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Angra 09-23-2020 10:43 PM

The Devil All the Time 8/10

Weird story, but quite the body count.

Ringo 09-25-2020 01:51 PM

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I wanted to watch this because of the hype around it, but for me, it really failed.
Maybe because I had big expectations after the trailer.


DeadbeatAtDawn 09-25-2020 02:09 PM

The Amityville Horror, 2005. 7/10

Director: Andrew Douglas


Blow The Man Down, 2019. 7,5/10

Directors: Bridget Savage Cole, Danielle Krudy


Code 8, 2019. 6/10

Director: Jeff Chan


TaeKwonZombie 09-26-2020 01:36 PM

Wes Craven's New Nightmare from 1994, never have been able to watch the whole thing through and through, and well its not his best film, but its definitely a fun one.

also watched Signs from 2002 by m night shyamalan, havn't seen this movie since it came out 18 years ago.....::roll eyes::

Bloof 09-27-2020 04:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Three mummified zombie children are found in a mortuary, seemingly held captive by the mortition. Quirky. Loved it.

DeadbeatAtDawn 09-27-2020 07:38 AM

Ravage, 2020. 6/10

Director: Teddy Grennan

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It's been done before and far better.
Robert Longstreet {Ravener} was quite brutal.
The ending was neat.

Tommy Jarvis 09-27-2020 08:40 AM

What About Bob? was a ton of fun. One of Murray's best films in my opinion, though Dreyfus is no slouch either (I just love his laugh.) And the diving scene with Bob and Sigi is just adorable.

Bloof 09-28-2020 08:26 AM


A group of friends release a evil slave owner cursed to spend eternity suffering his death over and over. I kept losing the plot. And there were bees and honey and slaves which just made my mind wander to Candyman.

It was ok.

ferretchucker 09-29-2020 01:39 PM

House of 1000 Corpses

I know it's not everyone's bag, but I've always enjoyed what a madcap, acid-trip homage it is to rural horror.

cheebacheeba 09-29-2020 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy Jarvis (Post 1043872)
What About Bob? was a ton of fun. One of Murray's best films in my opinion, though Dreyfus is no slouch either (I just love his laugh.) And the diving scene with Bob and Sigi is just adorable.

If you haven't, check out "The man who knew too little", A later (though pre "I'm an actor with depth" era) Murray movie that I've found not many people have seen.

TaeKwonZombie 09-29-2020 03:35 PM

I revisited hannibal lector with the silence of the lambs and hannibal, and I was thinking of watching Red Dragon and Hannibal Rising next...charming mofo hhahah...

Sculpt 09-29-2020 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy Jarvis (Post 1043872)
What About Bob? was a ton of fun. One of Murray's best films in my opinion, though Dreyfus is no slouch either (I just love his laugh.) And the diving scene with Bob and Sigi is just adorable.

I haven't seen all of Murry's films, but I think the best is Groundhog Day, in which he served the film well, without over Murryfying it. Whereas he hipped Scrooged. Then there's good films with smaller parts like Budapest Hotel and Rushmore.


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 1043903)
If you haven't, check out "The man who knew too little", A later (though pre "I'm an actor with depth" era) Murray movie that I've found not many people have seen.

With the right crowd of friends, I liked, The man who knew too little, but kind of wish he Murryfied it more. Quick Change is a pretty good forgotten film.

Angra 09-29-2020 09:49 PM

In my eyes Dreyfus was the star in What About Bob. It was solely him who took home all the laughs. Groundhog Day might be the only Murray movie where I found him hilarious. Most of the time he's just cringy.

Oh, by the way, have you seen an interview of Dreyfus talking about his What About Bob days with Murray? He sounds like a really nice guy..

Bloof 09-30-2020 04:46 PM


A young girl and her parents move after a sex tape of the girl shows up on line. The new house that they move to seems to be haunted.

Different. I liked it.

cheebacheeba 09-30-2020 10:26 PM

Yesterday. Enjoyable.

hammerfan 10-01-2020 03:56 AM

Hell House LLC

Starting my tradition of watching a horror movie every night, multiple movies on weekends.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, HDC!::devil::::danger::

Bloof 10-01-2020 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1043945)
Hell House LLC

Starting my tradition of watching a horror movie every night, multiple movies on weekends.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, HDC!::devil::::danger::

Well that's a good start! ::love::

hammerfan 10-01-2020 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Bloof (Post 1043947)
Well that's a good start! ::love::

I'm bummed that Shudder deleted Hell House LLC II from the lineup. But, kept III. ::roll eyes::

Angra 10-01-2020 07:02 AM

Spiral (2019) 3/10

A friendly advice to all aspiring filmmakers out there. If the soundtrack is all you got, don't make a horror movie. Make a drama.

For reasons I don't remember I went into this movie expecting a Saw prequel/sequel..... God was I wrong. ::shocked::

Angra 10-01-2020 07:15 AM

Oh, that's Spiral (2020).

Well, on the bright side the title made me wanna watch Uzumaki again.

Amaltheaunicorn2020 10-01-2020 08:38 AM


Bloof 10-01-2020 05:38 PM


A group of friends run out of gas and try to make it throught the night at a strange and deserted gas stop.

Twist ending. It was okay.

DeadbeatAtDawn 10-02-2020 02:48 AM

October 2nd.

A Werewolf in England (2020)


hammerfan 10-02-2020 03:43 AM

30 Days of Night

DeadbeatAtDawn 10-02-2020 04:56 AM

A Stranger Among the Living (2019)

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TaeKwonZombie 10-02-2020 11:26 AM

Tobe Hooper's Toolbox Murders 2004

DeadbeatAtDawn 10-02-2020 04:03 PM

Hosts (2020)

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TaeKwonZombie 10-02-2020 04:09 PM

Scream 2
Scream 3

DeadbeatAtDawn 10-02-2020 07:25 PM

Let's Scare Julie (2020)


Amaltheaunicorn2020 10-02-2020 11:28 PM


DeadbeatAtDawn 10-03-2020 09:13 AM

October 3rd.

Mermaid Down (2019)

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Amaltheaunicorn2020 10-03-2020 11:07 AM


DeadbeatAtDawn 10-03-2020 11:46 AM

Uncle Peckerhead (2020)

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TaeKwonZombie 10-04-2020 02:15 AM

Scream 4, finally saw all of them

DeadbeatAtDawn 10-04-2020 06:59 AM

October 4th.

Fear PHarm (2020)

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Amaltheaunicorn2020 10-04-2020 07:18 AM


DeadbeatAtDawn 10-04-2020 09:22 AM

KFC (2012)


Amaltheaunicorn2020 10-04-2020 11:14 AM


DeadbeatAtDawn 10-04-2020 03:48 PM

Halloween Party (2020)

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DeadbeatAtDawn 10-04-2020 05:57 PM

12 Hour Shift (2020)

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