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Creighton Duke 02-27-2005 11:47 AM

Sleep away camp - gotta be up there for sick surprised endings

Thepuppetmaster 02-27-2005 07:20 PM

I dont know why but for some reason i really enjoyed the ending for The core. IT actually just about brough a tear to my eye. But other then that i think the exercist has a good ending

IDrinkYourBlood 02-27-2005 07:25 PM

wheres waldo.....allways found him in the end.

The Mothman 02-27-2005 07:44 PM


Originally posted by Creighton Duke
Sleep away camp - gotta be up there for sick surprised endings
i agree, however, i think dead alive wins:D

majorbludd 02-27-2005 07:53 PM

the ending to "henry-portrait of a serial killer" is the ultimate....one second shes practicing the guitar...henry tells her she better get to bed...next shot, its morning and shes in a suitcase on the side of the road......hip hop hooray.

ItsAlive75 02-27-2005 07:59 PM

Saw had too many "twists" to be a twist ending. You can't have the twist, and then make a NEW twist after that. Blah to that movie.

I think a good ending, might not be a twist, but the American version of The Ring. When the kid says "You weren't supposed to help her", the hairs on my arm stood up. Then shit went CRAZY!!!!

CRAZY go nuts....

ningenmanga 02-27-2005 08:21 PM

It's not necessarily the BEST ending ever, but Final Destination had a damn cool ending, especially for being such a tepid movie.

BH14 02-27-2005 08:23 PM

Final Destination rocks!! Both of them were good but part 1 was little better.

The Mothman 02-28-2005 08:22 AM

I changed my mind.

The best ending in any movie ever is the ending to Arlington Road.

that was so well done.

JokerMONEY3000 02-28-2005 03:22 PM


Originally posted by BH14
***SPOILER: Saw ending***SPOILER***
As for the ending in Saw, I liked how the ending was (it was a nice twist, but the jigsaw body in bathroom all along should have been done away with. He should have just been behind the glass window or something. Watching it all unfold.

Good Endings:
Seven, Return of the Living Dead, Cabin Fever (will get some flack), The Omen, Sixth Sense, The Butterfly Effect, The Vanishing (1988), The Others, Frailty (***** stars there), American Psycho, Identity, Fallen

I liked that he was in the room the whole time. I thought it went along great with the music. I did think it was a little unrealistic though, like, how does he not move the whole time? He had to breath, I'v tryed to breath without my stomach moving before lol, its really hard.
The other thing is to, like I don't think the ending would have been as good if he wasn't like THAT CLOSE to them. Suppose the ending went the same, the tape recorder and everything. I guess it would still be good, but it just goes so great with the music when he trys to shoot him and he hits the buzzer an stuff.

BTW The 6th Sense, The Butterfly Effect, and Identity all had great endings.

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