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allmykids 12-13-2004 06:04 PM


Originally posted by meetthecreeper
The Bunker
Was that any good??

Elvis_Christ 12-13-2004 06:46 PM

Last one I watched was Silent Madness. Great shit I fuckin' love 80s slashers.

newb 12-13-2004 07:26 PM


Originally posted by newb
I watched Fulci's "The Beyond" last night.

Good movie...the dudes got a thing about eyeballs, the end was a little confusing.

A couple of pics of Fulci's eyeball fetish from The Beyond.



42ndStreetFreak 12-14-2004 01:58 AM


For a Few Dollars More
Still the best of the Trilogy for me and a vast improvement over "Fistful"

zombie2112 12-14-2004 07:53 AM


Originally posted by allmykids
Was that any good?? [The Bunker]
Great idea, badly exploited, though. Creepy atmosphere, but long in some places - too bad.


Last movie seen : The Beyond - Fulci

Amalthea 12-14-2004 12:51 PM

Nightmare Before Christmas

zombie2112 12-15-2004 12:22 AM

The Pit and The Pendulum

dantehorrorfan 12-15-2004 12:25 AM

Empire Strike's Back

AUSTIN316426808 12-15-2004 12:29 AM

the last movie i saw was Goodfellas and the last horror movie i saw was Evil Dead and i have to say it looks like everytime i see Evil Dead it gets better.

slasherman 12-17-2004 01:27 AM

Driver....a nice car movie
....and Spellbinder (ocult thriller)

And why do so many watch does crappy Home Alone movies ?

Amalthea 12-17-2004 10:37 AM

Once Were Warriors and Musa The Warrior

42ndStreetFreak 12-17-2004 10:53 AM

"Naked Vengeance"

zwoti 12-20-2004 03:50 AM

house of frankenstein & house of dracula

urgeok 12-20-2004 04:52 AM

Man on Fire. (Denzel Washington)

If i'm not mistaken this is a remake of a disjointed foreign film with Scott Glenn.

For a Tony Scott film I have to say that it wasn't bad at all.

He's come a long way since the abysmal Top Gun.

The camera work and effects were at times distracting ... there was a time it worked (Denzels car ride in the end) but most of the time it was bordering on 'overdone'

still plenty of meat on the bones ... a good revenge flick.

movieman64 12-20-2004 05:26 AM

Tomb of Terror

The_Return 12-20-2004 09:41 AM

Last night was good. I finished Suspiria, then watched Hellboy.

Suspiria is my 1st Italian horror, fucking awesome into to them. I need to get my hands on more! The scene near the 1st, in that apartement building, where the 2 girls get killed.....amazing!

Hellboy, always enjoyable, one of my fave actioners in the last while. Kroenen kicks ass.

allmykids 12-20-2004 04:04 PM


AUSTIN316426808 12-20-2004 10:28 PM

last horror movie- nightmare on elm street.

movieman64 12-21-2004 03:59 AM

I watched Needful Things yesterday, too bad I've only got it on VHS. One of Kings better book adaptations IMHO.

urgeok 12-21-2004 04:50 AM

watched the extended version of Return of the King.

The extra footage was ok .. a couple of things were explained that had me wondering before ...

It's a pretty amazing movie.

The_Return 12-21-2004 08:59 AM

I went to a Christmas party of sorts last night, and we watched Gremlins. God I need to buy that movie....

Hate_Breeder 12-21-2004 10:08 AM

Dodgeball for me

TheOmen 12-21-2004 11:25 AM

Badder Santa

"I'm on my fucking lunch break!"

The last horror film I watched was Zombi 2 ...again.

The_Return 12-21-2004 12:13 PM


Originally posted by allmykids
I loved the books....I loved the 1st 2 movies....I thought this was a load of shit, lol.

kpropain 12-21-2004 02:49 PM

Happy Birthday To Me, One of the better early 80's slashers...

allmykids 12-21-2004 03:22 PM


Originally posted by The_Return
I loved the books....I loved the 1st 2 movies....I thought this was a load of shit, lol.
I am addicted to these movies. I own all of them. i have seen the first 2 at least 300 times. Never get sick of it!!

Dr.L00MIS 12-21-2004 03:41 PM

I just watched The Satanic Rites of Dracula starring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee and it was terrible!I'm glad I only paid a dollar for it.

allmykids 12-21-2004 04:01 PM

I, Robot.......... Saw that a few nights ago. I loved it!! Wil smith was so good!!

AUSTIN316426808 12-21-2004 05:03 PM

badder santa<Funny as fuck.

last horror movie- silence of the lambs.

The_Return 12-22-2004 02:10 PM

Watching "They" tonight

The_Return 12-22-2004 05:04 PM


Originally posted by The_Return
Watching "They" tonight
It wasnt nearly as bad as I heared. Not a masterpiece, but a decent movie.

urgeok 12-23-2004 12:28 AM

well, believe it or not .....

i watched Gigli ...

I was curious to see how bad it was ... and i lust after Jennifer Lopez.

(i seem to be drawn to the women other people hate the most)

and to my suprise .... the movie was no better or no worse than most of the other drama/crime/comedies i've seen.

Lopez is not a bad actress .. Walken and Pachino were in it ..
I have no problem with Affleck..

I think this movie was shit on only because of the offscreen bullshit with lopez and affleck .. something i couldnt give two shits about and never use to judge a film.
I think the unpronouncable title of the film kept people away too.

Man Lopez looked gorgeous in this movie.

movieman64 12-23-2004 04:07 AM

I watched Tales of Terror yesterday after I recorded it on my DVR off of TCM the night before. I also watched Shaun of the Dead again after I bought it Tuesday. I had seen it at the cinema, and liked it so I got it, a lot of the extras are good, anybody know of any Easter eggs on the disc?

The_Return 12-23-2004 04:44 AM


Originally posted by movieman64
I watched Tales of Terror yesterday after I recorded it on my DVR off of TCM the night before. I also watched Shaun of the Dead again after I bought it Tuesday. I had seen it at the cinema, and liked it so I got it, a lot of the extras are good, anybody know of any Easter eggs on the disc?
I ordered Tales of Terror [DVD] from the library a couple weeks ago....should be here soon.

movieman64 12-23-2004 04:50 AM


Originally posted by The_Return
I ordered Tales of Terror [DVD] from the library a couple weeks ago....should be here soon.
This was the "62" version with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre it's a Roger Corman classic based on Poe.

AUSTIN316426808 12-24-2004 01:13 AM

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The_Return 12-26-2004 04:15 AM


Originally posted by movieman64
This was the "62" version with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre it's a Roger Corman classic based on Poe.
Yup, thats what I ordered. I just found out they're in, but the librays isnt open again until Tuesday. Oh well.

Back on topic. Ive been watching a few. Coneheads Thursday night, Pulp Fiction [Not all of it] Friday night, then Christmas we watched 2 episodes of Mork and Mindy [Dad got season 1 boxset for Christmas], then at night we watched Mery Poppins [Ma got 40th Anniversary Edition for Christmas for Christmas]

I have Aliens rented, Im gonna watch it soon....

movieman64 12-26-2004 06:36 AM

The wine tasting tale, I think it's the second one, is a riot. VP plays a role that is so far from his usual dark and foreboding characters.

Dr.L00MIS 12-26-2004 06:43 AM

I just watched Bubbaho-Tepp, again.

movieman64 12-26-2004 07:10 AM

I watched Children of the Living Dead Christmas Eve, and Shatter Dead last night. Not too bad, Not too good!

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