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Fearonsarms 12-04-2013 09:05 AM

The House With Laughing Windows (1976) Directed by Pupi Avati who also directed the excellent Zeder/Revenge Of The Dead. Italian giallo-ish almost horror with plenty of atmosphere good sense of foreboding dread created with it's setting and excellent climax. Recommended

ferretchucker 12-24-2013 06:46 PM

Currently writing an essay on Hammer so I've been rewatching a fair few of them. Ahh, Peter Cushing, in another life we will be together...

Emojew 12-31-2013 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by bblgmpink (Post 960839)
I really liked Sleep Tight, a Spanish film. I don't quite know that it's "horror" but more of a psychological thriller. It's about a man who is dead set on making EVERYONE completely miserable. It's pretty intense with a super fucked ending. It left me thinking about it for days after watching. I enjoyed Kill List too! The House on the Edge of the Park is a favorite of mine. It's soooooo sexy!

I loved Sleep Tight. It really leaves its mark!

Fearonsarms 02-05-2014 11:09 AM

The Monk/Le Moine. French mystery adapted from Matthew Lewis's gothic and controversial novel. It was very well produced but nowhere near as haunting as the novel. I kind of wished I'd seen this movie before reading the book my expectations wouldn't have been so high. I also felt the horror element at the end was rushed and could have been much better. Overall ok and a bit safe but could have been better.

[email protected] 03-17-2014 09:03 AM

Kill List

Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 940370)
Saw Kill List (2011) which I had extremely low expectations of due to some very scathing reviews

I walked into this film with exactly the same expectations. I'm from the UK and usually British horror doesn't do much for me, but I really enjoyed this one.

Was really impressed with one of the more brutal scenes that had me leaning back in my seat squinting.

Fearonsarms 03-18-2014 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 966398)
I walked into this film with exactly the same expectations. I'm from the UK and usually British horror doesn't do much for me, but I really enjoyed this one.

Was really impressed with one of the more brutal scenes that had me leaning back in my seat squinting.

Yeah it was a surprise how much I enjoyed it too. Great film.

Fearonsarms 03-18-2014 01:11 AM

Zombi Holocaust (1980) Italian horror that throws both cannibals and zombies at you. Bonus point for there being no animal cruelty. Was quite good some nice gore and nice setting that is very reminiscent of Zombie/Zombi 2/Zombie flesh eaters but not as good. However it is quite fun once it gets going (there's a fair bit of build up). Worth watching.

FryeDwight 03-20-2014 01:25 AM

TORSO (1973)-Almost unwatchable giallo that is helped by copious nudity and a decent turn by Suzi Kendall...just barely. *1/2

Fearonsarms 03-23-2014 08:40 AM

La Horde/The Horde-This was an ok if a little generic zombie movie. It had a good mix of cops and gangsters but it really lacked anything special. A bit run of the mill but ok.

FryeDwight 03-29-2014 02:00 AM

EYES WITHOUT A FACE (1959)-Really creepy French film that has an outstanding gross out scene. My copy has a way too peppy score, but at least the horrid Billy Idol song wasn't used. ****

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