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starwhispering 05-01-2012 09:22 AM

Calling all Corey Haim fans
#GiveCoreyaStar - Update III

Exciting News received today from 6 Degrees of Hell.

Work has continued on securing official nomination letters to add to those that were gathered at the recent red carpet event in LA. We now have some big names supporting our efforts including Mickey Rooney and Dick Van Dyke!

This portfolio of letters will be presented to the Chamber of Commerce in the coming few weeks and the groundwork has been laid to waive the mandatory 5 year waiting period for a deceased celebrity. This is by no means confirmed but those involved are hopeful. We are asking for rules to be ‘bent’ here so this is being handled carefully by our ‘representatives’

There is of course the fee!. To pull this off we need to raise that fee.
There will be the 6 Degrees of Hell benefit screening, mentioned previously, to which a huge number of A-listers will be invited.

We also have the American Sunset campaign – We need to promote this. We need people to purchase that DVD.
One Corey Haim Facebook page has 11,000+ members – imagine if they all purchased one!!
Time to ‘up the ante’ folks and push this out there. Tweet it, Facebook it, 'Post' it anywhere and everywhere.

If you need the links to the Twitition, Facebook Page, American Sunset deal etc – please shout! Any ideas you have – share them. We can make them work!

http://twitition.com/a5xkh THE PETITION

or give a like on FB if you don't have a twitter


MichaelMyers 05-01-2012 12:10 PM

Doubt they'll waive the rule for Corey Haim...

newb 05-02-2012 06:29 PM

then Corey Feldman should get one as well

starwhispering 05-05-2012 02:40 PM

Upcoming hockey movie The Independents have joined Six Degrees of Hell and American Sunset on our campaign. Actors Joe Gariffo and Sean Paul Costello gave the Corey cause a shoutout on TV

#getcoreyastar shoutout on TV from @Independents89

starwhispering 06-04-2012 03:56 AM

A page has been set up at Indiegogo for fans and friends of COREY to contribute to the Corey Haim Star Project! Approximately $40,000 is needed for the application process and fees to get COREY his well-deserved star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. http://www.indiegogo.com/CoreyHaim

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