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Zero 02-18-2013 11:09 AM

berberian sound system - quite good if a bit trippy at the end.

Giganticface 02-20-2013 07:04 AM

I watched Martyrs for a second time last night. It's been nagging me to get in my top 25 all time, but I can't in good conscience have a movie I've only seen once in there. I also needed to make sure it was still enjoyable already knowing the left turns it had in store. It was. I think I gave it an 8/10 the first time around, and a 9/10 the second. (It also helped that the second time was subtitled, while the first was crummy English dubbed.)

metternich1815 06-18-2013 05:52 PM

Shaun of the Dead (2004). It was a British film. I would rate it as a eight out of ten. I did not consider it laugh out loud funny, but it was still a pretty good spin on the zombie genre. The acting was pretty good (you cared about all the characters, even the least likable). One strange thing is that, for me, even though you could feel for the characters, it was not really that emotional when they died. Quite strange. Overall, the film was really good.

TokyoTenshi 06-19-2013 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by metternich1815 (Post 951089)
Shaun of the Dead (2004). It was a British film. I would rate it as a four out of five. I did not consider it laugh out loud funny, but it was still a pretty good spin on the zombie genre. The acting was pretty good (you cared about all the characters, even the least likable). One strange thing is that, for me, even though you could feel for the characters, it was not really that emotional when they died. Quite strange. Overall, the film was really good.

Shaun of the Dead is awesome! :)

staceybethh 10-06-2013 09:27 PM

Phenomena (1985)

Another Dario Argento goodie

shadyJ 11-28-2013 02:59 AM

I watched Mario Bava's Lisa and the Devil last night. Very enjoyable movie. I can admire a film that throws out conventional narratives and just follows dream logic. It was like someone combined Last Year at Marienbad with an EC comics story. A very mellow and surreal movie, perfect for late night. Nice music, and Elke Sommer is beautiful. The setting and cinematography is were easy on the eyes as well. Despite Bava, this isn't a hard horror film, so don't go looking for shocking stuff in this one, although there was one brutal death. It was more of a dark, dreamlike wondering in an old European mansion.

bblgmpink 12-02-2013 06:34 PM

Sleeeeep Tight
I really liked Sleep Tight, a Spanish film. I don't quite know that it's "horror" but more of a psychological thriller. It's about a man who is dead set on making EVERYONE completely miserable. It's pretty intense with a super fucked ending. It left me thinking about it for days after watching. I enjoyed Kill List too! The House on the Edge of the Park is a favorite of mine. It's soooooo sexy!

bblgmpink 12-02-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Giganticface (Post 945568)
I watched Martyrs for a second time last night. It's been nagging me to get in my top 25 all time, but I can't in good conscience have a movie I've only seen once in there. I also needed to make sure it was still enjoyable already knowing the left turns it had in store. It was. I think I gave it an 8/10 the first time around, and a 9/10 the second. (It also helped that the second time was subtitled, while the first was crummy English dubbed.)

The dubbed version of Martyrs is SHIT! That movie is tops. Totally one of my favorites.

Giganticface 12-03-2013 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by shadyJ (Post 960647)
I watched Mario Bava's Lisa and the Devil last night. Very enjoyable movie. I can admire a film that throws out conventional narratives and just follows dream logic. It was like someone combined Last Year at Marienbad with an EC comics story. A very mellow and surreal movie, perfect for late night. Nice music, and Elke Sommer is beautiful. The setting and cinematography is were easy on the eyes as well. Despite Bava, this isn't a hard horror film, so don't go looking for shocking stuff in this one, although there was one brutal death. It was more of a dark, dreamlike wondering in an old European mansion.

I noticed last night, that it's on Amazon Instant Streaming / Prime. Added to watchlist. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. Sounds intriguing, and I like Bava.

Fearonsarms 12-04-2013 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Giganticface (Post 960857)
I noticed last night, that it's on Amazon Instant Streaming / Prime. Added to watchlist. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. Sounds intriguing, and I like Bava.

I definitely recommend that it's a great film. Also check out if you're in the mood for it, The House Of Exorcism it's basically Lisa and The Devil remixed with added exorcist ripping off ingredients good for a laugh but not to be taken too seriously.

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