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ChaoticMinister 02-20-2004 10:39 AM

Dante's Commedia (or "The Divine Comedy")...

Currently on Canto 6, I think... Very cool stuff...

I'm such a movie geek that I'm trying to visualize how I would shoot this into a film version if I could... There would undoubtedly have to be a lot of creative license applied.

I've always wanted to read it, and finally found a good copy of it from 1957 in the library bookstore.

Anyone else read it?


Dreaming Girl 02-20-2004 06:32 PM

Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson

Liber Kaos by Peter Caroll

and, of course, I'm ALWAYS reading something Lovecraft. *worship worship*

theCreeper 02-20-2004 09:16 PM

Right now I'm reading Man and His Symbols by Carl G. Jung. Also a book on true Canadian War Stories, and On Spec Magazine of short fiction, Winter 2004.

myster6 02-21-2004 10:33 AM

Blood Brothers by Brian Lumley. It's the 6th book in the Necroscope series.

Deamona 02-22-2004 09:24 AM


Originally posted by coldwhisper
Grrrrr. I don't have time to read ANY other books other than MEDICAL BOOKS.... Not fair!!!!!!:mad:
do you study? or are you looking for something?

im reading "Saint Crucified" of Lucy Fer its not actually horror, but its cool, kinda "out of life" writing

dmihatmttl 02-22-2004 12:12 PM

Currently Reading . . . .
Currently (re-)reading EYES OF DARKNESS by Dean R. Koontz. Next up is RAGE, by Steve Gerlach . . . .

James N.

kpropain 02-22-2004 12:32 PM

Blood on the risers

an airborne rangers thirty- five months in Vietnam

by John Leppelman

Sam The Egg 02-24-2004 03:46 PM

we've gotta read Their Eyes Were Watching God in English class. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE this book! I'm getting a 50 something % in the class because I just can't bring myself to read more than a page or two at a time because the book is just THAT FUCKING BAD!

myster6 02-25-2004 07:27 AM

The Rats by James Herbert

hellfire1 02-26-2004 07:20 AM


Originally posted by Sam The Egg
we've gotta read Their Eyes Were Watching God in English class. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE this book! I'm getting a 50 something % in the class because I just can't bring myself to read more than a page or two at a time because the book is just THAT FUCKING BAD!

wow... i think that's the first time i see you get so emotional :p ... that bad, huh ??

am currently re- reading "Hannibal", next up is "Point of Origin" by Patricia Cornwell.

myster6 02-27-2004 12:32 PM

Infernal Angel by Edward Lee

- I started it about a week ago, but I put it down to read Teratologist which was pretty deranged to say the least.

Ultimamk 02-27-2004 01:19 PM

Book of Shadows by James Reese. I'll finish, I think, tommorow because I have a party to go to tonight.

The book is really good, though I think it has a tidbit too much sex (think James Bond, Friday the 13th, and Hellraiser combined times 3).

Ultimamk 03-01-2004 05:25 PM

Now reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, written by the twisted mind of Douglas Adams.

Killer Clown#1 03-01-2004 05:29 PM

Halo:first strike. God I love the game:) can't wait for the 2nd

dmihatmttl 03-02-2004 04:43 AM

Currently Reading . . . .
Three books at once right now (something I haven't done in a loooong time): RAGE by Steve Gerlach, INFERNAL ANGEL by Edward Lee, and PICTURE OF EVIL by Graham Masterton . . . .

James N.

massacre man 03-02-2004 06:10 AM

iv been trying to find some good books based on the movies iv been trying to find fvj and tcm but i cant find em

at school im reading a really gay book they recently made a movie of it it starts with H (the movie is gay to) can u guess what it is?

bloodygurl02 03-02-2004 06:58 PM


Originally posted by blackkitty1
currently reading salems lot by stephen king.....good good book...any other suggestions from stepehen king....tryin to find cycle of the werewolve by stephen king
i just bought this and carrie used at the farmers market near me for $1.25. have'nt gotten to read them yet though. i read salems lot b4 but i didn't get to finish it cuz i had to return it to the school library b4 i graduated.

myster6 03-03-2004 01:28 PM

Ladies Night by Jack Ketchum

HighPriestWise 03-04-2004 09:58 AM

Wormwood by Poppy Z. Brite


hellfire1 03-06-2004 02:39 AM

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown and loving it
Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis

myster6 03-06-2004 06:34 AM

House Of Bones by Dale Bailey

William 03-11-2004 09:34 AM

Right now I'm currently reading "Tooth and Claw" by Graham Masterton.

evil_deadman 03-22-2004 11:42 AM

"Stinger"..by Robert R. McCammon,.. next up,is either "Cabal"..by Clive Barker..or"The Revelation".. by Bently Little..

Freddy Krueger. 03-22-2004 12:39 PM

The Dark Half. Great movie and book, if I do say si myself.

HighPriestWise 03-29-2004 03:24 PM

Yeah, that was a great movie, never read the book!


Sam The Egg 03-30-2004 02:41 PM

it's not horror, but I'm reading Artful Dodging: Painless Techniques for Avoiding Anyone Anytime

Targangil 03-30-2004 03:23 PM

'Monstrous regiment' by Terry Pratchett, next I'll finally get round to reading James Herberts 'Domain' which I found at a second hand bookstore last week.

Amalthea 03-31-2004 02:17 AM

Brian Jacques' Redwall - Martin The Warrior in the original version, and I have the first Redwall book in Danish

DarkwingMantis 04-14-2004 02:42 AM

Im actually working on two books at the same time...

1: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

AMAZING novel and a great new spin on her character


Make Your Own Damn Movie by Lloyd Kauffman

AmarylandPsycho 04-14-2004 08:12 AM


Originally posted by DarkwingMantis
Im actually working on two books at the same time...

1: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

AMAZING novel and a great new spin on her character


Make Your Own Damn Movie by Lloyd Kauffman

Make your own damn movie is a sweet ass book. Right now im reading Memnoch the Devil and the 13 greatest horror stories of all time. Both are really good

Unaboner3000 04-20-2004 05:24 PM

Currently reading Imajica by Clive Barker. Great book so far, I'm about half through.

hellfire1 04-20-2004 06:08 PM


Originally posted by AmarylandPsycho
Make your own damn movie is a sweet ass book. Right now im reading Memnoch the Devil and the 13 greatest horror stories of all time. Both are really good

i got halfway through memnoch the devil, and put it down to read fhm...shows how interesting i thought it was ! lol
probably should finish it though... maybe :p

Horrorfiend 04-27-2004 10:14 AM

Blackhouse - Stephen King/Peter Straub

zwoti 04-27-2004 02:18 PM

american dream: the bill hicks story.

Ian M Faulkner 04-27-2004 03:27 PM

'The Untold' By William Grabowski. Really creepy and totally bizzare....It's totally hooked me!:D

feral cat 04-27-2004 06:03 PM

I’m reading “The Roaches Have No King” by Daniel Evan Weiss at the moment, as well as the pulp fantasy novel “Thraxas at War”, Martin Scott.

The Roaches give the views and philosophy on us from there stands point, this books cool witty and makes some really nice observations!

Thraxas at War is the 7th novel in the award winning pulp fantasy series which fuses the noir detective genre with tolkien-esq fantasy to amusing affect.

… There not horror, but I like to read a bit of everything!!!!

Feral Cat

HighPriestWise 04-30-2004 04:24 PM

Right now I'm selling some books on E-BAY! WHO GOT MONEY???


urgeok 04-25-2005 05:35 AM

Last Read Book
I thought I saw this thread here before but i couldnt find it so ...

For me it was :
Hard Core Roadshow - (a diary of the making the film by Noel baker - the screenwriter)

Eye - Frank Herbert short story collection
Rex - Rex HArris Autobiography

next in the pipe ... i just started Burt Reynold's autobiography.

tom-tom 04-26-2005 12:57 AM

James Herbert's new book: Nobody True

I'm presently reading Stephen King's (Good old SK) Danse Macabre...an analysis of horror related...things - for want of a better word.

StaggerLee 04-26-2005 06:14 AM

I think it was Jim Thompson's Population 1280.

Now I'm reading:
W. G. Sebald's The Emigrants
Truddi Chase's When rabbit howls
Carlos Castaneda's The teachings of Don Juan, a yaqui way of knowledge
Colson Whitehead's John Henry days

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