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fortunato 10-14-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by p1zl3 (Post 832906)
...MORE MOVIES!!!! (please)

Did you see any of the ones I listed on the last page?

p1zl3 10-14-2009 02:17 PM

...sorry I didn't respond. I'll do so now:


Inland Empire
Picnic at Hanging Rock
The Vanishing (Spoorloos) (1988)
I've seen these with exception of Picnic at Hanging Rock. A friend of mine says he owns it, so I'll bum his copy and let you know what I think! Thanks for the help... MORE MOVIES!!!!

p1zl3 10-15-2009 10:01 AM


--I watched Picnic at Hanging Rock and was filled with an unrelenting desire to... fall asleep. This film wasn't creepy, or intriguing, or very much of anything. If you ever want to find what happened up on the rock, just look for the missing Chapter 18 on the web... Here's a link:

--I also caught the movie Inside (� l'int�rieur) and it was brutal. Not scary mind you, just gory and brutal. The beginning was great and I was sure that this movie would be a winner, then the violence and ass-kickings just grew exponentially until you get to a point where you question how a person could survive with that much trauma and blood loss... Good slasher, shitty scary movie.
If you've seen it, please explain something to me; Why did the cop return to life, transform into a creepy demon-like person and repeatedly nightstick the "heroine" in the belly??? Did that have any relevance to the story or was it purely for shock???


jenn 10-15-2009 11:31 AM

you could try the grudge 3 it was better then the 1st two everyone said that trick or treat scared them but you may think that it was funny but it had some great parts maybe boogeyman 3 it was pretty good the ring 1 and 2 are good you could also try the collector or unborn hope that helps

p1zl3 10-16-2009 05:46 PM


You could try the grudge 3... trick or treat... boogeyman 3... the ring 1 and 2... the collector or unborn.
Thanks for the list Jenn, but I have seen all of these apart from Boogeyman 3 (which I couldn't bring myself to watch after the first two installments) and The Grudge 3 (because the sequel sucked harder than a Tennessee tornado) . I dug The Ring because it reminded me alot of home (Seattle) and that enhanced the overall creepieness of the film. The sequel however, was a crying travesty and I constantly found myself saying "Why the hell does that have to do with anything!?!".

...What else you got? (Keep em' coming! ;) )

Clean, Shaven 10-17-2009 09:09 AM

How about old movies? Ever see Don't Look Now or Tourist Trap? They won't scare you sh*tless but they're worth it.

I saw Tourist Trap as a kid and my psychotic dad kept doing his Chuck Connors impression until I developed a phobia of suffocation.

p1zl3 10-17-2009 12:34 PM


How about old movies? Ever see Don't Look Now or Tourist Trap? They won't scare you sh*tless but they're worth it.

I saw Tourist Trap as a kid and my psychotic dad kept doing his Chuck Connors impression until I developed a phobia of suffocation.
Don't Look Now had great story, great build, great atmosphere... and the worst ending I've ever seen in film (apart from Boiler Room ). So much could have been done... and we ended up with geriatric midgets... *sigh*

I'm pretty sure I have Tourist Trap somewhere around here (probably hiding in my mountain of VHS tapes) I just haven't watched it yet... but I will now that you've recommended it! :D

...Sounds like you have a pretty cool father!! Mine indoctrinated me at an early age with Monty Python movies, Black Adder and more innuendos for private parts than you can shake a stick at. He never really mastered phobias... I had to develop those on my own. ;)

Clean, Shaven 10-18-2009 07:36 AM

I'm midget-obsessed so I love the ending of Don't Look Now. Anything with little people. They can be creepy or sexy or... they're very versatile.

I guess my dad made up for my emotional scars by introducing me to Monty Python. Of course that's qualified by his affinity for Benny Hill.

GreenMachine 10-18-2009 08:52 PM

Well, p1zl3... like you and many others, I rarely encounter any horror films that are even remotely disturbing. However, these are the few exceptions:

Jacob's Ladder (1990)
The Wicker Man (1973), Original
Prince of Darkness (1987)
The Cell (2000)
The Thing (1982)
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978), Best Version

novakru 10-19-2009 09:14 AM

Funny that so many people put The Descent.

That has to be the only movie I have ever seen that would have been terrifying even if there were no monsters.

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