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_____V_____ 10-20-2009 08:39 AM

Forget about what you saw in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

So says producer Lauren Shuler Donner.

In an interview with Empire Online, the X-Men series producer said her Deadpool spin-off will, as previously reported, reboot the character. "I want to ignore the version of Deadpool that we saw in Wolverine and just start over again. Reboot it," she explained. "Because this guy talks, obviously, and to muzzle him would be insane."

Shuler Donner said she sees no problem with Ryan Reynolds playing both Deadpool and the title role in Green Lantern, citing Harrison Ford as an actor who appeared in multiple franchises at the same time.

She also confirmed that Deadpool will break the fourth wall in the movie, as Reynolds himself had previously suggested, although she wasn't too sure how much 20th Century Fox was going to let them get away with.

"It's going to be a dark, snarky, very funny movie. It's the hardest story to tell, I think. There's no clear cut villain -- though you do have great baddies from the comic-books like Black Tom, Slayback, Blind Al and the Weasel," she promised, adding, "We're right in the thick of talking to writers right now, and hopefully by November we'll have decided who's going to do it. We need someone really imaginative because we want to do some really innovative, ambitious stuff."

_____V_____ 12-08-2009 05:26 AM

Some fairly major developments on the Deadpool movie are being reported over at CHUD.

According to the site, the writing team behind the fantastic Zombieland - Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick - have been hired to write the script.

The news hasn't been verified by the studio, but CHUD reckon it might be confirmed by the trade press in the next few days.

Deadpool Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has previously said she would want to reboot the character after his Wolverine appearance: "This guy talks, obviously, and to muzzle him would be insane."

With Ryan Reynolds playing the 'Merc With a Mouth', and these writers potentially penning his dialogue, are you excited about a Deadpool spin-off yet?

_____V_____ 06-15-2010 10:18 AM

Robert Rodriguez has reportedly been offered the chance to direct Deadpool.

Fox has been developing the film after the character (played by Ryan Reynolds) appeared in last year’s (dud) X-Men Origins: Wolverine - and they want Rodriguez behind the camera.

Written by Zombieland’s Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the film was previously delayed when Reynolds signed on to headline Green Lantern over at Warner Bros.

Though Rodriguez has yet to accept the job, he’s certainly a great choice. Hitting something of a creative high in the past few years, Rodriguez has been instrumental in getting the Predators do-over into production, and has the awesome-looking Machete out later this year.

Fingers crossed that he finds the time to raise a little hell with Deadpool.

_____V_____ 07-24-2010 12:12 AM

Couple of fan-made posters -



mrajan 07-24-2010 04:59 AM

have never been a huge fan of Deadpool’s previous sidekick, Weasel. When Bob came around I was glad to let him take the place of Deadpool’s slap around guy. I can’t really choose a single Bob moment, just his all around cowardliness and ineptitude compliment Deadpool’s attitude perfectly, and make Deadpool that much funnier. While Deadpool is the one looking for action and insanity, Bob does his best to stay out of the way and live to see his next henchmen paycheck from Hydra.:eek::eek:

mrajan 08-05-2010 04:45 AM

;)Deadpool Classic Vol 1 and 2 are the best. Deadpool: Dark Reign is pretty awesome for one scene but the rest of it falls apart pretty quickly.

_____V_____ 09-15-2010 11:35 AM

The comic's creator, Rob Liefeld, expressed some concern recently about whether, with all his Green Lantern duties, Ryan Reynolds would still be willing and able to commit to Deadpool. This interview at the LA Times' Hero Complex Blog ought to put his fears to rest: Reynolds seems as stoked about the role as ever. Enthusiasm completely un-curbed.

Deadpool, you'll remember, is the insane former Weapon-X test-subject turned morally reprehensible "merc with a mouth", who's so mad he actually realises he's in a comic and frequently refers to the fact when speaking directly to his readers. He's the polar opposite of the upright Hal Jordan.

The script has been put together by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, with rumblings that Robert Rodriguez may direct.

But whoever ends up behind the camera, the project, says Reynolds, "is a nasty piece of work."

"It goes in such a different direction than a superhero movie usually goes," he continues. "It’s just based in so much emotional filth, completely. It’s like Barfly [Barbet Schroeder's biopic of Charles Bukowski, starring Mickey Rourke], if it were a superhero movie. It sort of treads into the world of an emotionally damaged person. I always say that Deadpool is a guy in a highly militarized shame spiral."

Reynolds has already said that Deadpool will "break the fourth wall" as he does in the comics, and, while he doesn't explain the escape route, promises that the new movie won't be beholden to the events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. So that's a relief.

What comes across most in the interview is the determination, seemingly of all involved (which we hope extends to the Marvel brass) to make this something special, unusual, and true-to-source. "It’s a lot like going to prison for the first day,” Reynolds says. “You got to walk up and hit the biggest guy you see to establish a bit of cred. You have to establish that moral flexibility early on. There’s a gamble to it: you’re going to lose a few people right at the beginning. But you take the gamble and know that eventually you’re going to win them back. You gotta eat the nastyburger to get to the cookies!"

Reynolds will next be seen in Buried, out on September 29. Green Lantern should be with us in June 2011. Deadpool is a while away yet.

bobagentofhydra 02-02-2012 06:44 PM

Deadpool Movie update 02/02/12
Deadpool movie and R.I.P.D. News

Baron Von Marlon 09-22-2014 06:58 PM

Movie will be PG-13 =(
That's like making a Punisher movie for kids.

Baron Von Marlon 04-03-2015 09:16 AM

Deadpool movie will be R-Rated.


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