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Arioch 04-23-2004 04:14 AM

The entire series never did a thing for me. Pinhead is tiresome, not frightening, maybe thats because of darth bane tho :p , and the best character in the whole series was UNCLE FRANK!!! they shouldv'e made the series about him.

zwoti 04-23-2004 10:43 AM

apparently the julia character was going to be the reoccuring character in the series, but this changed after the impact of the pinhead character and the actress not willing to play julia again.

bone collector 04-27-2004 11:11 AM

I thought Julia was a fag in hellraiser 1, and 2

I thought that hellraiser 3,5, and 6 were the best because they are not sick and twisted like 1 and 2

bone collector 05-16-2004 08:26 PM

i agree with myself

kpropain 05-17-2004 05:56 AM

1 and 2 are the best imo.

Leslie Daher 05-17-2004 08:34 AM

hellraiser has been out a long time and was highly successful among horror fans so it is not true that it's not been heard of. there are piles of shit out there that are heard of. hellraiser 1 was really gross imo. too much gore. it kinda made me sick. 2 was better and 3 was my fav..any of them after that i thought were stupid. no, i take that back. bloodline was EXCELLENT story telling-still a little gory but decent. I HATED INFERNO! i had to fast forward through it, it got sooo boring!

feral cat 05-17-2004 08:39 AM

Most franchises don't stay in the cinema to long after no.3 the hardcore fans still want it, but the public get bored and move onto the next fad and you can't sell enough screens to just the fans!

As for Hellraiser it self the sadomasochistic themes do nothing for me ... pain is pain and sex is sex! Barkers stuff is too much of his sexual fantasies for my liking!!!!!

That space hellraiser seemed to be a cash in on the far superior "Event Horizon"

... but each to there own if S&M is your thing then Barkers the way forward I guess

Sistinas 05-17-2004 11:48 AM

I'm not buying the cash in theory.Bloodline was released in 1996-Event Horizon in 1997.

feral cat 05-17-2004 12:02 PM


Originally posted by Sistinas
I'm not buying the cash in theory.Bloodline was released in 1996-Event Horizon in 1997.
...Films are often rushed through production if they know a film with a similar theme is on its way out!

but I may be wrong on this one! The rest of my points on Hellraiser stand though!

Sistinas 05-17-2004 12:04 PM

Yea,I was just saying it was released the year before,you might be right about the rush though.

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