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Martha 08-03-2016 12:55 AM

As a Christian, I believe in an afterlife. But as far as the piercing of the veil between life and death I don't think so.

However, God could allow it !

But far as ghosts roaming the world, no.

I would have to see one to believe it.

I think in many cases it is some sort of psychological activity within the person's mind.

Most mediums and palm readers are fakes, thought they may have some that have special powers.

However, like UFO's, my mind is always open to the possibilities that they do exist

And I feel the same way about ghosts.

But I think that there is a better chance that UFO's exist rather than ghosts.

Anthropophagus 08-03-2016 10:33 AM

I have no wish to scare you good people but i am a ghost.

I have tried to conceal this for quite some time but this thread has made me think i should come clean.I only come out at night and when everyone is asleep,that is why i can use this computer and talk to you guys.

Shhhhh,i hear footsteps,i must dash and disapear before i am found and then have to have my photo taken constatly and have to put up with those pesky glowing orbs.

Bloof 08-03-2016 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Martha (Post 1015797)
As a Christian, I believe in an afterlife. But as far as the piercing of the veil between life and death I don't think so.

However, God could allow it !

But far as ghosts roaming the world, no.

I would have to see one to believe it.

I think in many cases it is some sort of psychological activity within the person's mind.

Most mediums and palm readers are fakes, thought they may have some that have special powers.

However, like UFO's, my mind is always open to the possibilities that they do exist

And I feel the same way about ghosts.

But I think that there is a better chance that UFO's exist rather than ghosts.

Despite having seen whatever it was that I saw, as a rule I don't buy in to ghosts haunting houses etc.

Sculpt 08-03-2016 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bloof (Post 1015812)
Despite having seen whatever it was that I saw, as a rule I don't buy in to ghosts haunting houses etc.

I totally agree. Haunting houses? That's ridiculous. But the stomping grounds of antique trucks... that's where the action is. ::wink::

Jake.Ashworth 08-04-2016 05:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Bloof (Post 1015789)
They were toddlers and my first instinct was to yell at the man because he appeared to be lurking near these antique trucks parked in an empty lot. I thought he was trying to hide from us or scare the kids. He startled me quite frankly. One minute he wasn't there and the next minute he was. He wore sunglasses, had bandages around his face (like he had been burnt), a baseball cap and mechanics overalls. Then he just vanished. I didn't say anything to kids. My husband went back later to look around and saw nothing.

Sounds like DARKMAN... I think it was definitely DARKMAN.

Bloof 08-04-2016 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1015814)
I totally agree. Haunting houses? That's ridiculous. But the stomping grounds of antique trucks... that's where the action is. ::wink::

I know, right? I just don't have any other explanation as for what he could have been. But if you think about it, he was totally covered right down to the bandages around his face. I should have tried to find out the history of those trucks.

Sculpt 08-04-2016 05:18 PM

Aren't we all missing the obvious answer?: The invisible man.


Bloof 08-05-2016 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jake.Ashworth (Post 1015823)
Sounds like DARKMAN... I think it was definitely DARKMAN.


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1015836)
Aren't we all missing the obvious answer?: The invisible man.


You guys! ::big grin::

Smeg Head1 08-05-2016 06:55 AM

My mom says she lived in a house that was haunted and I grew up listening to the stories about it. But only an inexplicable personal incident or concrete evidence can make me believe in ghosts. Until then I do not believe in any such thing. As for 'mediums' or 'psychics', I believe them to either be delusional or complete charlatans.

The celestial teapot that orbits the sun, however, is real.

Roiffalo 08-06-2016 01:10 AM

You guys are making this hard to take seriously, thanks a lot. ::stick out tongue::

But yes, I do believe. It's hard to not believe something you've seen with your own eyes. Not to mention all the evidence provided by others.

When I was in High School (before Ghost Hunters made ghost hunting ''cool'' and everyone and their cat was doing it) my friends and I spent the evening in the cemetery after school let out for summer vacation one year. We took pictures of the stones, made light conversation with any entities lurking about, and we had captured photos of orbs here and there. Then my closest friend had an idea, after snapping a photo of a good lot of the graves, she asked them all to gather for a group photo and took another shot of the same area. The next photo she took was FULL of orbs, I had never seen anything like it. I have had no doubt in my mind from that night on.

There was also a friend who caught a ghost in the window of a house in Gettysburg in one of his photos, but that place has plenty of its own stories.

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