario Dawson. ***

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 12:45 AM

Living Hell 2008 ★½

Erica Leehrsen (aka Pepper from the Texas Chainsaw remake) stars as a scientist/soldier in this... action horrorry flick.

Man goes where they are not supposed to go and a monster escapes threatening to destroy the whole world. Yadda yadda yadda. Monster movie bollocks with a suitably ludicrous ending.

Terrifier 2016 ★★★★½

Art the Clown, Make Gorefests Great Again.

Let Her Out 2016 ★★★

Between the story, the dialogue, the hallucinations, the acting,... Everything is either just above or just beneath meh. I was completely ready to give this movie two and a half stars. And then the glorious finale earned the third star... by a hair.

Demolition Man 1993 ★★★★

A sneaky little action comedy that balances on that fine line between clever satire and dumb fun.

Snipes and Stallone exchange their quips in well paced action scenes and there are plenty to enjoy this on a surface level. And needless to say, it also has a little dig at Ah-nuld.* Sandra Bullock delivers the type of bubbly lighthearted performance that a) she's very good at and b) helps the medicine go down.

The medicine being a witty satire about an oversanitized society where everything (common) people would normally enjoy is outlawed: meat, swearing, smoking,... Looking at current day society and the offense-machine on the internet, it's hard not to see some kind of truth in it. I can see an older person being as confused by some of the new technology (popping out and changing at record speed**) as Stallone is by the three seashells. And let's not forget the gag where he uses the swearing tickets for toilet paper. The writers can also let Denis Leary do his shtick as Edgar Friendly without it feeling overly forced.

And that final exchange...

Commissioner H. Farnsworth: [confused; takes off his glasses] What will we do? How will we live?
Edgar Friendly : I tell you what we're do. We're all gonna go out drinking, get shit-faced, and paint the town, literally. I mean graffiti, slogans. It'll be a blast.
John Spartan : Whoa, Whoa. I'll tell you what gonna do:
John Spartan : [to Chief Earle] Why don't you get a little dirty?
John Spartan : [to Edgar] You a lot clean.
John Spartan : And somewhere in the middle... I don't know. You'll figure it out.
Alfredo Garcia : Fuckin' A!
John Spartan : [impressed] Well put.

So the truth lies in the middle. Isn't that something we can use in these partisan, overly tribalised times?

*Because duh.
**Because we can. Fuck you.

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 12:50 AM

Loft 2008 ★★★

The original of the much maligned movie with Karl Urban. I have never seen the American version and it's been a while since I've seen this one.

The ending may look somewhat sillier on a rewatch, but the cast is good (special mention for Filip Peeters) and overall, it's still a visually well done thriller with a solid pacing.

The Haunted Studio 2024 ½

The scariest thing about this one is how unfunny a comedy can be.

The Howling Wind 2020 ★★★½

The apocalyptic wind makes for a good premise for a confined space horror. It also gives a good reason to shroud everything in mistery. What is in those winds? What caused the injuries on the arm? We will never know. The mist is an obvious comparison, but I am sure there are others as well.

Compliments to the actors. It's easy to overact in these circumstances, but these two pull it off. Wonder how much stage experience they have between the two of them.

Give it a watch.

The Armoire 2017 ★★★★

Excellent short with a believable main character, some solid spooky images and sounds - the finger tapping was gold - and a solid ending.

Four stars across the board. Good job, folks.

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 12:52 AM

Black Mirror: Playtest 2016 ★★½

Evil game corporation going where they should not have, unsuspecting happy go lucky American tourist, quick English fling,... It starts off innocent, then gets a tad scarier, but overall not really. I am aware that the scary part is supposed to be that all of this took place in a period where this two finger typing son of a gun can hardly type two words, let alone an entire sentence.

But still. This is probably the weakest BM-episode up until… more

The Last Man on Earth 1964 ★★★★

A shot of Vincent Price's voice and a classic from the sixties. Because I can and because I felt like it.

Previous review here.

Badland Hunters 2024

★★★★ Watched 03 Feb 2024

This one was a fun ride. So let's get the possible criticism out of the way first: no, this is far from brain surgery. This is the sort of dystopian sci-fi action romp where you can see everything coming a mile away: the bad guy reveal, the happy ending, the set-up,...

What we get, is a very entertaining movie within the template set up by Mad Max and the likes. After a huge earthquake (with terrible looking CGI), the remaining survivors are forced to make due in the rubble. With our main hero introduced as a major league badass when catching a croc (or gator).

Enter the too good to be true promise of an apartment building with clean water that still stands after the big one hit (because the screenwriter said so). And cue the big reveal – “ehmagerd, they is evil and such and such” – in 5, 4, 3, 2,... Does it have a Doctor Mengele type doing unsavoury experiments? Check. A feisty heroine? Check. An unsuspecting happy go lucky best friend? Check.

Doctor: *goes off on a psychotic rant*
Me: Whatever you say, Jim Jones.

All in a well paced movie with amazing action set pieces and fight scenes (Bah gawd!), funny dialogues and an amazing main hero. Outside of Korea, the world first got to see him in Train to Busan, but in each of his movies I have seen since then, Ma Deong-Seok is becoming a better action lead. This is just my opinion, but he can become a sort of Bud Spencer for this generation (he certainly has the posture and the comedic timing for it). That or a funnier version of Steven Seagall.

Well recommended. Check it out.

How to Make A Ghost 2022 ★★½

Enjoyable short that relies on subtle imagery and suggestion. And on a score somewhere between Lynchian and Giallo.

Lost Highway 1997 ★★★★

David Lynch's groovy techno nightmare. That ironically gave the world Rammstein.

I love the trippy vibe of this film where you never know who is dreaming who. Is Bill Pullman a fantasy version of the mechanic? Or is the other way around? All emphasized by Balthazar Getty miming some of Pullman's facial expressions and body language, making it sometimes even a tad hard to distinguish them. Or the videos. Where are they coming from? Who is making them? How are they getting in?

This film is also bloodier than I remember, with the death of Patricia Arquette's character and the murder of the porn guy. What with the lingering on the table shot. Jeesh. Lynch going where PG 13 horror won't.

The cast is excellent. The more said about Bill Pullman, the better. Very underrated actor with an amazing range throughout his career. Robert Blake is very creepy as the mistery man and I saw Robert Loggia having a lot of fun playing Lord Boss Crime.

Fun ride. Glad to have this one in my collection.

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 12:53 AM

Lost in Translation 2003 ★★★★

Is this the official start to a #Murraysance? Bill Murray's transition from the goofball/screwball comedies to the more arthousey quirky roles he is known for now?

In her song “Hypnotized” Ani Difranco sings: “I was surrounded/by a language/in which I could only say hello/and thank you very much” and to me, that sums up this movie. With Japan as a perfect setting. Through some reason, you end up in a place that you don't understand. Sometimes it baffles you, scares you, moves or amuses you. And sometimes all at once.

“But I had just enough sweetness to keep you hypnotized”. To me, that line is the essence of this dreamy story, about two drifting souls finding each other in an unlikely friendship and even more unlikely romance. And I still found it touching upon this rewatch.

Stuck 2020 ★★★★

Nicola did not screw Davey.

Davey... screwed... Davey.

A well filmed pre-emptive strike with a lot of fun gore.

Omegle 2022 ★★½

Well, at least there was no time for random penises.

One of those shorts that are fun as long as you "just go with it".

Make Me a Sandwich 2019 ★★★★

A funny horror comedy short about, for lack of a better word, peaceful resistance. It gets you to sympathize with Marcy and the image of the totally oblivious husband is pretty funny.

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 01:04 AM

Machete 2010 ★★★★

Four stars once you enjoy Machete for what it is: rollercoaster B-movie fun with flip out moments like “holy shit, he jumped from one floor to another holding the dude's intestins”. Or “is that...? wow.”

Add a star studded cast with everybody involved clearly having a lot of fun with their respective parts and we're off to the races. Also props to Robert Rodriguez for casting Tom Savini and Cheech Marin.

Black Mirror: Shut Up and Dance 2016 ★★★★½

Talk about bleak. Good lord.

One of those rare occasions where I don't really know what to say. By the end, I was speechless.

Is it the soul crushing ending or the perfect use of Radiohead in the ending scene? Or the fact that Kenny was so successfully portrayed as a seemingly nice kid that the truth did not really dawn on me until a bit later? When all the pieces fell into place.

Not every episode can be a zinger, but when BM hits the mark, they can give a masterclass in writing and storytelling.

Macabre 2009 ★★★★★

This Indonesian flick was a true horror of the senses. Texas Chainsaw levels of intensity. It really glues you to the screen.

Don't expect the plot to reinvent the wheel. A group of friends do a good deed which ends up becoming their undoing when they are captured by an Indonesian version of the Sawyer-family. This is all about the looks, the actors, the delivery and the atmosphere.

Especially that mother. Holy crap, does she look creepy. Imagine a crossover between Vincent Price's mask from House of Wax and Kristanna Loken in T3 and you will get a vague idea. And her delivery. Everything she says has this emotionless, measured tone that makes it sound all the more frightening. Phoah. You are in control, madam.

This control extends to every bit of action. Like the daughter singling out the horndog of the group in a split second. Or the nonchalant way one of the sons goes to work torturing good guy Alam. Or the line about how “the others got tired too”. The tone and delivery on that one. Brr.

All of this comes with exquisite gore and mark out moments a mile a minute. Unless you OD on that, you will love it. Because this movie will NOT give you a minute to recover once it gets going.

Five stars across the board. As far as I know, there is no stream available at this point, but seeking out a copy of the DVD is worth your while. Well recommended.

Bodies Bodies Bodies 2022 ★★½

This looks like some sort of woke version of The breakfast club or St Elmo's fire. Except that, like Unfriended, it mostly begs the question why these people are friends in the first place. Thus providing drinking game material: depending on wether you want to be tipsy or bombed, you can either take a sip or do a shot for every bit of namecalling of every OMG in the dialogue.

Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible. It's enjoyable for what it is. Lightweight horror comedy fluff with a bit of a twist. Unlike other genre mates, it's less adolescent or jokey joke, with the final reveal serving as a good example.

It reminded me of what a friend once described as how women's humour generally is different from men's humour and how women's humour according to her more relies on laughing at situations (with a bit of you had to have been there as well) than on common jokes. If Schwarzenegger is the idea of “men's humour” – simple, bite size, with a bit of the look-at-how-witty-I-am-peacocking – then this seems closer to what she was trying to explain to me then and probably also somewhat connects to director Halina Reijn's own sense of humour.

It's never really scary, though it has a good fake out moment in the first act and at least it has the courage not to go for the low hanging fruit of turning this into an easy slasher concept. It keeps you guessing and no matter what you say, you don't see the final reveal coming. The type of rap that fills the score (catchy and energetic) is more memorable than the acting (not terrible, not great, nobody really stood out). That said, Pete Davidson is well cast as the annoying pipsqueak. Pretty sure there was or should be an SNL-sketch where he does a good Zuckerberg impression.

Tommy Jarvis 03-03-2024 11:07 AM

The Recipe 2022 ★★★½

A short with room for a well inserted and (pun intended) fleshed out and well cut flashback. That's an example of a well panned out short in my book.

The actress who played the wife had a few good psychotic glares which fitted her methodicalness and her descent into madness. The guy playing the husband had the 70s vibe down.

My Bloody Galentine 2024

As a horror? Meh.

What with the paper cut kills (not every horror has to be Terrifier, but this was weak sauce) and the lame reveal of the killer and the motive. That's it? That's all there is to it?

As a comedy? Solid.

It got a few few chuckles from me. The break-up gag was well timed. The sass and the fake smiles had just the right dose of charicature to not cross the line where it became annoying.… more

Murder Camp 2023 ★★

An okay idea that has a hard time keeping up the pace. It's got a few funny moments, but it does not work as a comedy. It has two okay looking killers, but it's never scary.

It’s Not About Fear 2023 ★★½

The monster as a metaphor for the baggage of exes you carry with you.

A few somewhat creepy images and a bit of chemistry between the lead actors. But all in all not really out of the ordinary.

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