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bloodygurl02 01-19-2004 05:27 PM

i just read on my spoiler site i went on that for season 3 on a episode that is to air on april 14th here in the states that christopher revees will return as dr. swann .

Shade 02-19-2004 03:22 PM

I loved this show too...too bad it's ending soon -.-...

bloodygurl02 02-21-2004 08:27 PM


Originally posted by Shade
I loved this show too...too bad it's ending soon -.-...
where did u here that at???? i never heard it was ending

if clark quit to do movies then i think i qould have it read it on all the spoiler sites and all the smallville sites so till u have actuall proof of where u read the article then i am not believng u. cuz evenas soon as the news came out about angel being canceled it was posted w/ in minutes.so if this were true it would ahve already been put on fan sites and spoiler sites

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 08:33 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
Ohhh. Calm down. Eeeeeasy. Breathe innnnnn. And ouuuut. I heard the rumor too but its only because (speculation) its gonna tie into the new movie. But then no more Smallville.
lol i am calm now but i highly doubt its true. something would have been posted by now or at least something about it would have been up on fan sites and spoiler sites about this

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 08:46 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
Alright listen. Im a guy and I like the show. All good things come to an end. The last time I heard about the RUMOR was on WB.com. Give it a shot.
its prob only a rumor so it most likely isn't true. any way i like the show to but i doubt it will come to and end yet cuz then the rest of the shows on wb will br crap. i mean charmed was good and all buts it just got crappy so i won't mind if that gets cancelled. i know all good things come toa nd end but i doubt smallville is just yet so to me its only a rumor

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 09:03 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
I certainly hope not. It is a good show. Why do you love it so much?
i am big comic book fa i mainly read marvel sometimes dc comics but i know enuff of the superman legacy to understand wahts going on . i just think this is a great show i mean lois and clark was ok but i like this better. and the story lines r great. at fisrt when i saw it i was alittle hesitant about it but then i watched it and i loved it :)

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 09:11 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
I'm curious about relationship between Clark and Lex. I like the fact that they're friends. But that's all changing fast.
yeah u can see him slowy progressing toward the lex we all know. i know he and lana had a thing for alittle but i want them back together again. its really interesting right now on smallville

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 09:17 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
Lana and Clark probably wont hook up again, after they revealed that Chloe is really Lois.
really i was lost whe she mentioned that in the one episode when she was putting those articles in the paper after lionel caned her and she said she was gonna use her cousins name lois lane. could u explain more of that to me like i said i know some about the superman legacy not too much though

bloodygurl02 02-22-2004 09:30 PM


Originally posted by MONSTER DAD
Because she is technically still a minor, she can't legally change her name. I think that she' ll return to work at the Daily Planet under the surname of Lois Lane (her cousin) but that kinda screws up the whole falling in love part if they already know each other. If you remember from the Reeve movies how Clark had to kiss Lois to make her forget that she knew his identity. Well I think as comes more in contact with the rest of his powers he's going to do that and follow her to Met. when he realizes its her he really love and not Lana. (SPECULATION)

ok now i am getting it. thanx for the background u can pm me if u want so we don't ake up the thread

cheebacheeba 03-01-2004 04:32 PM

Anyone ever watch the 90's "superboy" show?

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