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Triombies 06-11-2014 11:08 AM

The original Child's Play.

Fearonsarms 07-15-2014 07:59 PM

The first Children Of The Corn. As a kid I was really scared by the diner scene at the beginning and a few others. Then I found it hilarious for years then started thinking more about it and finding it a bit freaky.

tfantasy 08-07-2014 08:50 PM

Lol.....there are quite a few for me!!

House (original 80's)
Fright Night (original)
Children of the Corn
Child's Play
A Nightmare on Elm Street (original)
Friday the 13th (original)
Evil Dead (original)

I was born in 1970 so I'm sure I missed some!!

Damn Heathen 08-26-2014 03:18 AM

Poltergeist III, with all its mirror terror, still creeps me out while I'm laughing.

alexslacks 10-06-2014 09:44 AM

Honestly, The Ring. I saw it in theatres, and wasn't versed in that type of horror so it got me pretty good. I think I was about 16 or 17 too at the time, should've been more of a badass by then.

Nowadays, it's been done over and over and just doesn't have the same effect.

horcrux2007 10-06-2014 09:46 AM

Stephen King's It

ChronoGrl 10-06-2014 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by horcrux2007 (Post 980251)
Stephen King's It


Plus Killer Klown's from Outer Space & Carnival of Souls

Solarmist 10-06-2014 02:27 PM

The only movies that scared me were some of those B&W horror movies like Monolith Monsters or Island of Terror (66') when I first saw a guys hand get cut off - back when I was a kid (key element).

Some of the 70's movies like The Omen, Phantasm or The Hills Have Eyes creeped me out at the time, and I still like them, but over time they just aren't shocking to me anymore, but I wouldn't say they are funny ... just dated.

There was a movie called Bad Taste (Wingnut Productions [NZ]) back in the 80's that was rather humorous, and a total barf fest as well. I remember the main character fell down a cliff, and bashed his head open, and throughout the movie he had to keep stuffing his brains back into his head and used a belt to hold it in place. ::big grin:: Later - there's a part where the aliens all puck in a bowl - then pass it around for all to drink ... the sound effects of the barfing & slurping were over the top.

Dead Alive (also Wingnut Productions [NZ]) was one of the few more recent movies that grossed me out, but turned just plain silly to me later on.
It's still a load of fun to watch from time to time.

tfantasy 10-08-2014 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by metternich1815 (Post 951802)
To an extent, I get what you guys are saying, but I have to say that spoofs do not really take away from films I have already seen. In my opinion, if something is scary then it is scary. No amount of parody will make it not scary. At least that is the way I feel about it.

I agree with you completely. I've seen pretty much all the parodies done on horror movies and it still doesn't ruin it for me! When I watch a well done movie, like Sinister, I really 'get' into it. I like the feeling of being creeped out!! The Shining still has the creep factor for me and it always will. I think the part that always got me, was the ending. The look on his face, it sticks in you mind for a long time.

Movies that creeped me out years ago that I laugh at now: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Poltergeist, Child's Play, Puppet Master, and The Howling. There's probably some more that I can't remember right now.

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