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LuvablePsycho 07-05-2018 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1032037)
I do like the scene where she is in the bathtub watching Bride of Frankenstein on tv. I hope that inspired someone to see Bride of Frankenstein.

I did watch it myself and I enjoyed it. :)

I loved all the scenes of her in her trailer. I thought it was cool how she decorated it with lots of creepy dolls and beautiful gothic decorations. She had a really classy yet creepy sense of style and she definitely made that cramp little mobile home feel stylish. ::cool::

Anyways speaking of terrible movies has anybody seen or heard of Porn Star Zombies? Or how about Zombies vs Strippers? Those are some of the worst zombie movies imaginable!

idoneus1957 08-17-2018 08:32 AM

Bride of Chucky
Where can I buy a copy of Voodoo for Dummies?

idoneus1957 08-17-2018 08:36 AM

Has anybody actually seen this movie?
I think it's called "The Eye Creatures." The book I read said it was an uncredited remake of Invasion of the Saucer Men, and said that if you ever catch in tv late at night when you are half asleep, you may doubt your sanity.

idoneus1957 08-17-2018 08:38 AM

Psycho II
Psycho II may be no "Psycho", but when it was in the theaters, I was in a period where I would watch anything if it had Meg or Jennifer Tilly. There is so much gorgeousness in the Tilly family that it just isn't fair.

I thought the plotting was pretty clever.

LuvablePsycho 08-17-2018 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1032869)
Where can I buy a copy of Voodoo for Dummies?

Good question! I tried looking up that book on the internet myself. ::big grin::

idoneus1957 08-21-2018 06:58 AM

Dracula--the dirty old man
Dracula etc. is a real cheapo from the seventies. I rented this from the video store but didn't watch the whole thing. It was unbearable. I think they lost the soundtrack, and the voice over narration makes you cringe. I was ashamed to belong to the same species as the people who made this movie.

There are some movies that make you realize how much worse a movie can be than two hours of staring at the wall.

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